The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 27

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Evening all.
I have an announcement to make!!
:dance3: :cheer2: :yay: :woohoo:

After 4 Grandsons. pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
My 1st Granddaughter make her appearance a little early.
I'm very proud of princess:
Isabell Sarah *******
10:25 P.M (Oregon Time)
7 lbs. 19 3/4 inchs.
Mom & daughter are doing great, no problems.
Pictures to follow.. None yet.

CONGRATS! !i love the name! cant wait to see pictures
And now for the baby news...

Kaylin Elaine arrived sometime just after 3am this morning. She was 6lbs8oz and I don't know how long. Around midnight things finally started moving a little faster and by the time she finally hit 5cm she progressed fast from there. In the end I guess there was talk about maybe doing a c-section, but luckily that was unnecessary. Thanks for the prayers everyone!

Wow 2 DDA princess: princess: in 2 days.
only a few hours apart.
Was it a full moon?
Happy Birthday Marci!!

Happy Birthday.
Hope you had a great day.
Hi all...

Here's some pics from the new DVC store that they opened near my house. It was pretty impressive. The models of AKV were gorgeous!!!

I also met my guide in person...a really nice guy.

Here's a few pics that I snapped:

Wow! I didn't realize they would have a room-size model. I thought model meant the little to-scale model.
Thanks for commenting on my latest creation!

As far as selling on the auction site, I will have to think about it. With pets in the house, I am afraid that would deter some people from bidding.

Miss Patches has already found that she likes to sit on the table next to the sewing machine, and swat at the fabric as it whizzes by. Silly cat!

If I close the door, she meows relentlessly until I open it.
Midnite doesn't want any part of it and slinks off somewhere else to cat nap! I have never seen two cats with such different personalities!

Have a great day all!

I have another Disney outfit in the planning, I just have to sketch it out and find the trims to implement it.

Tom many more people have pets than not.
As long as no smokers I don't think you would have a big problem.
O My goodness.
Not all belong to the same Mommy.
#1 DSD = pirate: pirate:
#2 DSD = pirate: pirate:
#3 DSD = princess:
I'm only the Step Grandma.
Not a Grandma Grandma yet.
It's nice the all my step kids are on good terms with me.
This makes me happy.
So I'm Grandma BrendaJo. this makes me very happy.

Even better! You get to be a grandma, but can still claim to not be old enough! That's why I think Kristine has a great deal too. :teeth:
Before i forget to tell you--deb called me last night from Disney! They went to Beaches and Cream and did the kitchen sink challenge!! i believe deb said chris finished in ...39 minutes. When i talked to them, they were headed over to the Nemo ride, doing EMH hours at Epcot..Said they are having a blast and said hello to everyone!

Was that fast enough to beat the challenge? Either way...WTG Chris! You made your goal. :dance3: (Though my stomach is throwing in a :scared: )
Um...and now my oven is broken. :mad: I've had nothing but problems with this oven. It's a gas oven and intermittenly, it won't turn over. You lite it....and nothing. So, I go to make dinner...and nothing. :mad: Darn. Now what to do about dinner. :confused:

Wish I knew more about gas.
Does it have a eletric stater?
How old is your stove?
May just have clogged vent holes.
Can you remove your vent hole covers.
If you can take the covers off.
Give them a good cleaning.
Use a needle to clean & unclog all vent holes.
After that put them in the Dishwasher once a month.
Make sure good & dry before reinstall.
Wish I knew more about gas.
Does it have a eletric stater?
How old is your stove?
May just have clogged vent holes.
Can you remove your vent hole covers.
If you can take the covers off.
Give them a good cleaning.
Use a needle to clean & unclog all vent holes.
After that put them in the Dishwasher once a month.
Make sure good & dry before reinstall.

The stove is less than four years old. In fact, it's the second stove that I've had since we've lived here (6 years.) I think that it's just a problem with the model because I had the same problem with the last one. I've had Sears out here to look at it several times and they can never replicate the problem. It's freaky. It will fritz out and then be fine for six months. Then fritz and then it's fine. :confused3 It's a Kenmore. They stink. I had a Kenmore dryer and had problems with it. I guess I'll deal with it after I deal with the pipe leak...:mad:

Oh...and congrats on the new granddaughter. princess: :)
When i got home from dinner tonight, there was a big envelope...i opened it up and it was my diplomas!! i feel so official now--i have my diplomas for my early childhood and sociology degrees! But the best part---both diplomas say i graduated with cum laude honors!!!! i didnt get the recognition at the ceremony so figured i missed it by a little bit...BUT I GRADUATED WITH HONORS :) im so excited
Speaking of the leak...had my neighbors over here tonight to look at it. One is a general contractor and the other is an electrician. Seems the only options are: 1) dig up the ground and find the leak or 2) re-run the pipe from the meter to the main water inside the house. Ken said that our insurance would not cover it he doesn't think. He's the agent and should know. I just hope that the pipe doesn't flood and burst and cause a bigger problem before we can get it fixed. Keep your fingers crossed. :sad2:
Becky - Bob and I are thinking about doing the Aquarium on Sunday. Does that help?

Yes and no.:laughing:

Yes, I am thinking that I will probably come down on Friday after my work event which will have me getting down there around 9:30-10pm. I know it is late. However otherwise I would be driving home getting there around the same time, needing to get up early to drive to Baltimore to be there to go on the Duck tour. The only thing I would probably be doing at home is sleeping, if I can do so. I want to do the aquarium but since people are doing that on Sunday I could do that then.

However no, because depending what happens over the next like 2 weeks may change that. I don't think I told you all that my Nana fell last week and broke her neck. They cannot do surgery, she pretty much cannot eat as she no swallow reflex and does not want a feeding tube. Honestly this is already dragging out to this point, as she has been really bad since June when she was in the hospital, before that she wasn't all that well either.

However I don't think that will matter/make a difference in whether or not I go to Baltimore. I really think I will go, I just need to create a list of things I need to do to get ready to go away in September and start chipping away at those things. I know everything will get done but my schedule is definitely filling up very quickly and I need to get moving towards completing those things. Plus the weekend after I get back I will probably be at an adult weekend camping. I could probably use the Baltimore weekend to break off a major chunk of that stuff but it wouldn't be much fun. Baltimore definitely sounds much better.:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 Basically the only reason I wouldn't go is if I decide to stay home and be productive.
And, my cell phone is broke and won't charge because Owen jerked the cord out of it. :lmao: What else are you going to do? DH is so sweet. He's going to take it to the Verizon store and get me a new phone tomorrow even though he's super busy at work. :love:

Tammi, I heard that Hairspray was really good. Have fun! Give your folks my phone number in case they have a problem. I'll be back on Sunday night.

I forget who asked but we're going to New York City to the see the Police concert. Ken got really good seats (like fourth row or something silly like that.) :banana:
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