Lightspeed ahead to a healthier you! April 2016 WISH challenge... all are welcome!

I've been like this too. Our oldest DD went off to college last year and I handled it really well - she was excited about it and ready to go. I could remember feeling that way when I went off to college too, so I was excited for her! Our middle DD finishes up high school this year and I'm also excited for her, but it seems different this time. Oldest DD is at school about 3.5 hours away and middle DD will be 6 hours away, but they are in opposite directions, so they are about 9 hours apart. Not that I think they'll go visit each other much or anything, but the option would not hardly be there even if they wanted. I also think about DS. He'll be in 9th grade next year and basically he's going to be like an only child at home. He's also very kind and patient and I think it will be strange for him to go from being the youngest at home to being the only one at home. I'm actually tearing up just writing about it.

One happy thing though is last night middle DD and oldest DD met in the middle for dinner. First time they've done that since oldest DD moved to college. I was very surprised about it and honestly thought they were kidding me, but they did and had a good even together I guess! Happy mom moment - they actually wanted to see each other! :love:

That is awesome that your kids got together on their own! My 2 are very close. They are only 16 months apart are have kind of been raised as twins. Most days they love being with each other and I think my daughter might have an issue when my son goes off to college. Thankfully I have awhile to get used to that idea. We just had to send in pictures of our son for his 4th grade farewell (a big end of year party) and I had a friend tell me that it will not be long before we will be doing this for after prom. I wish I could make time stand still for a little bit.

Thank you for sharing. It helps to know I am not the only only parent that gets this emotional of their kids getting older.
Thank you for sharing that painful personal story - I am so sorry for your loss :hug: - we have all been 'that teenager' at some stage but understand why you would struggle with that. It is great that you are focused on a positive body image rather than obsessing about a number on a scale :-)

Thank you. It took a lot of work to move past the guilt (angsty teenagers can be such a drag). But it's freeing to remind myself to not hold onto the guilt. Annnnd it's helpful to feel the same way when I splurge and eat french fries :rolleyes1

::hugs you:: Oh sweetie. :(
Caught up on some sleep yesterday. Pup decided it was time to wake up at 9 (after going to bed at 3) so we did... and then he went to sleep on the couch. So I napped until 12:30p or so. Then I got hit with a major migraine around 6pm, and from 8pm until about 10:30pm I napped off and on in between bouts of throwing up. :crazy2: It was awful. But I'm officially over my gummy-life-saver cravings, let me tell you that. Feeling lots better today but now I'm trying to make up for the day of absolutely nothing yesterday.

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

We've never been to SWW. Always too hot and crowded for us, and my immediate family could care less about Star Wars. DH is a huge Star Wars fan and I wanted to take him for SWW just once but now who knows what's happening with them. @courtneybeth the park can't suck if it doesn't exist, ma'am! :P

OK, so. I've been doing a lot of looking back lately. Monday was 1 year since we did our engagement photos... Let me just tell you how much I cried when we got those photos back a year ago. I hated them. I hated the way I looked in them. Of all the ones we got back, I think we only liked and posted 5 of them. I was so over the moon happy when we got back our wedding photos and we loved them. I had lost 30lbs between engagement and wedding photos, and DH had lost at least that much.

[I'll post an engagement photo next to a wedding photo once I find the engagement photos. See how much we loved them?]

Well. Flash forward to not even 6 months after the wedding and we are both back to engagement photo weight. I'm devastated, to be 100% honest. I know what caused it. Depression + stress + lack of control + lack of caring. Eating out all the time. Sitting on the couch all the time. Eating feelings plus just loving food. But I'm so angry at us for being in this place again. I'm so angry that all of the cute clothes I bought last summer because I could finally fit into them don't fit this summer. I'm so angry that I can't buy any of the cute things that I've seen this year, not only because we're broke, but because I am back to "they don't make this in my size". I'm so angry and don't know what to do to get us back to where we were, because I don't know what got us there in the first place, and the things I thought worked then don't work now.

So I guess I've learned that something has to change. I just don't know what to change it to.
Caught up on some sleep yesterday. Pup decided it was time to wake up at 9 (after going to bed at 3) so we did... and then he went to sleep on the couch. So I napped until 12:30p or so. Then I got hit with a major migraine around 6pm, and from 8pm until about 10:30pm I napped off and on in between bouts of throwing up. :crazy2: It was awful. But I'm officially over my gummy-life-saver cravings, let me tell you that. Feeling lots better today but now I'm trying to make up for the day of absolutely nothing yesterday.

We've never been to SWW. Always too hot and crowded for us, and my immediate family could care less about Star Wars. DH is a huge Star Wars fan and I wanted to take him for SWW just once but now who knows what's happening with them. @courtneybeth the park can't suck if it doesn't exist, ma'am! :P

OK, so. I've been doing a lot of looking back lately. Monday was 1 year since we did our engagement photos... Let me just tell you how much I cried when we got those photos back a year ago. I hated them. I hated the way I looked in them. Of all the ones we got back, I think we only liked and posted 5 of them. I was so over the moon happy when we got back our wedding photos and we loved them. I had lost 30lbs between engagement and wedding photos, and DH had lost at least that much.

[I'll post an engagement photo next to a wedding photo once I find the engagement photos. See how much we loved them?]

Well. Flash forward to not even 6 months after the wedding and we are both back to engagement photo weight. I'm devastated, to be 100% honest. I know what caused it. Depression + stress + lack of control + lack of caring. Eating out all the time. Sitting on the couch all the time. Eating feelings plus just loving food. But I'm so angry at us for being in this place again. I'm so angry that all of the cute clothes I bought last summer because I could finally fit into them don't fit this summer. I'm so angry that I can't buy any of the cute things that I've seen this year, not only because we're broke, but because I am back to "they don't make this in my size". I'm so angry and don't know what to do to get us back to where we were, because I don't know what got us there in the first place, and the things I thought worked then don't work now.

So I guess I've learned that something has to change. I just don't know what to change it to.
Maybe just try to simplify a little bit? Weight loss is nothing more than a mathematical equation (leaving out the head space for a minute). Barring a medical condition eating less and moving a little more is the key. Any diet plan out there is based on that principle no matter what they call it. If you are not down for counting calories then maybe just start by taking 3/4 of the portion you normally would, 1 slice of cheese instead of two, sour cream on your potato but skip the butter, 1tbsp or cream in your coffee instead of two, count exactly 16 chips from the bag and put it on a plate. Schedule eating times and stick to it. You CAN do this. I've witnessed your drive and your spunk in these threads and *I* know you can do it. Believe in yourself like everyone here believes in you. Keep trying, keep picking yourself back up and you will find that head space, I promise.
How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

This is actually a great question for me today.
Normally it's hard for me to look back and not regret everything in my life. But during my run this morning, I had an interesting thought. In June, I had my first hour-long run. It was just over 5 miles. Today I had my first two-hour run. About 9.5 miles, and I at one point thought about going for 10 miles (but that would have been a bad move because my knee was a little stiff). In about 10 months I've been able to double the length of my runs. This may not be something super impressive for some people, but for me ... it's something I never could have imagined.
I think the lesson I've learned is that even when I feel like I'm doing everything wrong ... I still might be doing something right. It's better to focus on the few things I'm doing well, and once I accept that I am doing something right, I can work on fixing what I'm doing wrong.

I really appreciated seeing what everyone has learned from thier journey. We're all so different and have learned different things ... but we can all learn from the insights that have been shared here today!
Good morning and welcome to your QOTD for Thursday, April 7, 2016:

For those of you who are familiar with Facebook, often Thursdays are referred to as THROWBACK THURSDAY #throwbackthursday #TBT

So let's go into the "way back" machine and see an original bit of Disney Star Wars..... remember this??

View attachment 160736

Anyone here ever been to a Star Wars weekend?

But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

View attachment 160737

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

We are all HUUUGE Star Wars fans, but shockingly have never been to SWW. I have mixed feeling about looking at the past. It can not be changed, so why dwell on it is where I usually fall, but there are some lessons to learn, so it can not just be ignored. For instance, I may look at my floppy, saggy stretched out belly, and feel frustrated that I didn't take better care of my self when I was pregnant. But, I can't change it, so I try not to dwell on it - though that gets very hard in bathing suit season;) I have a long torso so one pieces would never be my first choice, tankinis don't always cover me enough, and bikinis - not happening. But, part of why it looks the way it does is I have lost the weight I gained and then some. Although I am still a ways from my goal weight, I am lower than my pre pregnancy weight. So it was my hard work and good decisions that got me there. What I learn looking at my past from a weight loss perspective is when I really put my mind to it, I can absolutely accomplish what I want. But for me it has to be very clear what my goals and plans are. I need to track diligently and exercise regularly. I need to keep certain things out of the house. I can't have cartons of ice cream or I'll eat half at a time. I buy proportioned ones instead. I'm a planner by nature, and I need to make a plan and stick to it for things to work. Good news is, for nearly two weeks now, I have felt like I am totally rocking my plan. I think giving up on a weight goal for now and working on re-ingraining old habits is a great step for me.

Good morning all! Almost the end of the week for probably most of you, but getting ready to start my "work week" tomorrow and only slightly dreading it ;) What have I learned? Where do I start? Mostly I have learned that my mind is a liar! It tells me to eat when I am not hungry, it tells me that I can't run at this weight, it tells me that everyone is looking at and judging me, it tells me to "eat that delicious treat" and then beats me up for it when I do, telling me that I'll never change. My mind is my biggest challenge in that I need to constantly put it in it's place during this journey and not believe the old lies that have kept me in this cycle of failure for so long. It takes a lot of work to reprogram my thinking! Now I wake up and tell myself that I can do this and that I will be successful! For me, this change in my thinking is just as important as my healthy food choices and I am so happy I have finally learned this!
I am totally with you. My own brain is my biggest obstacle. In pretty much everything. But especially in weight loss. When I approach it from a place of I can/I want to do this, versus I have to do this/that, I get totally different results.

What have I learned? I think the biggest thing for me was finding the right head space and getting out of my own way. No fancy diet, work out program, cheerleaders etc. will make it work until I work it. I had to learn to DO FOR ME and nobody else. I've learned it's okay to put myself first and put work into ME. That saying, "If Mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" is absolutely true. It sounds selfish but it's absolutely the best thing I've done for myself and my family. That drive has to come from within, you have to own it and once you do, success will follow.

Truth right there! :) I say that all the time. And I don't think it is selfish anymore. I need to take care of me to have the energy to do everything I have to for everyone else.

I really try not to look back. I lost my mother very young and I used to watch old home movies of us together and I would cry boatloads and really longed for that time when I was young. When my mom passed, she was living abroad and had been battling cancer for 5 years (my parents divorced amidst her cancer battle - she was stronger than I even realized to be honest) and a few days prior, I happened to be at WDW (it was my 2nd and last time, actually). I was a teenager and was trying to get off the phone with her so I could go to a park. I had no idea it would be the last time I ever spoke to her. Out of that tragedy came a LOT of learning. I used to be riddled with guilt knowing I was rushing to get off the phone with her all for a dumb day at a park (sorry, no offense to WDW or anything). I have learned to never take anyone or anything for granted but to also enjoy small moments.

It ties into my weight loss journey. Every little victory is a step in the right direction. I so appreciate the fact that my life is relatively good and healthy. Anything else good in my weight loss journey is just icing on the cake for me at this point. Do I want to lose a bit more weight? Yes of course. But my body image is so much more important than a number on a scale.

:hug: What a tough thing to happen, losing your mother at such an early age! I can't imagine.

I learned I like eating bad food... and eating a lot of it.

I watch the weight loss shows or hear others talk about how something in their past has led to them weighing as much as they do... and I'm not disagreeing with them... but for me, none of that applies. I like eating burgers, doughnuts, cake, pizza, cookies... it really isn't anything more than that. And when you add that to sitting behind a desk or on the couch all day, you get the results that I got. I learned that I got to get my butt up and moving each day, get at least 30 min of a sweat going, and stay away from all the junk, and I'll be just fine.

Yup. I love bad food. I love good food too, but bad food is all around us and so much easier to get these days. I could live on ice cream, candy, burgers and pizza. In fact in high school and college I did. But I was active and young and I stayed pretty slender. I have had some struggles in my life with depression, and definitely fed myself to soothe, but for at least 15 years now that mostly hasn't been the case, and it has simply been a love of junk food that drove me to it. Just bad decisions on my part.

I find now that I have to look at meals and snacks as opportunities for fueling my body and my runs, and that keeps my decisions in check much better than if I think of it as "I'm hungry and need to eat something". For instance today I had a long session at the gym, and then had an errand to run. It had been 4 hours since I'd eaten and I had burned a whole lot of calories. I was starving. In the past, I would have grabbed a milky way on the way out of the store, telling myself I needed to eat something. Today, I preplanned and had a chocolate milk in my gym bag, which didn't fill me up, but I knew I had "refueled" with a good balance of carbs and protein. Then I skipped the candy and had a healthy lunch when I got home.
I long to be back in my late teens early twenties. I felt I could do anything I wanted to do. I just had to put my mind to it. Unfortunately I did not do this. I always wanted to be a nurse. Especially a labor and delivery nurse. I did 1 year of college in nursing and decided to stop because it was to much work. I ended up getting a degree in Office admin (I went to school to be a secretary). It was the easiest degree to get. Looking back I wish that I would have not been so lazy. I have learned that you need to work at what you want. Nothing is every easy. You need to work hard to achieve your goals.

This was me as well - I left high school 2 weeks into year 11 and went to work - back then you could walk into junior admin jobs in law firms etc and work your way up to receptionist or secretary. I did that for a lot of years and then moved into working in a bank doing their loan documentation. I wasn't good at maths and I passed my other subjects but just couldn't see where staying in school would get me back then - haha hindsight. Fast forward lots of years and I found myself in a place after having had kids and time off to look after them, a relationship breakdown and knowing I had to go back to work within the next few year but knew I did not want to go back to admin work and that I needed to increase my income capacity now that it was all on me. So at 35 the same year my twins started prep I went to university full time to earn my Occupational Therapy degree - now it wasn't something I had ever thought I would do - so if you really want to become a nurse is there a way you could do it now with part-time study .... its never too late to give it a go :-)

I am really going to try and not feed my emotions today. I have been very emotional lately and can start crying at the drop of a hat. I am pretty sure this is all coming from my son turning 10. I had tears dropping him off at schools today. It was like when I dropped him off at Kindergarten. This is also his last year at this school. He moves up to a school that is set more like middle/high school. He is only going to be in 5th grade. Lots of emotions over this for the next few months. He is an awesome kid. He is very smart and sensitive and very patient with people. He loves helping his sister with homework and is very good at teaching her and not just giving her the answers. I can see him following in his Nana's shoes and being a teacher.

:hug: you young man sounds lovely you should be a proud mummy or gets emotional! Those school changes are hard - here in Australia we have primary school prep to year 6 and then high school year 7 to year 12. My twins, who are my youngest, started high school this year. Their last week of year 6 was a whirlwind of events and emotions that had be crying regularly. We had a graduation liturgy (catholic school) when one of the parents got up and did a reading about the love of a parent that did me in I was balling! They also had all the kids write letters to their parents to thank them for the support at school up till that point - again crying my eyes out - my kids wrote 2 fantastic letters, grad dinner - also with a baby photo slideshow, then graduation assembly more tears!!! I cried when I put them on the bus for the first time to high school with their older brother at the start of the year. You definitely aren't alone in these feelings.

I learned I like eating bad food... and eating a lot of it.

:rotfl:I love it - its just so truthful. You are not alone there!

No - I do not look back and long for things in the past because they have made me into the person that I am today. It may sound funny but if I hadn't been depressed, weighed 215 pounds and unsatisfied with my job situation three years ago --- I wouldn't have gone back to school, progressed forward into the job I have today, and I wouldn't be running half marathons and lost 70 pounds. Because of who I was back then, it's made me into the person I am right now. I wouldn't change any of that for the world.

Good for you and you are right - if we had done any one thing different in our pasts we may have different lives now and as much as things have happened that I wish didn't - I just could not imagine life without my kids and if I had been with someone different I still would have had kids but not the ones I have right now - I hope that makes sense.

I've been like this too. Our oldest DD went off to college last year and I handled it really well - she was excited about it and ready to go. I could remember feeling that way when I went off to college too, so I was excited for her! Our middle DD finishes up high school this year and I'm also excited for her, but it seems different this time. Oldest DD is at school about 3.5 hours away and middle DD will be 6 hours away, but they are in opposite directions, so they are about 9 hours apart. Not that I think they'll go visit each other much or anything, but the option would not hardly be there even if they wanted. I also think about DS. He'll be in 9th grade next year and basically he's going to be like an only child at home. He's also very kind and patient and I think it will be strange for him to go from being the youngest at home to being the only one at home. I'm actually tearing up just writing about it.

One happy thing though is last night middle DD and oldest DD met in the middle for dinner. First time they've done that since oldest DD moved to college. I was very surprised about it and honestly thought they were kidding me, but they did and had a good even together I guess! Happy mom moment - they actually wanted to see each other! :love:

:hug: for another mum coping with our kids growing and our parenting role changing somewhat - I love the story about your daughters meeting for dinner that is awesome!

I really appreciated seeing what everyone has learned from thier journey. We're all so different and have learned different things ... but we can all learn from the insights that have been shared here today!

I totally agree - @pjlla has certainly given us some great questions of the day to get us thinking and chatting.

Good news is, for nearly two weeks now, I have felt like I am totally rocking my plan. I think giving up on a weight goal for now and working on re-ingraining old habits is a great step for me.

:cool1: celebration dance for you - so happy for you.
Good morning everyone!!

I am at the office very early because I had a 7:30am appointment at my doctor to get my blood tested for my thyroid hormome levels. Hopefully the current dosage I am taking is fine, I will know tomorrow. So I ended up with having breakfast at the office, but decided to use that time to check up on the DIS!! Not a healthy breakfast, but I was not allowed to take my pill until after the blood was taken and then I needed to wait 30 minutes before I could eat something. Anyway, this gives me the opportunity to chat with you a bit! :goodvibes

Yes, I love the positivity in this thread at the moment as well!! It really gives me a boost in motivation everytime I get on and read!!

Sorry about your sleep! I have been struggling the last weeks, too. Not as bad as you though. But the last few nights started to get better and I can feel how much more energy I have. Hopefully you will be able to sleep better soon!

Your post really made me think that I need to try some "new" vegetables again for myself to see if I like them! I love asparagus and sweet potatoes. But I think I ought to experiment with fennel and leek a little bit...

Lisa!!!!! :banana::banana::banana: So happy to see you (yes, dancing banana happy!!!)! The picture of you is amazing! You look really great and what a success! Congratulations. I know that be have often been in a similar position of things not moving like we thought they should and I am so happy to see that you were finally able to get such a great success!

I hope your recovery from the accident will continue well!! And I agree with Pam that we would love to have you around more regularly!!

I had to laugh at your post because I was thinking exactly the same when I saw Lisa's post!!

Yes, back to MFP is a good plan!! I am always amazed how easy it is to totally miscalculate I am eating if I stop tracking!

And I also wanted to say with regard what you posted earlier on the thread that I agree with the nurse: From everything you have shared with us, I am amazed at what you have accomplished for yourself and for your family!

:cheer2: Aren't CM friends quite wonderful. I am very lucky that we know a few CMs and thanks to them we were able to share some great benefits (like the Wild Africa Trek with a 50% discount).

Hope the supplements help you to have more energy! Body chemistry is so difficult and it can affect you so much!

I love travelling, but I also always love getting home. It is just so comforting to be in my own place. So, what was the verdict on Texas? Didn't you mention that you were considering relocating there?


I also wanted to say that I am so sorry that all those mishaps still keep coming! The fire in the office just sounds so horrible!! I guess I now understand why my office has such strict rules about which electric appliances you are allowed to bring in and how all of them need to be unplugged when you leave the office.

I am not a fan of the D&B bags, but this one is really cute!! Hope you can get it at the expo!

Actually I think it is huge! It is far more difficult to not do something that you want to do. So, making a conscious decision if you want to have a treat or not is a great acchievement! And the next time when you maybe go there and then feel bad about it, you can remember that there was a time when you were able to resist. For me that is always a great motivation to not give up and try to be better again the next time. I know that I will never be someone who will not eat a single treat. So, the thing to learn for me is to plan my treats and not just let them happen.

Flossbolna... The jury is still out on Texas, as I didn't have any big ah ha moments or feel a deep connection to any place I visited. I did come away knowing what a big change it would be to execute, both in getting there and settling in. I do feel more deeply committed to being where I am and making the most of what I have, so that's a very good that not.
Hi friends - I'm sitting in the Dulles Airport waiting to board the 'rowboat' sized plane to Raleigh for this weekend's race.

The airport is quiet - no flights are leaving yet and people haven't quite come in for the day. I am now on east coast time and was hoping others would be awake? I didn't get much sleep on the plane - so it'll be another looong day unless I can find a way to take a nap. These red eye flights are killer!

Excited to see what's in store for discussion today. :D
Hi friends - I'm sitting in the Dulles Airport waiting to board the 'rowboat' sized plane to Raleigh for this weekend's race.

The airport is quiet - no flights are leaving yet and people haven't quite come in for the day. I am now on east coast time and was hoping others would be awake? I didn't get much sleep on the plane - so it'll be another looong day unless I can find a way to take a nap. These red eye flights are killer!

Excited to see what's in store for discussion today. :D

Wow, I could not imagine to run a half marathon after a red eye flight!! I hope the race isn't until tomorrow and you will get a good night sleep! I am here to chat, just back from my lunch break! :thumbsup2 Had a great vegetable thai curry. A bit on the high side for calories, but a nice treat and it fits in my plan for today.
Wow, I could not imagine to run a half marathon after a red eye flight!! I hope the race isn't until tomorrow and you will get a good night sleep! I am here to chat, just back from my lunch break! :thumbsup2 Had a great vegetable thai curry. A bit on the high side for calories, but a nice treat and it fits in my plan for today.

Thankfully the 5K is tomorrow and the half is on Sunday. Tonight is just packet pick up and relaxing in the room --- we may or may not go to the free Gavin DeGraw concert and hit a thrift store for 'toss away' clothing. It's going to be a very chilly 34 degrees fahrenheit ( 1 degree celsius) when we run tomorrow... we need something to bulk up for sure.

Your delicious lunch sounds amazing! I'm shutting down the computer and heading to the gate to score a great place to charge my phone and take a nap. My plane departs in an hour.
Caught up on some sleep yesterday. Pup decided it was time to wake up at 9 (after going to bed at 3) so we did... and then he went to sleep on the couch. So I napped until 12:30p or so. Then I got hit with a major migraine around 6pm, and from 8pm until about 10:30pm I napped off and on in between bouts of throwing up. :crazy2: It was awful. But I'm officially over my gummy-life-saver cravings, let me tell you that. Feeling lots better today but now I'm trying to make up for the day of absolutely nothing yesterday.

We've never been to SWW. Always too hot and crowded for us, and my immediate family could care less about Star Wars. DH is a huge Star Wars fan and I wanted to take him for SWW just once but now who knows what's happening with them. @courtneybeth the park can't suck if it doesn't exist, ma'am! :P

OK, so. I've been doing a lot of looking back lately. Monday was 1 year since we did our engagement photos... Let me just tell you how much I cried when we got those photos back a year ago. I hated them. I hated the way I looked in them. Of all the ones we got back, I think we only liked and posted 5 of them. I was so over the moon happy when we got back our wedding photos and we loved them. I had lost 30lbs between engagement and wedding photos, and DH had lost at least that much.

[I'll post an engagement photo next to a wedding photo once I find the engagement photos. See how much we loved them?]

Well. Flash forward to not even 6 months after the wedding and we are both back to engagement photo weight. I'm devastated, to be 100% honest. I know what caused it. Depression + stress + lack of control + lack of caring. Eating out all the time. Sitting on the couch all the time. Eating feelings plus just loving food. But I'm so angry at us for being in this place again. I'm so angry that all of the cute clothes I bought last summer because I could finally fit into them don't fit this summer. I'm so angry that I can't buy any of the cute things that I've seen this year, not only because we're broke, but because I am back to "they don't make this in my size". I'm so angry and don't know what to do to get us back to where we were, because I don't know what got us there in the first place, and the things I thought worked then don't work now.

So I guess I've learned that something has to change. I just don't know what to change it to.

Megan.... you are NOT alone here.... even though I know telling you this doesn't really help. Let me share a bit briefly here.... when I got engaged (back in the dark ages of 1990) I was at a weight that I was NOT happy with.... I had spent years not being happy in my weight range.... but when I met and dated DH I gained a bit more and got engaged at about 10 pounds higher (honestly cannot remember exact numbers). Our "fun" together often was food-related... movies and popcorn, parties and beer, rainy weekends relaxing with our feet up and massive portions of chinese food, late-night ice cream runs.

When we got engaged and set the date, I knew I would be unhappy with myself if I didn't lose some weight. So I got to work (we were engaged nearly 2 years) and without a TON of extreme effort I got down to a very comfortable 140 on my wedding day. I felt good, looked good, and was pleased as punch with how I looked that day! But I had one problem.... I had NO PLAN. My entire weight loss journey that time had a definite END date.... May 17, 1992. I never gave a SINGLE SOLITARY thought as to how I was going to maintain this weight loss and make it a lifestyle. I also had a few things that threw me for a loop right after the wedding (post-wedding depression... it is really a thing!), unemployment (I changed states when I got married), newlywed eating for "fun", and then just a few months into our marriage my DH got changed from a M-F 9-5 type of schedule to a horrible Tu-Fri night job (approx 3pm - 1 am) and Saturdays 9-5, right after I had secured a regular 9-5 job!!. He spent all day Sunday sleeping and then was off Mondays when I headed to work. I was lonely (away from family and friends), depressed (post-wedding letdown and nothing "exciting" on the horizon), and bored. That all added up to me gaining everything I lost for the wedding PLUS some.... I hit my 1 year anniversary at probably close to my highest weight to date.

Why am I saying all this..... I guess so you know you are not alone? Because it is 5 am and I am rambling? So that you realize you aren't THAT far gone? You still have time to get back to "wedding weight" by your anniversary! What a great accomplishment that would be! And what a doubly happy anniversary that would be!

One more thing..... I'm going to go into the "MOM" zone on you.... but it is coming from a place of love..... you need to get on a regular sleep schedule. I know, I know.... I'm old and old-fashioned.... but I KNOW that sleep is important.... sleep is when your body grows (when you are a kid) and sleep is when your body HEALS (always) and sleep is when your brain recharges and resets.... but it needs to be good, restorative sleep.... not cat naps on the sofa, not a few hours here and a few hours there. Deep sleep, in a bed, in a cool, dark, quiet room is best.

Okay.... taking of my "MOM" hat and putting on my "friend" hat.....:hug: to you. This WILL happen for you... I know it. Just hope I can help you find the right switch to throw to help it along!

This is actually a great question for me today.
Normally it's hard for me to look back and not regret everything in my life. But during my run this morning, I had an interesting thought. In June, I had my first hour-long run. It was just over 5 miles. Today I had my first two-hour run. About 9.5 miles, and I at one point thought about going for 10 miles (but that would have been a bad move because my knee was a little stiff). In about 10 months I've been able to double the length of my runs. This may not be something super impressive for some people, but for me ... it's something I never could have imagined.
I think the lesson I've learned is that even when I feel like I'm doing everything wrong ... I still might be doing something right. It's better to focus on the few things I'm doing well, and once I accept that I am doing something right, I can work on fixing what I'm doing wrong.

I really appreciated seeing what everyone has learned from thier journey. We're all so different and have learned different things ... but we can all learn from the insights that have been shared here today!

Do not discount your accomplishment! That is a HUGE step, doubling your runs! It should be SUPER IMPRESSIVE to everyone! If they aren't impressed then they have never tried running!!

Checking in for the week.
No weight loss. :( 0/4 lbs lost for the month
Completed two more couch to half marathon session. 2/3 done :)

Sorry about the lack of loss, but woohoo on finishing those sessions! :banana:


Good morning friends! I've pretty much gotten caught up this morning between calls, so I'm ready to post the QOTD before heading out to the day of ROBOTICS! There is good wi-fi at the venue, so I am hoping to be able to chat a bit more today between matches!

I forgot to bring my scale along last night. I had fully intended to bring the scale, weigh in here today and be done with it, but along with my camera :( I also forgot my scale. So I may or may not be missing the first weigh-in of April.... GRRRR.

Okay....I'm over my time on my shift, so time to log out after this call and post your QOTD and get showered for an exciting day of competition!............P
I didn't get much sleep on the plane - so it'll be another looong day unless I can find a way to take a nap. These red eye flights are killer!

Am I the only person who loves red eyes? I'm a little bit of a cranky witch the rest of the day, but red eyes are really the only time I can sleep on the plane, and I love it. It probably helps that I always fly Virgin America cross-country and their planes are super comfortable.
Have a safe flight and an awesome time in Raleigh!


Hey guys! I wanted to come by and chat yesterday, but every time I thought about it, I kinda decided to do something else. Like eat a cookie. It was one of those days. Hopefully I didn't do too much damage on the scale, though ... I'll be back in a few hours to report on that (I'm technically still in bed ... I have this terrible habit of being on the laptop in bed for a while in the mornings).
In case I don't get back to chat later today ... have a great weekend, everyone!
But in terms of LOOKING BACK.... do you ever find yourself longing for a time in your life when things were different? Are are you good at LEARNING from the past?

I had a time when I was finally at a very good weight and looked great. At least that is what I think now when I see pictures of myself from that time. But then I was still fat and ugly in my mind and did not appreciate myself. Now I am looking back and am amazed at how stupid I was then.

How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

I have learned that giving up is never going to get me where I want to be. I also learned that I need to find a way that works for me and that I can keep up for a long time (possibly always). Taking these two things together, I have learned to be patient as I will never get to my goal by being impatient. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never be the person who can acchieve a 10 pound goal in a month. I am struggling with my 2 kg per month already (a little over 4 pounds). But as long as I weigh less at the end of the month than at the beginning, the month was successful in my book. I might not be at goal sooner, but I know that the journey to get there is important for me for setting myself up for long term success.

Mostly I have learned that my mind is a liar! It tells me to eat when I am not hungry, it tells me that I can't run at this weight, it tells me that everyone is looking at and judging me, it tells me to "eat that delicious treat" and then beats me up for it when I do, telling me that I'll never change.

I had to laugh at this, but it is so true!! The good thing is however, that you can teach your mind to be more truthful - or at least become better at detecting the lies it is telling you!

I have learnt to try and see people for who they really are when they show it to you (as there are always signs in retrospect that we may have dismissed or thought we could live with/change) e.g. trust that inner voice about people, that even if I don't log a chocolate or 2 it still counts and will show on the scales! lol, the mirror lies to me - it makes me look better than I really do, having an active lifestyle is important - being naturally thin in my early years with no effort at all set me up for difficulty later in life/post kids when I had not developed the skills I needed to maintain a healthy weight, whilst getting of the rails with your health might be easy - there is no easy fix it takes planning, motivation, support and determination, I am stronger than I think most of the time, I can get up early for exercise after all lol.

So much here! And I am absolutely with you on learning that I can get up early for exercise after all! I went for a run this morning and was marvelling at myself that I was doing this as I would not have been able to imagine that I would run half an hour at 7am in the morning just a year ago!

I have learned that small changes have a positive impact on my health in ways I wasn't anticipating. I didn't have "health" problems associated with my eating habits (no high blood pressure etc) so it went against my logical mind that I should have to switch to more wholesome food - after all - a calorie is a calorie, right; it shouldn't matter if I eat 140 calories of chips or 140 calories of fruit, but when completely substituted fruit and vegetables for my standby lunch sides (chips, crackers, cookies), I noticed fairly quickly that my hair became healthier - shinier and much less fall out/breakage. I can only attribute it to my diet since my hair care routine has stayed the same.

This is a great one! I have started to eat nearly exclusively whole wheat (or rye) products at home and have cut down on empty carbs very much. It makes such a difference in my general well being, especially my energy levels, that it makes it so much easier to make reasonable choices, because I know that I feel better.

I really try not to look back. I lost my mother very young and I used to watch old home movies of us together and I would cry boatloads and really longed for that time when I was young. When my mom passed, she was living abroad and had been battling cancer for 5 years (my parents divorced amidst her cancer battle - she was stronger than I even realized to be honest) and a few days prior, I happened to be at WDW (it was my 2nd and last time, actually). I was a teenager and was trying to get off the phone with her so I could go to a park. I had no idea it would be the last time I ever spoke to her. Out of that tragedy came a LOT of learning. I used to be riddled with guilt knowing I was rushing to get off the phone with her all for a dumb day at a park (sorry, no offense to WDW or anything). I have learned to never take anyone or anything for granted but to also enjoy small moments.

It ties into my weight loss journey. Every little victory is a step in the right direction. I so appreciate the fact that my life is relatively good and healthy. Anything else good in my weight loss journey is just icing on the cake for me at this point. Do I want to lose a bit more weight? Yes of course. But my body image is so much more important than a number on a scale.

I wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss! Sending a big hug! :hug: But I am happy that you were able to learn something from it! The ability to enjoy small moments is so important and I feel so many people are missing it because they are busy worrying about the big things! :goodvibes

I am really going to try and not feed my emotions today. I have been very emotional lately and can start crying at the drop of a hat. I am pretty sure this is all coming from my son turning 10. I had tears dropping him off at schools today. It was like when I dropped him off at Kindergarten. This is also his last year at this school. He moves up to a school that is set more like middle/high school. He is only going to be in 5th grade. Lots of emotions over this for the next few months. He is an awesome kid. He is very smart and sensitive and very patient with people. He loves helping his sister with homework and is very good at teaching her and not just giving her the answers. I can see him following in his Nana's shoes and being a teacher.

Sorry for the long sappy message. Tomorrow I will be back to normal, I hope. I hope everyone takes the full advantage of the day and make the right choices for you today!

Don't worry about the sappy message - everyone is welcome to share here! Your son sounds like a lovely young man!!

I learned I like eating bad food... and eating a lot of it.

I watch the weight loss shows or hear others talk about how something in their past has led to them weighing as much as they do... and I'm not disagreeing with them... but for me, none of that applies. I like eating burgers, doughnuts, cake, pizza, cookies... it really isn't anything more than that. And when you add that to sitting behind a desk or on the couch all day, you get the results that I got. I learned that I got to get my butt up and moving each day, get at least 30 min of a sweat going, and stay away from all the junk, and I'll be just fine.

I once read something about how we are genetically programmed to love the combination of sweet and fatty. Because our genes still think that getting nourishment is difficult and we needed to store energy for the next famine. Sweet and fatty is the best thing to store lots of "energy" (i.e. body fat) quickly. The problem is that in the first world, famine just isn't to happen and the food industry is very good at playing with that sweet and fatty preference by giving us the stuff that we crave. That is one of the reason why you will find that most processed food has suger added to it - we find it tastier! And the tastier something is, the more likely people are going to buy it. I think your conclusion is actually a very smart one, because it enables you to think about what your choices are.

And while I know that for a lot of people some underlying emotional issue helps them gain weight (I even count myself amongst them because I first gained a lot of weight when I was 10 and we moved to a new town and I was very unhappy at the new school), ultimately it is not the emotional issue, but the way we react to it. For me it was eating my sorrows and buying candy with my pocket money. I started to treat myself with food when I felt bad - with food I enjoyed eating. So, even when the emotional issue has gone away, that does not change the fact that I like bad food a lot and still have to deal with not eating a delicious burger, pasta with cheese sauce or a schnitzel every evening.

No - I do not look back and long for things in the past because they have made me into the person that I am today. It may sound funny but if I hadn't been depressed, weighed 215 pounds and unsatisfied with my job situation three years ago --- I wouldn't have gone back to school, progressed forward into the job I have today, and I wouldn't be running half marathons and lost 70 pounds. Because of who I was back then, it's made me into the person I am right now. I wouldn't change any of that for the world.

I like reading your story, because you were able to really turn a lot of negativity into something very positive! That really is very inspirational!! :thumbsup2

To answer the QOTD for myself, I'd have to say one thing I've learned since logging everything is that there are a lot of "good" choices that aren't necessarily the "best" choices. Right now, I'm just doing MFP and logging everything - basically just trying to stay below my calories every day. Well, I've found that even though Fazoli's isn't the best option, I can still go there and eat what I want to eat if I just eat more reasonable the rest of the day; or only eat half of the order of pasta (which is more than enough anyway). Or, if DS picks Steak and Shake for dinner, when you look up the calories on MFP, they aren't always as bad and you would think and you can fit it into your day. I've learned that planning really pays off!

I very much believe that a healthy life is not about being perfect. Perfect is going to be unacchievable for nearly everyone. So, your way of figuring out a good choice, even if it is not the perfect choice is a great example of how to actually make a healthy lifestyle sustainable!

One of the most important things I've learned, and this is thanks to my new WW leader, is that the only way to make a true lifestyle change is to flip your negative thinking into positive thinking and start doing what you want to do. Eat really delicious food that you will really enjoy, not something that is just so so. Find an activity that you truly love to do -- whatever that may be. Make your choices and own them. Have fun every single day. Use the time and effort you used to spend beating yourself up or regretting your choices to continue to craft your healthy lifestyle. It is so much easier to say yes to yourself over and over than it is to say no to yourself over and over. :hippie:

I love this! And you inspired me to get out a cook book and come up with a few new things to try over the weekend! Thanks!

I had my first Pilates session this morning and it seems like exactly what I need, so I'm pretty excited.

I am happy to hear that you liked pilates! I am really bad at it and I know that this is a reason why I should try to do it. I know it would be something that I need very much. I guess I should look into a class! Thanks for the inspiration!

Well. Flash forward to not even 6 months after the wedding and we are both back to engagement photo weight. I'm devastated, to be 100% honest. I know what caused it. Depression + stress + lack of control + lack of caring. Eating out all the time. Sitting on the couch all the time. Eating feelings plus just loving food. But I'm so angry at us for being in this place again. I'm so angry that all of the cute clothes I bought last summer because I could finally fit into them don't fit this summer. I'm so angry that I can't buy any of the cute things that I've seen this year, not only because we're broke, but because I am back to "they don't make this in my size". I'm so angry and don't know what to do to get us back to where we were, because I don't know what got us there in the first place, and the things I thought worked then don't work now.

So I guess I've learned that something has to change. I just don't know what to change it to.

:hug: Sorry that you are feeling so lost!! If you want to, maybe we can come up with some ideas of what to change to? If you tell us what the things are that you thought worked and which don't work now, we might come up with some suggestions. There is a number of people here who do have quite a bit experience. None of us is a qualified dietician or so, but I would think that as a group we have a pretty good understanding of weight loss and the different ways to acchieve it.

In the past, I would have grabbed a milky way on the way out of the store, telling myself I needed to eat something. Today, I preplanned and had a chocolate milk in my gym bag, which didn't fill me up, but I knew I had "refueled" with a good balance of carbs and protein.

I have read people talking about chocolate milk a number of time and I am always baffled by this. Maybe chocolate milk in the US is much more low in calory, but here a chocolate milk would bring 384 Kcal. In my book that is nearly a full meal. And it still comes with a lot of sugar. So, what is the benefit of it?? I am really curious, because here in Germany nobody would consider chocolate milk a healthy choice!

Flossbolna... The jury is still out on Texas, as I didn't have any big ah ha moments or feel a deep connection to any place I visited. I did come away knowing what a big change it would be to execute, both in getting there and settling in. I do feel more deeply committed to being where I am and making the most of what I have, so that's a very good that not.

It sounds like the visit was definitely helpful to visit there! :thumbsup2

Checking in for the week.
No weight loss. :( 0/4 lbs lost for the month
Completed two more couch to half marathon session. 2/3 done :)

Sounds like you are doing well with the training! I have noticed that in periods where I increase my phyisical activity quite a bit, I often stall in the weight loss (it often catches up later), so that might explain your not so great success this week. :goodvibes
This has been a wash with workouts. I was so exhausted last night I was barely able to stay awake. Plus it did not help that I has have sinus issues with a headache. So I did not workout and tonight I have a meeting until late. Thankfully this weekend I have nothing going on. I will get in 2 good workouts this weekend.

We won't get outside much this weekend. We got snow last night and we are supposed to get 3-5 inches tonight plus lake affect after that. For anyone that does know about lake affect it is snow that comes off of the lake with really no way to predict how bad it is going to be. The meteorologists try but are wrong about 90% of the time. We are into mid April and it looks like we will be shoveling snow.
How about this thought? Instead of sitting there longing for what "could have, should have, might have been".... what do you LEARN when you look back at your healthy lifestyle journey? Even if that journey only started 10 days ago, there is SOMETHING to be learned. Share what you have learned in your look back..................P

Okay! I'm back and I love yesterday's question. I have learned that there's no "end" to the healthy eating. In my past endeavors in losing weight I always thought I'd eat well and exercise ridiculous amounts until I hit my goal weight. Then I could go back to doing what I was doing and that would be the end. Which is obviously silly and wrong! So this time, I'm not looking at this as a "OMG I have to lose 10 pounds next month so that I can finally be at goal" it's just a journey. I'm losing weight and figuring out how to balance my love of food and my hate of exercise with a healthy lifestyle.
@Flossbolna The chocolate milk I have is made by Horizon Organic and is a shelf stable one. It is 150 calories. It has about a 3 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein (8 grams protein, 22 grams carbs) which is recommended for recovery from hard workouts where you need to replace glycogen. I like it because I like chocolate milk, and it is shelf stable so I can toss it in my gym bag and not worry about keeping it refrigerated. I only have it after workouts where I have a)burned at least 300 calories and b)know I have at least 1 hour before I will have a chance to have a meal. If you don't start refueling fast enough after a hard workout, then you compromise your recovery and your performance the next day. To me it is great reward for hard work, but it is a lot of sugar, so I only drink it on those days.
Good Happy Friday and welcome to your QOTD for April 8, 2016:

Let's focus on a FUN Friday!! After all we've done this week to work hard, play hard, and eat right, we SHOULD have some fun, right?

Read carefully..... there MAY be a quiz later! :rolleyes1

Anyhow...... let's talk about FUN and what we do for FUN (besides visit Disney parks!). When you have a day/weekend/week to relax a bit, what do you do for FUN??
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Good Happy Friday and welcome to your QOTD for April 8, 2016:

Let's focus on a FUN Friday!! After all we've done this week to work hard, play hard, and eat right, we SHOULD have some fun, right?

Read carefully..... there MAY be a quiz later! :rolleyes1

Anyhow...... let's talk about FUN and what we do for FUN (besides visit Disney parks!). When you have a day/weekend/week to relax a bit, what do you do for FUN??

I always love doing stuff with my kids. We play board games, catch, ride bikes, go for walks. My kids also love swimming. I am not a water person but I love to take my kids. Before I had kids I loved to ride horses. I grew up around them. My grandparents had a farm. My mom still has a horse but it is not one I can ride. She gets younger horses that need to trained. I don't know enough to ride them. One day I will have my own.


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