The nutters in CA who chained up 13 kids...

I suppose that's possibly true, but to me it sounds more like an estranged half-brother looking for his 15 minutes by getting in on the act.
It's possible, though I tend to believe Louise's siblings thus far. It sounds like they never had a very close relationship with her and they seem genuinely blindsighted and appalled by what's happened. Now they're trying to distance themselves from her in the media and I can't say I blame them.

Other thoughts I've had with the recent updates:

A picture of a pregnant Louise is floating around now which would seem to indicate she IS the mother of the two year old, so that's good.

With reports that the police will be searching the property with cadaver dogs, I wonder if that's something they would do in any case for the sake of being thorough in their investigation, or are they doing it because the children have already told them there were other siblings who didn't make it. :sad1:
That thought freaks me out. But it’s a reminder you need to be careful diligent with your online life. The person you may be in a post exchange may not be what you envision.
I saw something in a news report that there were lots of Disney collectibles. Mom probably hoarded them thinking they'll be worth some money some day. Really makes me wonder if she was a poster on these boards, maybe I'll go comb through the Disneyland forum and see if anyone like her pops up.
It's possible, though I tend to believe Louise's siblings thus far. It sounds like they never had a very close relationship with her and they seem genuinely blindsighted and appalled by what's happened. Now they're trying to distance themselves from her in the media and I can't say I blame them.

Other thoughts I've had with the recent updates:

A picture of a pregnant Louise is floating around now which would seem to indicate she IS the mother of the two year old, so that's good.

With reports that the police will be searching the property with cadaver dogs, I wonder if that's something they would do in any case for the sake of being thorough in their investigation, or are they doing it because the children have already told them there were other siblings who didn't make it. :sad1:

I haven't seen the picture, but we have learned from movies and news media that pregnancy can be faked. While I do hope that the baby is hers and not a daughters, one can fake photos in order to convey an image.
So did they buy the toys for the kids as well or did those come from family members that never got opened over time?

It could be a mix of both. But based on my own experiences with my dad, I'm leaning towards them being from extended family and friends. My dad hated giving gifts. I don't remember him ever giving my mom any gifts for Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc. He would let me pick out an item or two and he'd pay for it (when I was a kid), but he never picked out anything himself. Whenever I tried to suggest that he get mom something from him, his reply was always "No, that's a waste of money." My mom was the one that picked out and bought 99.9% of my gifts. Dad wasn't involved at all. Gifts from my dad were a rarity and it made me feel like he didn't care about me.

I do not believe that these monsters would spend the time or money buying toys for their kids.

I saw something in a news report that there were lots of Disney collectibles. Mom probably hoarded them thinking they'll be worth some money some day. Really makes me wonder if she was a poster on these boards, maybe I'll go comb through the Disneyland forum and see if anyone like her pops up.

I heard somewhere, maybe the 20/20 report, that the mom was obsessed with Disney. I know it's a very minor thing in this case, but I hope none of the kids grow up to hate/blame Disney for what their parents did.

I think if the baby was one the kids that would have been reported in the news by now

Even if they have already done the DNA tests, the results wouldn't be back yet.
It could be a mix of both. But based on my own experiences with my dad, I'm leaning towards them being from extended family and friends. My dad hated giving gifts. I don't remember him ever giving my mom any gifts for Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc. He would let me pick out an item or two and he'd pay for it (when I was a kid), but he never picked out anything himself. Whenever I tried to suggest that he get mom something from him, his reply was always "No, that's a waste of money." My mom was the one that picked out and bought 99.9% of my gifts. Dad wasn't involved at all. Gifts from my dad were a rarity and it made me feel like he didn't care about me.

I do not believe that these monsters would spend the time or money buying toys for their kids.

I heard somewhere, maybe the 20/20 report, that the mom was obsessed with Disney. I know it's a very minor thing in this case, but I hope none of the kids grow up to hate/blame Disney for what their parents did.

Even if they have already done the DNA tests, the results wouldn't be back yet.
Unless it was like the food to taunt and tease them
It could be a mix of both. But based on my own experiences with my dad, I'm leaning towards them being from extended family and friends. My dad hated giving gifts. I don't remember him ever giving my mom any gifts for Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc. He would let me pick out an item or two and he'd pay for it (when I was a kid), but he never picked out anything himself. Whenever I tried to suggest that he get mom something from him, his reply was always "No, that's a waste of money." My mom was the one that picked out and bought 99.9% of my gifts. Dad wasn't involved at all. Gifts from my dad were a rarity and it made me feel like he didn't care about me.

I do not believe that these monsters would spend the time or money buying toys for their kids.

I heard somewhere, maybe the 20/20 report, that the mom was obsessed with Disney. I know it's a very minor thing in this case, but I hope none of the kids grow up to hate/blame Disney for what their parents did.

Even if they have already done the DNA tests, the results wouldn't be back yet.

I don't follow the reasoning that your experiences with your dad would have any relation at all to the toys found in the house in this case? Personally I wouldn't put it past these losers to buy this stuff to validate their good parenting in their own minds. Wouldn't be surprised to hear they documented what they bought with pictures on social media to announce to the world how great they were. Then I'd expect them to turn around and show the kids the unwrapped toys and tell them their behavior was not good enough to play with the toys.
Did these people even have friends close enough that would give them gifts?
They avoided their family I'm sure they weren't very social with non family either.
They clearly didn't go into debt feeding their kids or paying the hot water bill to keep 13 kids clean with showers. It is probably just like Cabanafrau said, they bought all that stuff themselves to portray something to the outside world and to tease and taunt their kids with.
Did these people even have friends close enough that would give them gifts?
They avoided their family I'm sure they weren't very social with non family either.
They clearly didn't go into debt feeding their kids or paying the hot water bill to keep 13 kids clean with showers. It is probably just like Cabanafrau said, they bought all that stuff themselves to portray something to the outside world and to tease and taunt their kids with.
I'm sure/hope the family still sent gifts to the kids.
Unless it was like the food to taunt and tease them

To me there's a difference between the food and the toys. With the food they bought it for themselves. Part of the torture was eating the food in front of the kids. But as far as we know they didn't do anything with the toys. And I thought one of the news reports said the toys were found out in the garage. Toys on a high shelf in plain view vs toys stored in the garage send two very different messages.
It's possible, though I tend to believe Louise's siblings thus far. It sounds like they never had a very close relationship with her and they seem genuinely blindsighted and appalled by what's happened. Now they're trying to distance themselves from her in the media and I can't say I blame them.

Then they should be keeping quiet instead of blabbing to the media. Seems like the siblings are enjoying the attention.
I assume the toys are probably a mix of two things. 1) Disney collectable stuff like vinylmations that were never meant for the kids to have because one or both parents were buying the items for themselves, and 2) What @cabanafrau said. Toys that were acquired to taunt the children. I came across a comment somewhere from one of their Texas neighbors who said at one point the Turpins had eight shiny, brand new kids bikes lined up outside their house that never moved, were never played with, and sat outside weathering and rusting for years. My first thought when I heard about the pies was that that wasn't a random choice. One of those poor kids probably mentioned once that pie was his favorite food and then taunting them with pies became a thing. Something similar happened in my house with Christmas stockings. :sad2: Abusive people will turn anything into a weapon. It's all about exerting power and control.

Completely unrelated, but I just have to mention how incredible it is for that 17 year old to have found the courage to break out. We, those of us existing in normal society, can see how abnormal and heinous their situation was and we would know that once someone blew the whistle it would be all over for those parents. But she couldn't have known that. She's lived this crazy isolated existence with no sense of what's normal or what resources might be out there to help them and no guarantees that anyone would believe her if she even managed to successfully escape in the first place. It really is truly remarkable that she did what she did. :worship:
I'm sure/hope the family still sent gifts to the kids.

Maybe but who knows, plenty of families don't send gifts to nieces and nephews or even grand children they aren't close too.
I have a hard time not being skeptical of anything that appears normal for this family. So when I see toys piled up, and know the parents taunted kids with food my mind automatically goes there.
I wonder about the DA filing the restraining order to keep the parents from contacting others who may be involved in the case. To me that sounds like perhaps grandparents, etc might be under suspicion

Or maybe they don't want them begging the grandparents if they had suspicions not to say that. Say they were the perfect parents. I know a lot of people keep thinking grandparents/aunts/uncles had to know, but honestly that may not be the case. How many of us have had someone close to us go through something and we had no clue. It does happen.
Or maybe they don't want them begging the grandparents if they had suspicions not to say that. Say they were the perfect parents. I know a lot of people keep thinking grandparents/aunts/uncles had to know, but honestly that may not be the case. How many of us have had someone close to us go through something and we had no clue. It does happen.
Of course it happens.

For grandparents to not notice 13 children being abused and starved (some of whom were adults and should have gone through puperty but do not appear to) is a little hard for me to swallow. I do not give these grandparents the benefit of the doubt.


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