MAW Trip of a Lifetime....1st time to WDW! -Beach Update!

What a wonderful day at MK. I love all your pictures. I'm not sure what you are taking about dust because I think they are all amazing. I'm so glad you got to experience Crystal Palace. Gail is the greatest. Kylee lost a tooth too, but at Busch Gardens.
What a wonderful day so far and wow 2 character meals :thumbsup2

Yeah 2 in one day! But it was the only time I could arrange and it worked out well... because we just had churros and pretzels as a snackin between the kids were hungry... It was fun!

What a wonderful day at MK. I love all your pictures. I'm not sure what you are taking about dust because I think they are all amazing. I'm so glad you got to experience Crystal Palace. Gail is the greatest. Kylee lost a tooth too, but at Busch Gardens.

Actually the dust isn't too visible on most photos thank goodness! But if you were to see the castle one at full size it would be noticable!....
She lost her tooth too! Cool! I will have to go reread the TR! I haven't read about Discovery cove yet.....I'm anxious to read about that!

Next I'll be posting some photopass photos!
In front of the ball



Test track:


Meeting Donald in Mexico.... We Love Donald!


The photographer gets photographed!



We really enjoyed our time with Snow White....she really spent good time with Zoe and the kids....


I thought it wsa great that Beast was with Belle!!!!! Loved it!




I even got to stand next to Beast!

Brian and I.. in France... wish the fountain was going...


Pooh in England...


Now on to MK!


My princess and me...


Oh Tinkerbell!


Brian and I ... I really like this photo...


We were able to get in and have photopass shots of Zoe in the BBB studio!




Next Tiana..





Next Rapunzel... they didn't have borders for Rapunzel yet...




The rest of our photopass are from AK.... so that wil come later!
Great pics, Brooke! Your photos are really making me excited for when the wish grantors come and we can get this party started!!!

Love that CRT and Crystal Palace did it up special for Zoe and Nathan! And, just loved seeing everyone having a great time. I'm glad Kaleb soon got comfortable with the characters. I especially enjoyed seeing some pics of the photogs (you and your hubby) filming and snapping away! Defintely looks like an amazing trip....
Wow! I had alot to catch up on. I loved reading every bit of it! Pooh looks like so much fun, you coudn't even see the spilled coke in the pictures. I loved that shot of Zoe too.
you got some great photopass photos!!!

love the one with the Beast paw on Zoe, its almost as big as she is!!!

did you see the hidden mickey in your Test Track photo? looks like everyone enjoyed the ride!
WOW Lovin' all you pictures.

What a great time. :goodvibes Now does the tooth fairy make it to Disney or does she wait until you are home?:lmao:
Brooke, I jst read your MK day (I read every day, just don't always have a moment to sign). AMAZING photos (Love the photog getting photgraphed :lovestruc) Amazing photos of the family and I love the couple photos of you and Brian. As for the children, I am in heaven with all of the AMAZING photos, THANK YOU for sharing them, they are AWESOME!!! I can't wait to show Lisa Rapunzel she is going to go :banana::yay::dance3::woohoo::faint::woohoo::dance3::yay::banana: You can barely notice the coke on Kaleb's shirt, I am not sure I would have even seen it if you hadn't told us. :hug: (I would have been the same way). LOVED the Wish lounge and I am SOOO happy Nathan's tooth came on out with Mom's help so that he could enjoy his special time!!! Your TR is simply AMAZING!!!! (I need more adjectives:lmao:) :goodvibes:goodvibes
I am SO happy the birthday celebrations were successful, I remember the discussions about cakes before leaving...did I mention I just LOVE the Babycakes cupcakes, YUMMY!!!! I LOVE it ALL!!!!!

Well today was a busy day... our IOA day but we couldn't leave GKTW without seeing Mickey! SO We headed to breakfast and then to Mickey!




That bib was the only time we went and they had them available... it sure helped keep his shirt clean!


Well before Mickey we explored Mayor Clayton's house and more!


A growing pineapple... the kids and I have never seen one grow before...






Waiting for Mickey at the theater we was Alvin and the Chipmunks statues!







This was worth it! Although it meant getting to IOA a lot later than planned and not having as much time...

Next up Goofy!



Pluto was there!




Belle again!



The carousel again... can't miss that!




Next up IOA....
I want to make a comment here that is on my heart.... Many times people would love to stay onsite... it would make some things easier, and the beauty of a place like the Grand Floridian are places many of us couldn't stay otherwise....but there is something special about GKTW that the GF can't compete with.... it may not be as elegant or upscale as the GF but the heart there surpasses the $ built into the GF and other similar places. It is the beauity of the place -the heart and love that goes into it that makes it surpass any other place I have stayed... if someone chooses to not go there or to go with the wrong attitude then it is their loss... and a big one. Because love is the greatest commandment.... it is what makes things beautiful..without love things are just a bunch of wood sticks and plaster and paint.... if you have the opportunity to have GKTW as part of your wish... take it.... go with an attitude of greafulness and won't regret it!
I want to make a comment here that is on my heart.... Many times people would love to stay onsite... it would make some things easier, and the beauty of a place like the Grand Floridian are places many of us couldn't stay otherwise....but there is something special about GKTW that the GF can't compete with.... it may not be as elegant or upscale as the GF but the heart there surpasses the $ built into the GF and other similar places. It is the beauity of the place -the heart and love that goes into it that makes it surpass any other place I have stayed... if someone chooses to not go there or to go with the wrong attitude then it is their loss... and a big one. Because love is the greatest commandment.... it is what makes things beautiful..without love things are just a bunch of wood sticks and plaster and paint.... if you have the opportunity to have GKTW as part of your wish... take it.... go with an attitude of greafulness and won't regret it!

how are right, money means little when it comes to such a joyful place!
from all the MAW families I have met here on the DIS...everyone says how wonderful GKTW is.....I hope on our next trip to WDW we will be able to volunteer and help give back to this wonderful "home" for you all!

looks like the kids loved meeting all the characters...Zoe looks so cute in her twirly skirt! and such handsome boys in their polos!
We got there... and boy was it crowded! But we started in and got our stroller and headed towards spiderman!


The spiderman ride was awesome!!!!!! We all loved it! It was a little scary but doable!

Then we found the man himself!



After meeting and having their photo taken with Spidey... they told us to wait and after their show that Kaleb could have his photos with all the guys! I knew from previous threads that they did this and it was exciting.... we did have to wait a bit but it was worth it.





Wow that's big!






But like I said this was the busiest park we had been to...the only other more crowded part was by Splash Mountain at MK!

So we headed to HP and saw some Dino's along the way!



Kaleb was hot so he didn't want to take photos...

We made it to WWOHP... and it was packed but the GAC got us in! it was neat.... we headed to the HP ride and wound up in the main line! But we found a worker and they directed us back to the right area and we did a child swap with Zoe so Nathan got to ride twice! Kaleb rode it but it scared him. I should have known it would...






The lines were so long for everything I didn't get my butterbeer! It was so hot and so crowded we opted to move on.... I did get a chocolate frog from at the airport though! We also rode the Hippogriff... it was too short... I will say two things... the HP ride would have been worth the 90-120 min wait... and if you are smart when it is so busy... you go in the single rider line! It is an amazing ride!

So we headed to Suess landing but by this time it was still crowded, we wanted to do Christmas that night and so we rode one ride there and left... Here is a cute shot from there...


So we left without doing a lot of IOA but glad we went... the Spidermand and HP rides were worth it... and we headed back to GKTW and more!
Luvin the CP dinner and IOA day. Brill pics
I want to make a comment here that is on my heart.... Many times people would love to stay onsite... it would make some things easier, and the beauty of a place like the Grand Floridian are places many of us couldn't stay otherwise....but there is something special about GKTW that the GF can't compete with.... it may not be as elegant or upscale as the GF but the heart there surpasses the $ built into the GF and other similar places. It is the beauity of the place -the heart and love that goes into it that makes it surpass any other place I have stayed... if someone chooses to not go there or to go with the wrong attitude then it is their loss... and a big one. Because love is the greatest commandment.... it is what makes things beautiful..without love things are just a bunch of wood sticks and plaster and paint.... if you have the opportunity to have GKTW as part of your wish... take it.... go with an attitude of greafulness and won't regret it!

Well said. I'm so glad it seems like you had a wonderful trip! It's such a treat to get online every other day or so to read about your experiences and see your new pictures, I'm gonna be sad when you're all done sharing! I can totally relate to your lose tooth drama, that happened to my Tyler at the zoo once and I saw the tooth dangling, so I said "come here, lemme take a look..." Insert swift YANK here "Oh look it fell out! WOW!" :lmao:

Looking forward to more stories and pictures to come :wizard:
Well IOA wasn't the only thing we did on Thursday! We went back to GKTW, got our swim clothes on, did Kaleb's star and the pillows. They loved the pillow tree! Actaully they were fascinated by it!









Then we headed to Brooke's Surf shack and the pool!






We had a good time in the pool.... the kids didn't want to leave it... but Christmas was coming!


Now onto Christmas.... I would say the highlight of Christmas was Santa.... we also enjoyed the carriage ride which took around a part of the village we hadn't been to.... which was a nice perspective.... we saw the Christmas parade from behind... the food was good....


The sun dresses Zoe and I were wearing we got at Universal City walk... but they are everywhere.. we liked them a lot and look forward to lounging in them all summer...


They got to pick out a gift...


Nathan chose a Bop It, Kaleb chose Operation and Zoe chose a my little pony...
Then we went for a carriage ride and saw the parade as it was coming in... I had a rootbeer float during this time... it was yummy!




My kids are penquin fans... so....



and of course Mayor Clayton was there!


Then we headed to Dino Puttputt... we started out putting but Nathan lost his ball, got upset and so we just explred... I think exploring was too much fun!



It was a lot of fun..... Then we headed to bed for AK and more the next day!
Wonderful photos of your day at Epcot, IOA and GKTW! So many great memories from your trip. Looks like the children are having a blast and just enjoying all they could every day. Love your and Zoe's sun dress! Great family photo with Santa too!
Wow you got some great photos. Your kids look so happy enjoying GKTW. :santa:


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