Who feels like a Thread-Killer? Part 9

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I was real anal w/ my toys as a kid...always kept them in their boxes...all the pieces...etc.

Mom through some away! but i managed to SALVAGE ALOT!
im outta here...going home...need my rest...ALL the bosses are sneaking in here tommorrow night for a SUPRISE visit!

need my rest!

I already notified everyone at work of the invasion tommorrow!:thumbsup2


I have 1960's Marx Disney characters made in one color vinyl.
They are each about 8 to 10 inches tall. I have Mick, min, donald,pluto Snow, Tink Pan,...all of them in EVERY color they were made.
For instance I have MM in blue, green, orange..yellow!

I also have a HUGE View master collection. Both of VM's & the disk...some dating back to the 40's

That's pretty awesome. Where do you keep all this stuff? I wouldn't have room to store all that at my house.

I wish I had of kept my View Master - my mom always made me pass my toys on to nieces and nephews when I was younger :sad2:

The oldest toy I have is my Fisher Price Radio that I got for my 1st birthday and it still plays "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". I'm surprised it survived my childhood because I've been told by my brothers that they tried to break it, burn it and lose it so they wouldn't have to wind it up for me and listen to it :lmao:
im outta here...going home...need my rest...ALL the bosses are sneaking in here tommorrow night for a SUPRISE visit!

need my rest!

I already notified everyone at work of the invasion tommorrow!:thumbsup2



cya :wave:
:wave: ALL!!! DH just left for work for whatever weather-thing we're about to get. :confused3
Have a Vacation club...like a christmas club!
DU, Me thinks you're showing your age. ;) Someone, like my DS who IS 19 ;) , wouldn't KNOW the 1st thing about a Christmas Club. :laughing:

I've often wondered what it would be like to go to the parks all alone.

I haven't decided whether it would be fun or not
Truly Robin, I PLANNED on doing it when I went to DISConII! It was sooo peaceful, no kids, no nothing, just walk around, do what you want, look at what you want, TAKE TIME! Something we NEVER do when we're together - someone's always pulling in one direction or the other. By myself was Heaven! :cloud9: (for a short time anyway - I would call home during that time, too :laughing: )

The rain is helping to melt quite a bit of what we had.
The melting with more rain means my basement is taking in water tho. I need an upside down :umbrella: :laughing:

A useless bit of trivia about my life.

Today is the 32nd anniversary of the date that Rick and I started as an officially dating couple.

:faint: That's quite a few lifetimes ago
CONGRATS Robin & Rick! Especially Rick, who's been lucky that you've kept him around all this time! :rotfl2:

Mine can't forget mine because someone reminds him - ME
THAT is a Hallmark card, for sure! :thumbsup2

Yeah and you soon will be looking back at all those days that have passed by and wondering where they all went and so quickly too.

Why doesn't someone teach us to savour the moment while we are young

It's funny that we don't start thinking about that until we get older
Those exact thoughts helped me to reunite with DH. :goodvibes

I am sure that I have MANY anniversaries coming up on March 17th....I just cant recall many of them!
St. Patty's Day huh? You're too young to have hung-over memories or, loss of hung-over memories. ;)

My GI Joe had ALL the accessories for that!
ACK! Another non-19yo 'memory'! :lmao: You are totally 'outting' yourself tonight! :rotfl2:

Friday is my last 'official' day with current boss :sad1: , altho I'm working for him Tuesday and probably the Tues after that. :confused3 He also asked me to work MORE days for him next week but, I can't, I'm already off Tues & Wed with new boss so, I can't back off from that new commitment right now. I'm REALLY hoping something better comes along tho, between the 2 other 'offers'/talks I've had/will have with the other 2 guys in the building. This CPA I'm working for is nice enough but, even I can't believe how much MORE ANAL he is than me!! :scared: :lmao: He's soooo bad, it's funny! And, may I say, other people's tax returns are BORING!!! DOING the returns might be more exciting but, assembling and filing and mailing them are BORING! :rolleyes1 And, I could write a book about the control issues he has! The other lady who's worked for him for 5 years, is afraid of him! WHAT is that about?! I'm trying to show her how wrong that is! She's still HOURLY after 5 years and, she works 5 days/week for him. She can't take her lunch until HE does, presumably so he knows how long she takes - I mean, where is the trust, if any, after 5 years?! All I know is, I've tried to carry over the fun but professional atmosphere and hard-work I've done for my current boss to my new boss and, I'm hoping, he lightens up. :confused3 Hard to do at tax time tho. :rolleyes1

I need to hit the hay. Too many chiefs and only this one, tired Indian. ;)
Good Morning Threadkillers!

Robin, Blue River & PD112 - Congratulations on your dating anniversary. I'm afriad I'm a total guy when it comes to that stuff - I don't remember our dating anniversary. I used to be a Hallmark Rep and set up the card displays at various stores.....I no longer need a card on the anniversary - all I want is a McDonald's burger & fries. I'm easily pleased! Tom loves that I totally blow off Valentines day!

Welcome Blue - I also missed your entrance, but I can say you picked a FINE group! I'm the youngest of the three sisters :dance3: I also live in Florida (before tinknutt went RVing we all retired in FL). My DH is retired military and we both work together at a really cool pool company. We (the sisters) travel together once a year on a trip - usually to Disney and do weekends as often as possible.

Robin - Kim was right! Going to Disney alone was awesome! I just looked around, drank a TON of Diet Cokes and enjoyed the solitude. You should try it!

DU - you were a hoot last night and I agree with Kim...you're totally showing your age! I thought you knew about tinknutt's DH! He's way cool! (Ooh, totally and way cool ~ you'd think I was a 19 yo California Surfer Girl!). Anyway, I noticed that you said you father was retired military. Mine, too! In fact, like tinknutt, my DH retired from the military. Except he did aviation maintenance. 35 years in the Navy!

Hiya Kim! I'm sorry you're working in that environment - I've done it and it's no fun....get out while you can....RUN! Other than that - I'm glad you're reunited with DH and wishing you many more happy years!

Rani - good for you on the ignorning! Enjoy Wrestlemania. I went to one - a LONG time ago back when Roddy Piper wrestling - he headlined the show...in the 80's! DH used to love wrestling, too.

Well, I've got to get ready for work. Ya'll have a great day and I've missed posting with you!

A special good morning to our morning poster DalPal!:surfweb:
WoW!.....THANKS for all the reading guys!...

and .......HELLO:cool1: HOLLY ANN!:cool1:
A special good morning to our morning poster DalPal!
A special good morning to you TOO! :wave:
Its good to hear from you...I was worried you sisters have forgotten about us...We have missed you here:hug:

I LOVE your new RV...and it sounds like you are having a great time in your (temp) new home...Please give those babies a big kiss from me ...I LOVE new babies:cloud9:

Robin, BR,
(Blue River, I hope you dont mind but I have shortened your name, because basicly Im lazy:laughing: )

Mike and I have been together since I was 16 and he was 17...That was 34 years ago....I am the only one in my family that still married to the same person I started with...and he IS my soulmate:thumbsup2 ...
and I leave nothing to chance...I too remind him of any important dates...:thumbsup2 ...:laughing:
Although he would probably remember them anyway...
It was funny on our 32 ann. We had dinner at the CG in the CR..and our waiter asked us how long we have been married?....well we looked at each other and I finally said 33 years....after he left DH said NO its 31 years...So we sat there and counted it out and it turned out to be 32 years...:rotfl2:
It all just runs together...and our OLD feeble minds couldnt remember ...BUT thats just part of the celebration...we get to spend a few mins...trying to figure out how long we have actually been married..:laughing: :rotfl2:
BTW we knew each other for only about 6 months before we got married;)

You have GOT to be more careful.....Now EVERYONE knows you are OLDER then ninteen...Unless you played with toys in the womb..AND your mother carried you for quite a few years:lmao: ..:rotfl2:

:thumbsup2 ....No reason to have to read something that bothers you...YOU have the control...USE IT!:thumbsup2
AND :cheer2: CONGRATS ON THE 1000 posts!:cheer2:

It sounds like this indian, needs to have a powwow...with the chiefs.....But you are right, wait until AFTER tax time..It may all lighten up by then...:thumbsup2
When are you getting that lovely new couch delivered?.....Cant wait to see pics....You WILL show us pics...wont you?....Id love to see it!

I just added another day to our WDW trip with my DGSs:thumbsup2 ...We are now going to be there for eight days:yay: ...
The thing is that the only night they have MNSSHP available for us is the 28th..and it lasts until midnight...I couldnt see us going with an 8YO and a 6YO and then have to get up early and start a BIG drive home....So I figured..we will stay one more day, take it easy, and rest up on the 29th, for the trip home on the 30th....;)

Well I have to go get my mom her breakfast....
Thanks again for all the reading to go with my morning coffee...!:surfweb:

Hope ya all have a good day...:wizard:

TTFN :wave2:
Morning TKERS

Glad to see some of the sisters stopping in.

Love your new home Susan.

We're having a warm, windy, cold, cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowy, blizzardy sort of day here :lmao:

Pretty much anything you want, we've got it :thumbsup2
Morning TKers :wave:

KR: I hope something better comes along for you - good luck with the new boss.

RF: Congrats on 1000 posts :cheer2:

Holly: Nice to meet you. I have to ask a stupid question. Are you really sisters or is that just a DIS thing?

DP: Another lifer :cheer2:
:lmao: that you both have to count out the years - you know you're getting old when..... ;) (Just kidding - I have to do the same)

Cruisin: Weather is the same here - DH and the kids are home :eek:
It's gonna be a LOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG day :rolleyes1
:goodvibes TK'ers!

That's pretty awesome. Where do you keep all this stuff? I wouldn't have room to store all that at my house.

Everything is in storage. About 2 years I moved in to my parents house, they are in their late 70's and suffer from a multidude of ailments. Before that I had a office with shelves all around the room.

DU, Me thinks you're showing your age. Someone, like my DS who IS 19 ;) , wouldn't KNOW the 1st thing about a Christmas Club.

St. Patty's Day huh? You're too young to have hung-over memories or, loss of hung-over memories.

ACK! Another non-19yo 'memory'! :lmao: You are totally 'outting' yourself tonight!

I do believe this smiley is appropriate ............

This CPA I'm working for is nice enough but, even I can't believe how much MORE ANAL he is than me!! :scared: :lmao: He's soooo bad, it's funny! And, I could write a book about the control issues he has! The other lady who's worked for him for 5 years, is afraid of him! WHAT is that about?! I'm trying to show her how wrong that is! She's still HOURLY after 5 years and, she works 5 days/week for him. She can't take her lunch until HE does, presumably so he knows how long she takes - I mean, where is the trust, if any, after 5 years?!


RFM -Congrats on 1,000....How many of those caused you bruising?:rolleyes1

DU - you were a hoot last night and I agree with Kim...you're totally showing your age!
....yet again Me thinks he
must be posted!

I thought you knew about tinknutt's DH! He's way cool! (Ooh, totally and way cool ~ you'd think I was a 19 yo California Surfer Girl!).
NOOOO didnt know! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Dad was a electrician!

You have GOT to be more careful.....Now EVERYONE knows you are OLDER then ninteen...Unless you played with toys in the womb..AND your mother carried you for quite a few years:lmao: ..:rotfl2:


What is this GANG UP ON DU DAY????:sad: Let me write that on my calendar, so next year I can remember!
I mean you try to share & keep a conversation going...you make one slip and BANGO everyone telling you how OLD & feeble you are! Cant a guy lie anymore...I didnt know it was a crime! So what I cant handel the truth!
:sad: :sad: :sad:
I'd point my finger at you all...but they aint workin!


Meet the Queen of the Thread Killers....

I will only answer to Her Majesty of TK

:welcome: Sit a spell! I have a NEED for new TK'er friends!:snooty:
I am ONLY 19 years old!!!!!! Thats all you will ever need to Know!:thumbsup2

OMG...I;ve killed the Thread Killers thread:eek:

I'd point my finger at you all...but they aint workin!



Blue, yes they are actually sisters to answer your question for you.

Hollyann (Ann), tinknutt (Susan) and SheWhoHasNoName (Mary) are real sisters.

Welcome kcork ......... be very careful about believing anything "19 year old" Threadkillers try to tell you :thumbsup2
I get it now...I missd the 19 year old remark the first time. Can I be 21???

Hello to all....I hope you don't mind me rudely jumping into your thread. But I need some Dis friends:dance3:
Hello my TKer friends:wave:

It has been a beautiful day here...since noonish, befor that it was very rainy...But its close to 50 ...
I hear its suppose to get cold again tomorrow though...

You be back on another ship soon!:cool1: ...

I had a good time shopping with my DGF...
;) I bought a 15inch flatscreen LCD tv..for my kitchen.:thumbsup2 ...Its very nice..and the tv its replacing keeps changing channels by itself..It was given to us quite a few years ago...So I cant complain...But I love that this one can go right on the wall and not take up any space at all...:)
I get it now...I missd the 19 year old remark the first time. Can I be 21???

Hello to all....I hope you don't mind me rudely jumping into your thread. But I need some Dis friends:dance3:

Im Betsy...wife of one , mother of two, and grandmother of many..

You are welcome to jump right in....This is the right place to come to make friends...
You wont find better friends then the TKers...:thumbsup2
Come on in and pull up a chair , grab a cup of whatever...
Tell us all about yourself:)
We love to chat...:hyper2:
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