Official Goofy 2016 Thread

Calling on Goofy Runners to talk me off the edge!!
Some of the conversations on the marathon thread- especially about hanging on for dear life for the last 6 miles !!!- have sort of burst the bubble of my Half success on Sunday, and has left me with a reality check of what I've actually signed up for! ....It's so easy to click that little button, pull out the credit card, and say "oh yes, I'm doing this race!" ....
But the facts are
I've now submitted a POT that is not even close to what I expect to run either the half or the full at, yet even at that pace- I'm expected to be out and move forward( not even counting an occasional zig or zag!) for 5.5 hours!!!
I know that we all have different paces, conditioning, skills, ages....
But honestly- I will be moving for a long time!!!
I'm getting short of breath and my chest is constricting,..... I have to sit down.....
Ha ha ha!
But really, looking for some shoring up:
Is my Galloway training really going to prepare me for this?
Have you really done this as a newer runner and completed it?
How do you fight the negative self talk?
What are the things you did that you feel really helped you succeed?

I'm hanging on to "Run your own race"
I definitely did that on Sunday.
I thank you @Ariel484 for that quote!!

I'm following my plan- mostly.
And for the back to back days my plan says to walk, I'm running them. So I think I'm putting in the work....

But I would just appreciate hearing what guidance you "veterans" have for us newbies, how can you help us step away from the edge!!

As always

I am not a veteran. I have run Goofy once, it was my first races ever at any distance and though my times were slow I finished both with a smile on my face and feel in love with races. I share this to just say that yes you can do this! I found Marathon weekend to be incredibly inspiring the crowds were awesome the other runs were friendly, supporitve and the atmosphere was fun and exciting. Stick with your training and before you know it you will be crossing the finish line twice with three medals to show for the effort! You will do great!
If it helps, that was about my marathon pace at first, too.

1) think of the medal!

Train, train, train. Also,.... At the 5.5 mile mark I'd think "this is where I'll be running through the castle", etc.

I just stuck with the training and it worked out.

You can do it!!!!

Yes! Glad to hear that was about your starting pace... And you survived!

I love your way of tracking your runs through the course!! Castle at 5.5! Great... Now where is that course map....?!

Just to offer a little bit of calm - hopefully. :)

I am running my first marathon this weekend.

I think it may have taken us 5 hours for those 20 milers, but making sure we did a long SLOW distance run has really helped me.
..... so I'm really just wanting to finish and be happy with how I ran.


Thanks for the calm wishes!

Let us know how your marathon goes!!!

And thanks for the SLOW reminder- I need to keep remembering long is slow

... And I know exactly what you were thinking when you signed up for dopey... "Oh, this will be fun"
click( on the button)
And zip zip with the credit card!!! It's how we all got here!! Ha ha ha!!!

.... I know there can be an urge to push yourself harder than your plan says to, but your body needs the rest....

One of the things Coach Charles used to emphasize here is that the marathon isn't the last big challenge before you get your medal. The marathon is really a celebration of all the training that you've done. If you've stuck to your plan and done all the work come marathon weekend its really about celebrating all the hard work that you've put in. I'm not saying it's going to be a walk in the park (because you'll be walking in 4 of them) but you should be able to finish.

I definitely get the rest days but can always be reminded to do the long runs slow !!

Thanks for the coach Charles reference- that is a gem and I'm going to put it up on a wall!!

That's what it's all about... trusting the training. The plans are developed from a lot of knowledge and experience, and you should feel good you have all that knowledge and experience behind you. A lot of people have done what you are doing and succeeded. ...
You can do it too!

Thanks, yes, I'm not the inaugural guinea pig with these plans am I!! Lol! Thank you for that. I realize part of my panic , I think ,I was looking at running tomorrow's race with today's ability.. If that makes sense. Keep my head where my feet are , but an eye on celebrating all those days on my feet!

You'll be fine, take some deep breaths! As long as you are training and putting in effort now you will finish even if you have problems during the actual race.....
I guess what I'm trying to say is there is some "Disney magic" that will encourage you in the moment of the race and as long as you have trained to your best abilities that "Disney Magic" will kick in.
....just train, smile & enjoy the journey! Also, I found reading anything and everything about RunDisney and people's blogs rally helps too because it invites you to all these other people's journeys and struggles and let's you see that you are not alone.

I am counting on, and looking forward to "Disney Magic "! - it's why I'm doing my first marathon at Disney!
I absolutely am reading these blogs.. And you all are making me not feel alone.!

Don't pay any attention to that conversation.
......Follow your training, judge yourself on your progress from week to week and not against anyone else, and you'll be just fine. :)

I am absolutely paying attention to your conversations!! It's like listening to big brothers!!... But I think I might be more on the mother side of this chronologically!... Either way, I do love reading the goals and experiences of those of you who have traveled this road, I feel we are traveling this road together... Just some of you a lot faster!

And thanks for this gem about judging my progress from week to week, I really try to keep the focus on my training and where I am. My husband was just saying how 2 years ago, I was struggling with my 30 second run segments... And now I'm doing half marathons! In 3 months I can say I've done a full... Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would be here on this journey.

I am not a veteran. I have run Goofy once,

...I finished both with a smile on my face and feel in love with races. I share this to just say that yes you can do this! I found Marathon weekend to be incredibly inspiring the crowds were awesome the other runs were friendly, supporitve and the atmosphere was fun and exciting. Stick with your training and before you know it you will be crossing the finish line twice with three medals to show for the effort! You will do great!

As far as I'm concerned you did this once - it makes you a veteran!!
And a smile on my face IS my goal- upright too!!
... And about those medals!! Woop woop!

I truly truly thank you all.
I am touched with your thoughtfulness, that so many of you took time to write long responses and pull out some real gems of experience, advice, and hope!

I am trusting you all, and trusting the training, and I know that I am where my feet are today
Plod plod plod plod plod plod plod!!
On with the training,... found a stretching group for Saturday morning!
The gifts keep coming
And thanks for this gem about judging my progress from week to week, I really try to keep the focus on my training and where I am. My husband was just saying how 2 years ago, I was struggling with my 30 second run segments... And now I'm doing half marathons! In 3 months I can say I've done a full... Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would be here on this journey.

Be careful. Next thing you know, you'll be signing up for another one. :)
What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.
What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.
I have no races planned right now. I put my eggs in the NYC basket and didn't get in. I'll probably do a Halloween race and a Christmas race, but no idea which ones yet.
What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.

I've got Medoc Marathon on Saturday (the trail marathon around a mountain, not the champagne and oyster Medoc), My goal is to just not hurt myself on that.
I'm running the City of Oaks half Marathon with a buddy in early November.
I'm looking at a trail ultra marathon in December.
I've got Medoc Marathon on Saturday (the trail marathon around a mountain, not the champagne and oyster Medoc), My goal is to just not hurt myself on that.
I'm running the City of Oaks half Marathon with a buddy in early November.
I'm looking at a trail ultra marathon in December.

I don't know how people turn right around from a marathon and run another in a couple of weeks. I'm still recovering from the one I did Sept. 27. But it sounds like you are taking it easy...
What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.

Columbus Marathon in 5 Days

A 20 miler 3 weeks after that. (Maybe just sign-up for Savannah Marathon but only about 20% likely)

Space Coast Marathon Thanksgiving wknd

One last 20 miler 3 weeks before WDW wknd

About 3-4 runs / 20-25 miles per week on non-long run weeks in the meantime.

That's what's worked for me the past few years.
After finishing Hanson's advanced plan, I believe that it will successfully train you to reach your goals. That being said I think I am going to switch up my training going forward. I'll be switching back to something closer to the run less run faster plan. My goal is 2 -3 mid week runs. One of those will be a speed workout and one will be a tempo. One weekends I'll just be doing 1 long run and occasional back to back long runs. Hansons had me running 6 days a week. I am going to transition 2 or 3 of Hanson's midweek easy runs into cross training where I lift weights.
What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.

I have the Battleship 1/2 Marathon in Wilmington, NC on Nov 8th that lined up pretty well with the Higdon marathon training plan. The problem I am having right now is that I pulled/tore my hamstring in my last 1/2 on Sep 28th and have not been able to run since. It's feeling pretty good now, but my PT wants me to wait a bit longer to run again and I am getting very nervous about all the miles that I am missing, especially with WDW being my first full marathon.
I have the Battleship 1/2 Marathon in Wilmington, NC on Nov 8th that lined up pretty well with the Higdon marathon training plan. The problem I am having right now is that I pulled/tore my hamstring in my last 1/2 on Sep 28th and have not been able to run since. It's feeling pretty good now, but my PT wants me to wait a bit longer to run again and I am getting very nervous about all the miles that I am missing, especially with WDW being my first full marathon.

Wow I hpe that you continue to recover. It's better to be undertrained than injured so I'd listen to your PT. If you don't and you hurt yourself again it'd be frustrating.

Have you ever run the battleship half? I wonder what it's like.
After finishing Hanson's advanced plan, I believe that it will successfully train you to reach your goals. That being said I think I am going to switch up my training going forward. I'll be switching back to something closer to the run less run faster plan. My goal is 2 -3 mid week runs. One of those will be a speed workout and one will be a tempo. One weekends I'll just be doing 1 long run and occasional back to back long runs. Hansons had me running 6 days a week. I am going to transition 2 or 3 of Hanson's midweek easy runs into cross training where I lift weights.
I have run 6 day/week plans when training for marathons for most of my life - they work very well for me. I, too, intend to switch to a 4-5 day/week plan after the Dopey. I like running every day, but want to see why everyone raves about these plans for myself.
When are you running that you are able to get this kind of mileage in??
All the time.... I run 6 days a week. During the work week I try and run before work or at lunch but it takes over an hour so I try and do it before. On the weekends I run both days usually a 10 miler and a 12-16 miler. Now that I'm through Chicago I am cutting back.

John, I just ran a 3:41 marathon on a rolling course. Definitely harder than WDW. My goal time was 3:40.... now I'm eyeing that 3:40 at Disney, but I'm running the Goofy. I'll be running the half with my kids, probably at something easy like a 9:30 pace. Do you think the half will take enough out of me that a 3:40 full is an unrealistic goal? I don't want to try something foolish. I'm doing the Higdon Intermediate II plan.
I saw one of your more recent posts which led me to your blog and made me think about this port from a couple months ago. Looking at your training I think this might be reasonable. If your in a corral with the 3:40 pacer I would try and stick with them. I might ask how that pacer paces through the MK though. The 3:40 group I ran with last year went slow through the magic kingdom then dropped down to an 8mm pace while we were going by the water treatement plant. That killed me. I would run an even pace by myself before I did that again.

I don't know how people turn right around from a marathon and run another in a couple of weeks. I'm still recovering from the one I did Sept. 27. But it sounds like you are taking it easy...
It's more stubbornness than anything else
I saw one of your more recent posts which led me to your blog and made me think about this port from a couple months ago. Looking at your training I think this might be reasonable. If your in a corral with the 3:40 pacer I would try and stick with them. I might ask how that pacer paces through the MK though. The 3:40 group I ran with last year went slow through the magic kingdom then dropped down to an 8mm pace while we were going by the water treatement plant. That killed me. I would run an even pace by myself before I did that again.
I hear that. An 8mm pace would do me in pretty quickly. I'm running with a 3:35 marathoner and we've agreed to go at a 3:40 pace with the occasional picture stop thrown in. We'll re-evaluate at miles 18-20 and decide then whether to go for it or just cruise in.

That would really annoy me if I was running in a 3:40 pace group and found myself clicking off a few 8 minute miles. Isn't the whole point of a pace group to avoid doing that??
I have run 6 day/week plans when training for marathons for most of my life - they work very well for me. I, too, intend to switch to a 4-5 day/week plan after the Dopey. I like running every day, but want to see why everyone raves about these plans for myself.
I've been basing my training around the 5 day/week Higdon plans since I first started training for marathons in Jan. 2014. Taking this up at 50+ years, and being on the larger side, I'm terrified of injuries. Fortunately, the last time I was hurt was a calf strain in August 2014. I attribute this to the 2 rest days/week on the Higdon plans and I'm loathe to mess with it. I've been wanting to add mileage but I think I'll add some miles midweek and keep the rest. I'd never forgive myself if I went 6 days/week, then hurt myself just before Goofy.
@IamTrike - forgot to quote,
But it's really to everyone anyway;

So much of this is about the stubbornness to some degree isn't it?!

I made it through my first training 13.1 because there was no way I was giving in... Blisters, heat, inadequate fuel and all!
Doesn't our goal- whatever it is that gives us the determination to keep going, to some degree come down to stubbornness?

I totally identified with @Krynn and her description of her first 13.1 on the W&D thread, she was more articulate and descriptive than I had been, but throughout her post was her determination / steadfastness/. Yes stubbornness, to keep going against her hurdles.
I read this in everyone's posts , we share our victories and defeats... But I have yet to read someone say they are tossing in the sneakers!!!

Yay stubbornness!!

With a sprinkling of sensibility!

Thanks for the inspirations and insights everyone... Keep running, keep posting!
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What are people's race plans in the runup to Goofy? I'm doing a half on Nov. 15 in Newburyport and a 5 miler on Thanksgiving morning in Salem. I'm going to try and PR the half and just have fun in the 5 miler.

I have the Detroit Marathon this weekend and I am hoping to set a new PR. In November and December I have two fun races around Thanksgiving and Christmas. The second one will be with my 8 year old daughter. This will be her third 5k and I think I am creating a runner! Really looking forward to that one!


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