Having a hard time today

Hi guys I am in need of lots of hugs today :( Feeling very very sad today. YOu thing that I would be in good spirits since we will be leaving in 2 weeks to go to WDW. But I am totally the opposite.

Quasar ask your dr about putting you on a drug called Inderal. This drug is a beta blocker but they have found that it works great a preventing migraines. I take it and it works great I get about 3 or 4 migranes a year. Here is some info on it


Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Not drinking enough can cause headachees.

Hi guys I am in need of lots of hugs today :( Feeling very very sad today. YOu thing that I would be in good spirits since we will be leaving in 2 weeks to go to WDW. But I am totally the opposite.

Quasar ask your dr about putting you on a drug called Inderal. This drug is a beta blocker but they have found that it works great a preventing migraines. I take it and it works great I get about 3 or 4 migranes a year. Here is some info on it


Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Not drinking enough can cause headachees.

Hi Shelly,
I am sorry you feel sad today so I shall send you one of my special Koala cuddles:grouphug:

Thanks for the migraine advice, I was on inderal for years but it stopped working for me and I switched to Isoptin which was going well for about 6 months.....................and now not so well LOL.
I do need to drink more water so thanks for the reminder.

Hope you are feeling better soon:grouphug:

Morning everyone!!! Or night for Quasar :laughing:

Hope you have some sort of relief Quasar.

Just checking in today.. Gloomy darn rain here. My daughter is gone on her grad camping trip until Friday night, and of course it will be raining the whole time :rolleyes1. Kind of emotional sending her off, but I smiled and only shed a tear once I got home.. I hope she has a fantastic time. She has been waiting for this for a few years.

I hope your day is better today Shelly. Times can be hard, but they make us who we are. Sending love and hugs :grouphug:
Good morning Girls.

It dreary here too :( But they say the sun may shine this afternoon.

Plan to patch the nail holes and blemishes on the walls in the hallway then I should be ready to paint this weekend.

Mommasita your daughter will have a great time and she will be back home before you know it.

Quasar hows the headache? Don't forget to drink more water.
Good evening ladies,

My head feels much happier today and I am drinking lots of water so I seem to be dashing to the bathroom all day. Thanks for reminding me Shelly, I do think it's helping:hug:
Good luck with the painting, that is a tough job.

The weather was lovely today although we are starting to get a little chill in the air early morning and late afternoon so winter is on the way for us just as you all gear up for summer.

Mommasita, I am sure your daughter will have a fun trip but my home never seems 'right' when someone is away. She will be back in your arms before you know it. I was thinking about you today, did the scan go OK??:hug:

Hugs to all, I am just finishing up cooking dinner and we are going to sit down, eat and have a chat. My fav part of the day when my men are back home.

So happy Quasar to hear you are feeling better my dear :hug:

Thank you for asking. Yes, it is a short trip, as they are only 12. They will be back at 3:30 tomorrow. Our house is quiet, and my son loves it :laughing:. However, I don't. But, they must do what they must do...I hope she is enjoying herself despite the downpours we are having.

I had the MRI, and the results will be in, around 3 weeks time. The only thing was I went to get up and out and realized lying in the same position so long, my spine hurt a little. It seems better today. I then met a friend for a quick dinner, and then we had a free movie pass for Something Borrowed. I am trying to fill up my time by not thinking so much, and it was a nice girls evening with some laughs..

Shelly, I hope you sun is coming out my dear. Inside and out... thinking of you often, and this friendship we have formed brings :) to my face. All of us that us :grouphug:

Today it is raining AGAIN, but I am off to a friends house for lunch and a chat. Tomorrow I am having lunch with my old college roommate and that should be fun!!!!

The local fair is in town for Mother's Day, as it is every darn year :laughing:, but my DD loves it. So that for Sat, and then Brunch for Sunday...

Lots of love and hugs to all.
Hi All,

Mommasita, I am glad you are keeping busy with fun things and hopefully in 3 weeks there will be some good news:hug:

We are celebrating Mother's day on saturday night at our house so I have spent today trying to get a few things in order rather than leave it all for tomorrow.

Yesterday I had a huge grocery order delievered and most of went into our second fridge in the gargage. Today I discover that the fridge had stopped working sometimes yesterday so I have had to throw out several garbage bags full of food:sick:

In the scheme of things it's not a big deal but I really do hate wasting food and now I will have to face the shops which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place:laughing:

Hope you are having a good day Shelly.

Take care my cyber friends:grouphug:
OH NO Quasar sorry to hear about the fridge! I think everyone has been in your shoes. I know I have. We had a fridge die and throw everything out. Then to be a couple days with out a firdge was terrible. Trying to live out of a cooler.UGH..

Girls I need some help. I only get the Sunday paper and well yesterday I learned by reading a post on facebook that a very dear friend of mine lost her mom 2 months ago! I am so upset about this that I did not know about it.. This friend was there for me when I lost my mom so it is just killing me to know missed her passing! I did post on her facebook that I was sorry I missed it because i don't get the paper every day. But in the mean time how do I deal with this? Is there anything I can do to make it up to her?

What a way to start me week!
OH NO Quasar sorry to hear about the fridge! I think everyone has been in your shoes. I know I have. We had a fridge die and throw everything out. Then to be a couple days with out a firdge was terrible. Trying to live out of a cooler.UGH..

Girls I need some help. I only get the Sunday paper and well yesterday I learned by reading a post on facebook that a very dear friend of mine lost her mom 2 months ago! I am so upset about this that I did not know about it.. This friend was there for me when I lost my mom so it is just killing me to know missed her passing! I did post on her facebook that I was sorry I missed it because i don't get the paper every day. But in the mean time how do I deal with this? Is there anything I can do to make it up to her?

What a way to start me week!

I'm so sorry to hear this. Could you not write her a nice note on your thoughts, and mail it out. So much internet these days, and this is so much more real to me at least. The fact that you wrote out your thoughts, how you feel about missing this, how important she was/is to you??

Quas, I am also sorry to hear about your fridge. These things happen at the most loveliest of times. Not there is a good time, but you know what I mean. I hope you had a lovely Mom's day. Ours was good, sun is shining. Off to lunch with a friend, and then sit out in it while I can..

Take care everyone :hug:
Good morning all,

I am sorry to hear about your friends mum Shelly. I agree with Mommasita, a nice handwritten note is personal and I am sure she would appreciate your caring.
When is your trip Shelly???? It must be getting close.

Glad the sun is shining for you Mommasita, it's a beautiful day here and I am off to the hairdressers to make sure that no-one ever knows I am going grey:rotfl:

take care everyone.

Good morning all,

I am sorry to hear about your friends mum Shelly. I agree with Mommasita, a nice handwritten note is personal and I am sure she would appreciate your caring.
When is your trip Shelly???? It must be getting close.

Glad the sun is shining for you Mommasita, it's a beautiful day here and I am off to the hairdressers to make sure that no-one ever knows I am going grey:rotfl:

take care everyone.


:lmao::lmao: I am getting that done Saturday OR ELSE :eek:

Glad your day is nice and sunny. We are 'supposed' to have this for the next couple. I am already healthy looking at least ;) I tan quickly, and feel soooo much better in the sun.

Have a nice day. I have been up since 5:15am (for no good reason) and it is 7:20pm, and my eyelids are closing.:cloud9:
Hello everyone :goodvibes

Shelly, 2 days my dear :cool1::cool1::banana::banana: .. Exciting times!! I wonder how you are, and think of you.:hug:

Quasar how was your weekend? How are your headaches?

I had a very nice week and weekend. We had super temps and glorious sunshine ALL week. I sat out and enjoyed. Celebrated my milestone on Tues, then again on Thurs and Sat night out with friends, some I had not seen in 25 years :scared1:.

The rain is here now, but I refuse to let it dampen my spirits. I spent the day doing some spring cleaning. Walls, etc. It feels and smells great in here :)

My father and step-mother returned, and I visited them on Sat after getting my hair done. I have the BEST souvenirs from the Royal Wedding. I was like a kid in a candy shop..banners, mugs, plates, limited edition banners. Wonderful. I have them on FB if anyone wants to friend me and see them, please feel free to Pm me, and I'll give you my info.

I wish you all a great week ahead.:grouphug:
Hi All,

Glad you are having a nice weekend Mommasita, with your new 'hairdo' and a bag full of royal wedding stuff:cool1:

The headaches are pretty good at the moment, thanks for asking.
I chipped a tooth on the weekend and thankfully the dentist can fit me in tomorrow so it will be all fixed by tomorrow night. I like my dentist a lot but I would like to see a little less of him, I always seem to have teeth drama:headache:

Have a magical trip Shelly, I shall keep my fingers crossed that you get some lovely warm spring days.:hug: We'll miss you while your gone.

Hope eveyone else is doing well.

Take care all
Hello friends.

Shelly, I hope you are having a magical time :wizard:

Quasar, happy to hear your headaches are better. Sorry about the tooth :headache:

I went to bed with a sore throat, woke up FULL BLOWN SICK. Thankfully I had an early Dr's appt. I have 2 ear infections, a throat infection, a resp infection, swollen glands, and a high fever. So forgive anything that does not make sense. It has been at 101.8 for over 12 hours. I am hoping by tomorrow the meds kick in.

I have slept ALL day, DH picked up supper, and I have about energy for a bath, and then back to bed to sleep this off. I can handle A LOT without complaining, but the fever is doing me in. I am complaining :laughing:

I hope you are all doing well. Rain Rain Rain here, so selfishly I am glad, as I would force my butt outside.:grouphug:
Mommasita, straight to bed for you and make sure you stay there.:goodvibes

Please take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon, ear infections are horrible and so painful. I am sorry you are unwell:hug:

:goodvibes Thanks Quasar. I felt sooo much better as the week went on.

I did quite a bit this weekend, actually way to much, but I had a great weekend with an old GF and her daughter visiting. We have been friends for over 30 years, and now our daughter's are only a few years difference in age, and are becoming quite the friends. So nice when this happens. My friends are the family I never quite had. We (the girls) went out all weekend :cool1:, and now I will have a great quiet week. It is a long weekend here with the Queen's Birthday tomorrow. Weather has been quite odd, rain/sun combo's, but hey it beats the snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We also to the girls to the local fair on Saturday and got to soak up some rays of sun while they rode the rides :)

Shelly, I hope you are doing well. You often cross my mind, and I hope your trip is bringing you some much needed smiles :hug:

Love and hugs to all :grouphug:
Hi All,

Good to hear you had a nice weekend, Mommasita.

Nothing much happening here, the weather is getting cooler but the days have been sunny so I can't complain.

I hope Shelly is having fun in Disney World, it will be fun to get her trip report when she returns. I hope her ***** cats are doing OK.

Take care all:hug:
:cool1::cool1: Hi everyone. Weather has been absolutely perfect all week. VERY hot and humid, but super sunny, and this just makes me full of joy. I won't complain about how fast it came, it never sticks around long enough.

Quasar, I hope you headaches BUGGER OFF NOW, and you remain pain free.

Shelly, hoping your vacation was magical, and gave you some fantastic memories to come to.

I have been ok. A little nervous about the callback from my Spinal MRi, but I just wait until June 14th to get the reason for that. I have now focused more on myself than my special in-laws, and don't attend the weekly suppers. I no longer awaken Sunday with the knot in my stomach. I just don't need this right now.

Lots of appts coming up, and I am hoping they have some good parts to them. Until then, I am living, sitting outside, cleaning inside, and just generally being happy.

Much of love to everyone.:grouphug::flower3:
Hi All,

Glad you are getting nice weather Mommasita, it is a beautiful winter's day here today and I don't even need a jumper so no complaints from me!!!

Headaches are not co-operating but no migraines so I am still up and about although I am trying to limit my computer time.:lmao:
My dear old mum says I have no tolerance to pain and I am surrounded by family members that all have really high pain thresholds. :confused3

Mommasita, I am sorry you are still waiting for results. I shall send lots of healing vibes your way:hug:

Take care everyone, I am looking forward to hearing all about the trip Shelly.
Hello everyone! I hope you don't mind me chiming into your group! I hope all of you have a pain free and worry free day (or night !) Mamasita, I will keep happy and good thoughts your way. Quasar4legs, don't think twice about what your mum says. I think that those of us who suffer from migraines have a low tolerance for any head pain. Has your doctor tried you on Pamelor as a preventative? That is what did the trick for me. He also put me in PT for my neck and shoulders and my Gyn gave me very low dose estrogen for those times of the month. For my regular headaches, my neuro ok'd 5 liquid Advil. It's a lot, but it works fast and good for me as my regular ones are almost as bad as a migraine. I had a long, drug free labor and I would rather do that again then have a migraine!!


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