The walking dead amc #2

So much in this article depresses me... so much reads like Gimple playing around and AMC being asleep at the wheel wrt treating their key talent well...

"[Lincoln] has made no secret that he has little desire to cash in on the show's success with film deals, and he saw his time with The Walking Dead coming to an end sooner rather than later after Rick's death was foreshadowed multiple times in a season-eight storyline that wound up being part of Carl's death.

In December, Lincoln told THR that "there needs to be an end game and that is something that is definitely being talked about." In February, the actor said that "there's certainly an endgame in my head. Whether or not that's the same endgame that's in the producers' heads or the people I work with, is another matter. That's open for discussion.""

"Sources note that contracts for Lincoln and Reedus were up after season eight. Unlike in the past, AMC was slow to announce a season-nine renewal as the series was negotiating a larger pact with now-former showrunner Scott M. Gimple."

"News that Lincoln is leaving The Walking Dead comes as the franchise is poised to reinvent itself again in season nine with Angela Kang becoming the show's fourth showrunner, replacing Gimple. For his part, Gimple has moved on to a larger role with AMC as chief creative officer of all things Walking Dead after Kirkman exited his overall deal with the cable network for a rich deal with Amazon Studios.

"We knew for a long time that season [eight] was, in many ways, the end of a chapter of the show," Gimple told THR after the finale. "The differences that people will be seeing in season nine and beyond are going to be pronounced. It's going to be a very different show with characters handling very different issues, challenges and threats than we've seen before. These characters will be different in a lot of ways.""
Sorry if this was mentioned in the posted article, but I also read that Rick will only appear in 6 episodes of season 9 so it sounds like they'll be phasing him out somehow. I've also read that Norman Reedus was given a pay raise and may take over as the group leader with Rick's exit. Which is a really big departure from the comics. Seems like the further they stray from the comics, the worse the show gets.
Sorry if this was mentioned in the posted article, but I also read that Rick will only appear in 6 episodes of season 9 so it sounds like they'll be phasing him out somehow. I've also read that Norman Reedus was given a pay raise and it sounds like he'll take over as the group leader with Rick's exit. Which is a really big departure from the comics. Seems like the further they stray from the comics, the worse the show gets.
They mention all of this in the article. And I couldn't agree more with this!! Feels like Gimple wanted to get as far away from the source material so he could rule his little TV kingdom and get all the credit. It has turned into him getting all the blame in my book. Karma? :)
I have no problem with him leaving. I've been quite tired of Rick for a while now. Guess if they plan to reinvent the show, now is the time.
Sorry if this was mentioned in the posted article, but I also read that Rick will only appear in 6 episodes of season 9 so it sounds like they'll be phasing him out somehow. I've also read that Norman Reedus was given a pay raise and may take over as the group leader with Rick's exit. Which is a really big departure from the comics. Seems like the further they stray from the comics, the worse the show gets.

Yeah, from what I remember, Daryl wasn't even in the Comics and was supposed to be a 1-2 episode character.

And as for Rick, I agree with the PP -- his continuing agony and emotions are wearing thin.
As I have been thinking about it, I'm not sure I even want to continue watching TWD (with or without Rick). I just don't really care about it anymore. I am still reading the comics, but I think the show has run its course for me.
As I have been thinking about it, I'm not sure I even want to continue watching TWD (with or without Rick). I just don't really care about it anymore. I am still reading the comics, but I think the show has run its course for me.

Too funny -- my DH just asked me the other day why I haven't watched any of the episodes I recorded for last season! Guess it's not that relevant to me anymore. There are a lot of other shows I'm enjoying more -- plus I am working up the courage to see Carl die.
OT but... Any suggestions?? My favorites have either gone downhill or off the air. :(

YES -- catch up on "Trust" (about the Getty family kidnapping), "The Alienist", and the mini-series about the Versace killing. Those were fantastic mini-series! If you don't watch it, start catching up on "The Blacklist". James Spader is mesmerizing to watch. And "This is Us" is a wonderful show. If you have Showtime, "Shameless" is a nice raunchy family drama LOL.
They could have handled this so differently. They should have kept it completely quiet. What a huge shocker that would have been to lose Rick if nobody saw it coming. Talk about a twist.
It's too small to read. What does it say?

Norman only captioned it with a heart, the rest are just comments from followers. Just the picture itself, made it seem like a 'goodbye', to me anyway. Sorry the pics so small. :goodvibes
I could see them writing Rick off in a way that they can bring him back. He leaves (ala Morgan) perhaps? They need to change something up a bit though, as the 2+ season Savior storyline was too much.
They could have handled this so differently. They should have kept it completely quiet. What a huge shocker that would have been to lose Rick if nobody saw it coming. Talk about a twist.

I don’t know. I think more would have dropped the show right then and there after another super-top-secret-let’s-kill-an-original-shocker.

And if I was Andy Lincoln, I’d want it out right away that I was leaving on my own terms given what the show has become.
I don’t know. I think more would have dropped the show right then and there after another super-top-secret-let’s-kill-an-original-shocker.

And if I was Andy Lincoln, I’d want it out right away that I was leaving on my own terms given what the show has become.

I just think it takes the wind out of the sails. Now everyone knows and it's just kind of "meh, he's leaving." If they did it like completely out of the blue, and NOT hype it up with a lot of "ooooooooh a big character death is coming!" It would have been great IMO. Classic WD, like when they killed Dale. It was completely unexpected and awesome.
I just think it takes the wind out of the sails. Now everyone knows and it's just kind of "meh, he's leaving." If they did it like completely out of the blue, and NOT hype it up with a lot of "ooooooooh a big character death is coming!" It would have been great IMO. Classic WD, like when they killed Dale. It was completely unexpected and awesome.
All subjective of course, but I disagree. They’ve just killed too many originals. I think it would have felt like an even greater blow that way — in a way that might anger more.

And as I said, if I were Lincoln I’d want it out now — I’m sure that’s his choice. Both so people know it’s my choice — that I haven’t been officially Gimpled — and so that I can openly seek new roles NOW. Why should he have to wait for this show?? He doesn’t owe them that given how badly they’ve treated some talent, like Riggs.
I stopped watching completely this season... it was just impossible to care about this season. I think (and it's just my opinion) that what made the first 4 or so seasons great were the characters and how they dealt with the situation they were in and the people they interacted with... they weren't 2D zombie movie characters -- so I cared and I watched. At some point it was just not entertaining anymore.... Everyone got stupid, Rick is a mess, Glenn was killed to service a comic book storyline (which, with Lauren Cohen leaving soon --- is now meaningless) and there really isn't anything that draws me in anymore. It's sad to see a series that we always watched become something so uninteresting.
I just think it takes the wind out of the sails. Now everyone knows and it's just kind of "meh, he's leaving." If they did it like completely out of the blue, and NOT hype it up with a lot of "ooooooooh a big character death is coming!" It would have been great IMO. Classic WD, like when they killed Dale. It was completely unexpected and awesome.

While I think it would have been great from a shock value standpoint and pretty awesome killing him off unexpectedly (ala Ned Stark in Game of Thrones or Dale), I think they announced it for a few reasons. 1) They will promote it being Andrew Lincoln's finale episode which will guarantee great ratings I'm sure. With the post episode appearance on Talking Dead I'm sure that will garner ratings as well. 2) To my earlier point, they may not kill him off and just have him leave the communities for some reason like Morgan leaving. This would allow them to bring him back in future seasons and the series ending.

But I'm wondering what they will do with Judith? Will they have her on the show still? Will they make her the plot point the sends Rick over the edge or spells his demise? She really hasn't played a role since her birth. She's kinda there but not used for any plot points really. I wonder if they'll do that for his exit.


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