July’s Journeys - July 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Woohoo... we're still having our wonderful summer-time weather, yesterday got quite warm but today we're back in to the perfection range.

Woohoo... I've been sleeping really well for the past couple of weeks.

Woohoo... Monday I thought I had forgotten to do my Dream Dinner's pick-up: yesterday I responded to the reminder email to ask if I could come in after work, but of course it was an automated mailbox so the only response was "don't send emails here". Before I could get on the phone to call them I got another reminder email and actually read it this time... my pick up is today!

Woohoo... I finally remembered to make the appointment for my second booster, so I'll be getting it before any of my upcoming business trips.
Woohoo... I finally remembered to make the appointment for my second booster, so I'll be getting it before any of my upcoming business trips.
I just (yesterday) made mine (for next week) as well.

WooHoo for today - Amazon Prime Day deals: I just ordered flavored half-caf coffee pods, a book, and a couple of gifts (to stash away for Christmas and birthdays) for kids in my life.
I just (yesterday) made mine (for next week) as well.

WooHoo for today - Amazon Prime Day deals: I just ordered flavored half-caf coffee pods, a book, and a couple of gifts (to stash away for Christmas and birthdays) for kids in my life.
WOO HOO! I got some great deals too. I have been stuck in the house because of the renovation, so I decided to do some prep for the new school year. I was laminating things, and my old laminator broke today, so I got a really good deal on a new one. I also got 24 plastic folders for my students' homework and a new towel rack for good prices.
Hello, my name is Lizanne and I'm addicted to Birkenstocks. And since I just bought a new pair earlier this week, pop-up ads are following me around to just about every site I visit... there are 26 photos of Birks displayed on this page. I don't stand a chance.

Just had to get that out of the way.

I got a new pillow and a new microwave on Prime Days, so not too much over spending has been done.

Today I am thankful that I have an open block of time with no meetings around lunchtime... this week it has been meeting after meeting all day every day. I'm thankful to be getting my booster x2 today, I'm missing two meeting to get it done but thankful to be able to do it.
I also need to curb my spending. Changing grades in an inner city school where there’s no money for supplies has caused me to spend a lot so that I could do my job. I definitely got in a pattern of overspending due to the pandemic…I see you Amazon…so with the cost of this renovation and upcoming vacation, I clearly see that I need to just STOP spending.

I am thankful for gaining control over the urge and my self-awareness to hold myself accountable.

I am thankful that vacation is in 9 days.

I am thankful for the summer.

I am thankful for my health.

I am thankful for all of you.
This has been a very tiring week and I need to make some significant adjustments to get thru the next two weeks, which are going to be just as busy.

As far as the weekend goes, the house needs a lot of love as I've not been keeping up with chores. I hope to get caught up on the laundry today, one of the advantages of work-from-home. Then with the other chores it will be a couple things each day, to make sure I can get them done.

Our community Summer Fest starts today and I think I'll go up early tomorrow, it should be quite lively since we haven't had it the past two years because of you-know-what.
Construction continues...they worked late last night and came early this morning. They surprised DD and I. I was painting the medicine cabinet on the back deck and she was getting ready for work. She wasn't decent, and they made it difficult for her to get to her bedroom to get ready. Then one of them was using the good bathroom when she needed it, so she was feeling frustrated.

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that they are hustling to get this job done. That's exactly what I want. There's very little communication, so we never know when they will show up or what they are doing. Will I have water or not? It's just so tiring. My upstairs is filthy with construction debris. Vacuuming does very little, and the same with mopping. I gave up mopping my downstairs hardwood floors because even though I try to keep them using the backdoor and staying in the back of the house, they like to come in the rest of the house to talk to me or my DH wearing their dirty shoes.

Because the upstairs bathroom is under construction, I am sleeping on the living room couch because I need access to the bathroom during the night. I miss my bed and my privacy. I am really looking forward to the weekend so that we can try to live normally for a couple of days. I need to get my vacation laundry done because at any moment they could be turning off the water and I may not be able to wash what I need for vacation, not to mention DD and DH.

When it is done, it will be totally worth it, but we definitely won't be doing our kitchen reno until next year at the earliest.
Happy Happy Friday everyone!!!

I have been completely absent from the boards this week-I have been so so busy at work and I babysat one evening for my niece and nephew, husband traveled all week and yesterday was my last day of work until 7/25 so trying to wrap everything up and transition some work-you Ladies know how it goes!!!

I am babysitting my youngest niece today and have caught up with everything just now while she drank her bottle. So glad everything is going well for everyone!!

After babysitting today my in laws dog is coming this evening for us to dog sit. They are leaving for the beach tomorrow for a week and we are joining them and my sister in law/niece/nephews Sunday-Wednesday. Looking forward to a few days at the beach but I have a lot to do tomorrow to get ready and LOL!!

I hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Hi Everyone! It has been one really busy week. Work has been crazy and then running around with the kids activities in the afternoon. I got a new fitbit too. It is the the Charge 5. I like it but it switched form active minutes to zone minutes so it is not tracking all of my walking. I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes yesterday. it wasn't a fast walk but it was something before I took the kids to soccer. It didn't give me any minutes. Oh well. I will figure it out.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are having DD and DS's birthday party tomorrow with the family. DS's is way late and DD's is early but it is what it is. They are 15 and 16 so no big deal. It will just be fun to get together with everyone.

Piper (the Dog) is doing great. She is finally starting to tell us when she needs to go out. She has learned sit, stay, and down. Also the big one is she is not really bagging for food. When we eat and she starts begging I can tell to go lay down and she does. She did really know how to play when we got her. She is starting to play fletch and today for the first time played tug of war. So all things going good here.
Sorry about the construction woes, Summer. Love the good dog news, piglet!

I missed posting yesterday because I was at DH's Lodge helping process donations for an upcoming flea market. - I am thankful for all the help I had both yesterday and today!

Weekend plans are fairly quiet - sort some more of my own stuff to donate, go grocery shopping, and stream a movie or two here at home with DH.
Getting a late start today, so we'll do a two-fer because I'm likely to forget tomorrow was well.

Social Saturday:


Does your community have a summer festival? Do you regularly attend? Do you have any fun memories of summertime festivities, or family summer traditions?

Self-care Sunday:


What loving affirmations will you say to yourself today?
Social Saturday:
Seattle has Seafair, which goes on during July-August. It starts with Pirates taking over the city (they usually land at the beach in my neighborhood) and ends with the Hydroplane races on Lake Washington. My Mom loved the hydros, so we would usually go for the qualification trials, then watch the big event on TV. You could hear the boats live from our front yard, even tho we were about 4 miles away.

Most communities in the area have their own street fair during Seafair and ours is going on this weekend. I went up at 10am this morning and walked the fair before most of the booths were even open. When I was doing crafts I sold at it one year and worked my Sister's booth several years and that is actually more fun then attending it.

Self-care Sunday:
I really hit a wall work-wise this week and need to make some adjustments in how I am doing things, one of which is getting back to my daily affirmations. So today and tomorrow and from here on out I'm telling myself "I am good at what I do", "I will successfully make the transition to the new area", "I will contribute very quickly in the new area" and "I will give myself grace as I adjust".
Current town has an Autumn Festival rather than a summer one, but the town I grew up in had our county fair every summer, and I have fond memories of going on the rides, getting vinegar-drenched fries with my dad and candied apples with my mom. I used to buy a new glass animal for my collection every year, and I still have them on shelves in our spare bedroom.

💕Love 💕 the daily affirmations!
The state has a lot of fall events but not a ton around here in the summer. We do have an arts and crafts fair memorial day weekend thats a nice little event. And the different events around gaspee days but those are here and there spread out between May and June.

I really like the "I'm not perfect and that's ok." Really hits home. It's been easier to remind myself of that since I stepped away from social media. Also need to remind myself of that about other members of my family.
There are various fairs on town greens every weekend in the summer. In May there was the annual Dogwood Festival. There's an Oyster Festival in early September. There are many outdoor concerts large and small in amphitheater's, the beaches, and town green. We always have fireworks around July 4th. I used to go to many of these, but I am not as comfortable as I used to be in crowds. I would rather swim in my pool or watch lightning bugs in my backyard at night.

Today DH vacuumed the 2nd floor and stairs with the shop vac and then I mopped the playroom so that we can walk around upstairs without dragging debris and dust into the bedrooms and downstairs this weekend. I finished my laundry and started organizing my clothes on my bed so I can start to pack for vacation. Packing for Cape Cod requires many more clothing options than Florida, Arizona, or California since it can get cool and windy at night on Cape Cod Bay. It will be very different from our most recent trips when we just have two carryons a piece. My SUV will be packed to the gills.


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