No One Loses Weight Like Gaston - November 2015 W.I.S.H Challenge

Question of the Day - November 1


Welcome to the first day of your new journey. It's the beginning of the month - which means that it's time to reflect within yourself to determine what your goal for the month is. There will be 4 weekend weigh-ins this month, so make sure you account for that when you make your goal. And for those of you who live in the USA, we have that holiday where you eat lots of food towards the end of the month.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?


So as I sit here today I am 10 pounds from being back under 200! I badly want to hit that by the end of the year. My goal is to lose 5 pounds this month.

The biggest challenge is going to be thanksgiving this month. For one, I love the food. Two, I end up having 4 thanksgiving dinners. My plan is to accept that I won't be eating according to plan but to also not overdo. In the past I've eaten so much that I literally cannot stand up straight. So this Thanksgiving I plan on eating until I am comfortably full because being uncomfortable is miserable.

I'm going to stick with going to the grocery store multiple times a week because that was really helpful in keeping around fresh produce which helped me stay on track! And I've got meals planned out to a tee.
I'm starting at 134 this month. My goal is 4 pounds.

My plan is to refocus my efforts on my diet. I was great for a while, but I've gotten unusually busy and my diet is suffering. I will focus on eating 2 servings of fruit daily, plus 6 veggie servings. I will eat at least a small portion of protein at every snack as well as a full serving at meals. My cravings are best helped by ensuring I get lots of protein.

My challenges will be weekends away from home. First, my trip to DL 11/12 - 11/16 for Avengers weekend. Although I'll do 22+ miles of racing that weekend I know from past experience I can easily find a way to eat the calories;) Also Thanksgiving away at my sisters for the holiday then my moms for the weekend will be an issue. I don't like turkey, but I like stuffing and potatoes. And cheesecake:). That weekend my family also does gingerbread houses and I will be surrounded by conservatively 30+ pounds of candy. Sweets are my downfall.

I'm looking forward to cleaning up my diet and hoping it's the trick to getting these last 9 pounds off!
Question of the Day - November 1


Welcome to the first day of your new journey. It's the beginning of the month - which means that it's time to reflect within yourself to determine what your goal for the month is. There will be 4 weekend weigh-ins this month, so make sure you account for that when you make your goal. And for those of you who live in the USA, we have that holiday where you eat lots of food towards the end of the month.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?

I am looking to lose another 5 pounds. I will get there by continuing to replace unhealthy food with fruits and veggies when possible, as well as exercising 90 minutes a day.
Hi, I would like to join the challenge this month. My weight loss journey started in January of this year, and I am down 71 lbs. October month was the only month that I did not lose any weight and actually gained a pound. I am now at 178 lbs and want to lose 9 lbs this month so I will finally be in the 160's. We are leaving for Disney World on Nov. 29, I would like to reach this goal by that date. If I can do this, I will then be 9 lbs from goal
Question of the Day - November 1


Welcome to the first day of your new journey. It's the beginning of the month - which means that it's time to reflect within yourself to determine what your goal for the month is. There will be 4 weekend weigh-ins this month, so make sure you account for that when you make your goal. And for those of you who live in the USA, we have that holiday where you eat lots of food towards the end of the month.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?


Hi everyone! I'm Maggie and I'm delighted to start another month here!! I'm 19 pounds into a slow and meandering journey to lose a total of somewhere between 60 and 80 pounds (I'm assuming my body will let me know when it is happy).

I weighed in at 200.00 on the dot this morning and want to end this month never, ever having to see a number starting with '2' on the scale again - clothed, unclothed, morning, night. I don't care. No more 2s. So I'm going big this month and setting a weight loss goal of 8 pounds for the month. Pounds lost will be the only thing I measure for this month's challenge.

The Plan:

1. I'm going to stick with WW (and probably back up track with MFP because that's the way I roll). I will continue to eat my weekly points and at least some of my activity points. There will be no going in the red, however.

2. I'm focusing hard on nutrition. Sticking to the points isn't good enough if I'm also not well nourished. So there will be at least one fruit/veg serving with breakfast and two with lunch and dinner. Snacks are going to be produced based.

3. I'm upping my daily average step goal to 11,000 or 77,000/week. The replacement Fitbit has arrived and is ready to help me get there!

4. I've got a lot of stressors this month and I know that stress is the number one thing that makes me go off the rails. So I am going to start meditating again for at least 10 minutes a day.

The challenges:

1. The stress. My last day at my current job isn't going to be until mid-December but I've got one million and one things to do before then. I'm also studying on the side because I want to be ready to hit the ground running when I start the new job in January. I also need to be admitted to another state bar by the end of 2016 and I plan to sit for the exam in February to get it out of the way. Law school and my first bar exam was a LONG time ago and I'm already starting to bite my nails. The family and in-law stuff is still something of an issue but I'm mostly just ignoring it. I'm going to steer around the stress by trying to be really mindful and not just eating in frustration.

2. The eating events. I don't think Thanksgiving will be a huge issue (she naively says on Nov 1) but I have a round of goodbye lunches and a party to plan around. And I know that I am going to be faced with bowls of Halloween candy all month. I'm planning to deal with the candy by pretending that it is some way contaminated. Or poisonous. I've got all of the known eating events on my calendar and am starting to look at menus, plan what I will have, and pencil in the rest of that day's meals around them.

And now, at the ripe old hour of 9:00, I'm going to bed. The return to standard time is killing me!
Question of the Day - November 1
Welcome to the first day of your new journey. It's the beginning of the month - which means that it's time to reflect within yourself to determine what your goal for the month is. There will be 4 weekend weigh-ins this month, so make sure you account for that when you make your goal. And for those of you who live in the USA, we have that holiday where you eat lots of food towards the end of the month.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?

Hello all! My name is Megan, and I am here again after doing the October Challenge!

My goal for November is to lose 5 pounds. I did great in October with simple adjustments, so I will continue that trend this month.
  • I will continue to drink more water (since I struggled with this last month) :drinking1
  • I will decrease the fast food I eat :crazy2:
  • I will increase my physical activity (buying my Fitbit next weekend!!!!) :teeth:
My challenges are:
  • It's colder outside, so my interest in walking places in lower :guilty:
  • My work schedule will only get worse, with changing shifts at Job #1 and the big shopping holidays coming up for Job #2 :scared:
  • Thanksgiving, obviously :(
First, my trip to DL 11/12 - 11/16 for Avengers weekend. Although I'll do 22+ miles of racing that weekend I know from past experience I can easily find a way to eat the calories;)

Good luck in your race weekend! I thought doing 3 miles of running was hard, but you're doing 7 times that! Congratulations in advance and enjoy Disneyland. Let me know if I can help you strategize or plan before your trip. Disneyland is my home away from home.

Hi, I would like to join the challenge this month.

Welcome! We're so happy to have you -- I got you added to the list of participants.

I weighed in at 200.00 on the dot this morning and want to end this month never, ever having to see a number starting with '2' on the scale again - clothed, unclothed, morning, night. I don't care. No more 2s. So I'm going big this month and setting a weight loss goal of 8 pounds for the month. Pounds lost will be the only thing I measure for this month's challenge.

This will definitely be the last week you see the number 2 beginning a scale read. I'll make sure you're with me at the Overweight Club all month... you can definitely lose 8 pounds this month!

My goal for November is to lose 5 pounds.

Excellent goal! Very achievable with 4 weigh-ins for the month. good luck!
Hi everyone good luck this week.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds this week. I need to lose 80 pounds total. The challenges I am going to have is the cold weather, I hate the cold. Also there is a lot of stress right now and stress makes me eat late at night. I plan to hit the sauna every day to stay warm and get up earlier and exercise first thing in the morning. I stepped on the scale this morning and I weigh more then I have ever weighed.
It is already November 2 here!! Time flies!

A big welcome to all our newcomers! @charlene130 congratulations on your impressive weight loss so far!! 71 pounds is a great achievement.

@DisPup75 I had no idea that you were a fellow lawyer!! If we can get @lisah0711 to rejoin our threads, then we will be three lawyers around! Good luck with studying for the bar exam. I cannot imagine having to sit another law exam again today. That is a scary thought!

On to the QOTD:

My goal for the month is again 5 pounds. I missed that goal last month. But I am down nevertheless. I know that for me slow and steady is the way to go. I am not good at being hungry and feeling deprived and at the moment I manage to eat well and not feel like I am missing out. I think for me that is one of the keys to stick with it. I don't feel like I am getting tired of eating well because I add in enough "treats" by counting them and planning for them. But within the goal of 5 pounds is another goal hidden inside: I am only 3.5 pounds away from being no longer overweight and I am determined that I will end this month at a healthy weight!!

I am also determined to get my frequency for my runs up to three a week again. This will be difficult with winter weather moving in. But I do have warm running clothes and even a head lamp for running in the dark. So, as long the snow stays away and it does not rain too much, it should work. I am planning to have the months with the most runs and the most distance this year in November!

I have quite a lot of challenges this month as nearly every weekend has some event going on. This Friday is my birthday and then two friends and I are going away for the weekend to a spa resort. The weekend after some friends are going to be in town, so I will most likely end up eating out a lot with them. And then the weekend after that my sister and I are going to visit my aunt for the start of the Christmas cookie baking season. My aunt is the one who inherited some very old molds (dating back to the 1700s) from my grandmother's family for a very special type of cookie and it is a long family tradition to meet up and use those molds to make cookies for everyone in the family. It is always a fun weekend, but not diet friendly...
Good Monday morning all! Dressed and ready to head out to work. Probably will NOT have any computer access today, so don't be surprised if I don't pop on to chat. I'll try to find time after school to check out the QOTD though!

DS's senior photos were done here yesterday and despite my trepidations (he doesn't photograph well, he doesn't like to smile).... the pictures are truly HIM (long hair and all!). There are several EXCELLENT ones to choose from, so I am delighted!

Off to eat breakfast before I dash! TTYL.............P
I"m taking two extra minutes before I dash to get caught up!!

Hi, I would like to join the challenge this month. My weight loss journey started in January of this year, and I am down 71 lbs. October month was the only month that I did not lose any weight and actually gained a pound. I am now at 178 lbs and want to lose 9 lbs this month so I will finally be in the 160's. We are leaving for Disney World on Nov. 29, I would like to reach this goal by that date. If I can do this, I will then be 9 lbs from goal

WELCOME! Always happy to have a new "face"! Congrats on being down 71 pounds already! That is outstanding!

Hi everyone good luck this week.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds this week. I need to lose 80 pounds total. The challenges I am going to have is the cold weather, I hate the cold. Also there is a lot of stress right now and stress makes me eat late at night. I plan to hit the sauna every day to stay warm and get up earlier and exercise first thing in the morning. I stepped on the scale this morning and I weigh more then I have ever weighed.

Sorry that the scale number was depressing.... but you certainly are taking the right steps by joining us here! YOU CAN DO THIS.... despite the cold!

It is already November 2 here!! Time flies!

A big welcome to all our newcomers! @charlene130 congratulations on your impressive weight loss so far!! 71 pounds is a great achievement.

@DisPup75 I had no idea that you were a fellow lawyer!! If we can get @lisah0711 to rejoin our threads, then we will be three lawyers around! Good luck with studying for the bar exam. I cannot imagine having to sit another law exam again today. That is a scary thought!

All you smarty pants! I'm envious of your brains!!

On to the QOTD:

My goal for the month is again 5 pounds. I missed that goal last month. But I am down nevertheless. I know that for me slow and steady is the way to go. I am not good at being hungry and feeling deprived and at the moment I manage to eat well and not feel like I am missing out. I think for me that is one of the keys to stick with it. I don't feel like I am getting tired of eating well because I add in enough "treats" by counting them and planning for them. But within the goal of 5 pounds is another goal hidden inside: I am only 3.5 pounds away from being no longer overweight and I am determined that I will end this month at a healthy weight!!

I am also determined to get my frequency for my runs up to three a week again. This will be difficult with winter weather moving in. But I do have warm running clothes and even a head lamp for running in the dark. So, as long the snow stays away and it does not rain too much, it should work. I am planning to have the months with the most runs and the most distance this year in November!

I have quite a lot of challenges this month as nearly every weekend has some event going on. This Friday is my birthday and then two friends and I are going away for the weekend to a spa resort. The weekend after some friends are going to be in town, so I will most likely end up eating out a lot with them. And then the weekend after that my sister and I are going to visit my aunt for the start of the Christmas cookie baking season. My aunt is the one who inherited some very old molds (dating back to the 1700s) from my grandmother's family for a very special type of cookie and it is a long family tradition to meet up and use those molds to make cookies for everyone in the family. It is always a fun weekend, but not diet friendly...

Many challenges ahead for November..... but you are on SUCH A ROLL! You got this!


There.... that wasn't so hard! Howdy and hello to those whose posts I didn't reply directly to.... I read and I am keeping up! So many aggressive goals for November.... looks like we will be working HARD this month!.................P
Question of the Day - November 1


Welcome to the first day of your new journey. It's the beginning of the month - which means that it's time to reflect within yourself to determine what your goal for the month is. There will be 4 weekend weigh-ins this month, so make sure you account for that when you make your goal. And for those of you who live in the USA, we have that holiday where you eat lots of food towards the end of the month.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?

(stole this from @meghammy, thanks)
My goal for November is to lose 4 pounds. In October I managed 3.5 with tons of food obstacles at least one a week.. so I've got this :)
  • I will continue to drink more water, it's hard for me to drink cold beverages in the cooler months but I will do at least 40 oz at work and 20oz at home (plus I drink 2 coffees a day so I will get my all my liquids in) Yesterday I put 3 16oz waters on my counter to make sure I got in all I needed.
  • I will stick to my WW plan and stay within my allotted points for the week .. @pjlla can I count my WW points weekly vs. daily? so say I have 26x7+49 = 231 for the 7 days??
My challenges are:
  • My Hubs still isn't on board with all the WW changes, so still eating out some (Applebee's on Friday night before weigh in Sat am case in point - however I did get the cedar grilled chicken with apple salsa and wild rice and quinoa melody. it was delish) so finding the right choices will be helpful for me when we do this..
  • My DD and Hubs both have birthday's this month (18th & 23rd) then it's Thanksgiving (26th) and it's my 7 Yr Anniversary (30th) so while the beginning of the month looks pretty good it's the end half that I'll struggle with.. I will do my best to make healthy choices, plan accordingly and hope that is enough.
Hi Everyone, I am Michelle and all in again for November.. I am 45 I have type 2 diabetes and am on a host of meds that I’d like to get rid of (or mostly get rid of) I am a Yo-Yoer, on 10/1 I signed up with WW at work (but I attending meetings at my local center so I can go with DD) last month I was successful in losing 3.5 lbs.. I have a Hubs who is a chef and an awesome guy and I have a DD who is almost 22 and DS who is 19 both are in college and are working hard towards their degrees. We have a 4 legged fur baby (cat) Hunny who is a 5yr old orange striped love bug.. Our goal is to get a new mobile home hopefully in the spring but this summer we worked hard on our 1972 12x60 mobile inside and out to last a year or two more if needed.. Oh enough about me.. onto to my weight/health goals

So I am going to say I will make a 4 lb loss this month as my goal again this month .. I do have a bunch of stuff towards the end of the month so that means I'll need to get right to losing at the beginning then hopefully maintain for the home stretch!

wishing everyone a GREAT month of weight loss!!! Michelle
1. The stress. My last day at my current job isn't going to be until mid-December but I've got one million and one things to do before then. I'm also studying on the side because I want to be ready to hit the ground running when I start the new job in January. I also need to be admitted to another state bar by the end of 2016 and I plan to sit for the exam in February to get it out of the way. Law school and my first bar exam was a LONG time ago and I'm already starting to bite my nails. The family and in-law stuff is still something of an issue but I'm mostly just ignoring it. I'm going to steer around the stress by trying to be really mindful and not just eating in frustration.

@DisPup75 good luck with the bar exam! You did it once, you can do it again, even while working. ::yes:: I've passed three that way and say kudos to you because I never want to do it again! :flower3: All the things that you are doing for your healthy lifestyle will help with the stress, too. Good luck!:cheer2:

@DisPup75 I had no idea that you were a fellow lawyer!! If we can get @lisah0711 to rejoin our threads, then we will be three lawyers around! Good luck with studying for the bar exam. I cannot imagine having to sit another law exam again today. That is a scary thought!

It IS isn't it? :rotfl2:

WISHing you an early Happy Birthday, Magdalene!:bday: party:

Sending best wishes and good luck to all of you who are participating this month. I will continue to be MIA but I do lurk. On 10/3 I was in a hit and run accident with a cyclist and have not one, but two, broken arms, in addition to numerous other injuries. No driving for 6 weeks. I did manage to lose 7 pounds last month but my priority is healing right now.

I love the theme and WISH you all well! Keep up the good work! :flower1:
I will continue to be MIA but I do lurk. On 10/3 I was in a hit and run accident with a cyclist and have not one, but two, broken arms, in addition to numerous other injuries. No driving for 6 weeks. I did manage to lose 7 pounds last month but my priority is healing right now.

Oh no!! I am so sorry, that sounds horrible!! I hope you will heal quickly! Sending lots of pixie dust for a speedy recovery!! pixiedust: I thought you were just still busy with life, but this is even so much worse than I would have thought. It was wonderful to hear from you - heal well and hopefully you will be back on track soon enough! :hug:

And thank you very much for the birthday wishes!!
Hi everyone!

I'm Lindsey, started the October challenge quite late and I'm excited to join in the November one from the beginning!

I've always been a little overweight, but it never bothered me too much. However, after a routine doctor's visit recently, I realized I needed to get my health on track. My family history isn't great, and I need to take action to make sure that I can have the life I want without the complications of all of the things that are a possibility given my genetics (diabetes, cancer, basically the whole gamut of potential problems). In addition, my husband keeps talking about eating healthier and wanting to lose weight, so I'm kind of hoping I can lead by example here and encourage both of us to start being more intentional about our health :D

For this month, I'm going to aim for being 3 lb down at the end of the month - so I'm aiming for 142.6 on the scale :) . Since Thanksgiving is at the end, I have a feeling that might be a reasonable goal - if we didn't have a holiday, I'd probably be aiming for 4. But I want to be able to enjoy my first Thanksgiving with my husband's family, eat delicious food, and make the most of the holiday. I'm going to try to not be excessive, but at the same time I don't want to deprive myself on a happy occasion :) I want to try my hardest to stay within my calorie guidelines and hit my step goal on weekdays as well, but I'll be using my weight as my main tracking statistic for this challenge.

Looking forward to meeting more people this month, and I hope everyone has a fabulous Halloween!
Hi and welcome to your first full month! You have a very reasonable and realistic plan. Yes....Thanksgiving is a challenging time with all the food and the baking and the family. It's good you gave yourself some flexibility but will still try to rein things in a bit. Everyday is challenging but Holidays are even more so. And....winter...brrrr....for some of us.....we just want to pack on that extra layer of fat! Looking forward to your participation!
Be sure to let your meeting leader know that you have a weekly attendance goal..... she will try to help you stay accountable! Remember, if someone is looking specifically for your smiling face every week, it is harder to find excuses to stay away!! I'll be happy to chat with you about the weekly meeting topic too!:hyper2:

Thanks for that, pjlla -- I wouldn't have thought to notify my WW leader of my weekly plan. That idea provides another layer of accountability.

What is your goal? How will you get there? Are there challenges to meeting this goal? If so, how will you over-come them?

I stated my goal earlier -- the goal I will track this month is weekly attendance at WW, tracking my daily 26 points. The challenge -- tis the season of eating! In the past, I've bought the left over Halloween candy for 75% off -- who can resist a bargain?! Then there's the colder weather, so less outdoor activity, less water intake, and more comfort foods. Then I stop attending my WW meetings because "I don't have time", "want to put the money towards Christmas gifts", etc. Of course, the real reason I skip is so that I'm not accountable for my poor choices.

This year -- not even looking at the reduced candy aisle. I have some exercise DVDs for when the weather is cold. I have half my daily water intake as herbal tea. And I have this thread to help me be accountable!
I'm back and I'm in! After two fabulous vaca I have fallen so far off the wagon I'm just sitting on the ground covered in its dust

My goal is to clean up my eating this week and step on the scale Friday
Your Avatar says it all! Oh my goodness. We will help you dust's okay. We all get dusty sometimes. Let's get back up and search for a happier Avatar expression!
I have always been a fan of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds program.... it helped me get started with exercise back when I was at my highest weight and was totally intimidated about going to the gym and being seen exercising!

I should really find more of these to use when I don't feel like going to the gym. I've tried some other walking workouts on YouTube, but Leslie is wonderfully motivating and positive - I love it! I always bring music or some podcasts or even an ebook with me to the treadmill - it makes the walk go by super quickly and much more enjoyably :)

My last MBA finals are December 14 and 15, which means it's crunch time for projects during this month (nooo!).

Wow - I always hated final project time in grad school (and I didn't do anything as intense as a lot of MBA programs). Good luck, I know you'll be awesome! And awesome about the 5K - at least hopefully the exercise can help get rid of a little bit of the stress?

The biggest challenge is going to be thanksgiving this month. For one, I love the food. Two, I end up having 4 thanksgiving dinners. My plan is to accept that I won't be eating according to plan but to also not overdo.

I feel like this is a great strategy for holidays of all sorts - just accept that it's more than likely going to be an off plan day and try to be moderate. I've had success doing that in past years when I was trying to lose weight and still wanted to have some of my grandmother's delicious food at Christmas :) Being mindful is really one of the most helpful things I've found in the whole weight loss journey :)

DS's senior photos were done here yesterday and despite my trepidations (he doesn't photograph well, he doesn't like to smile).... the pictures are truly HIM (long hair and all!). There are several EXCELLENT ones to choose from, so I am delighted!

How wonderful!! A good photographer can really help - I am always nervous about getting pictures taken, and it's so great when they turn out nicely :D
So as I sit here today I am 10 pounds from being back under 200! I badly want to hit that by the end of the year. My goal is to lose 5 pounds this month.

The biggest challenge is going to be thanksgiving this month. For one, I love the food. Two, I end up having 4 thanksgiving dinners. My plan is to accept that I won't be eating according to plan but to also not overdo. In the past I've eaten so much that I literally cannot stand up straight. So this Thanksgiving I plan on eating until I am comfortably full because being uncomfortable is miserable.

I'm going to stick with going to the grocery store multiple times a week because that was really helpful in keeping around fresh produce which helped me stay on track! And I've got meals planned out to a tee.
I go to the grocery store about three times a week for lettuce and spinach, mostly. It does help a great deal. Thanksgiving and the Holidays in general are such a challenge. I hear you about all the's not just one. One of the things I'm doing is making a light dessert so I can at least have something that is good but not over the top ridiculous. You have a good plan.


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