One became SEVEN?!? How did THAT happen? 4/24 UPDATE

Good News for Lisa!!! :cool1: Glad to hear that. How great you guys got an unexpected weekend away!! That's awesome!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures!!
Judy, thrilled to hear that good report from the MRI!! :yay:

Please do share some of your weekend at VJ! :thumbsup2
I'm feeling a bit like Cinderella today. I'm at my sister's while she is at the hospital so I could do some cleaning as the house was getting a bit out of control. :laundy:

We had a good Halloween, I took Emile's big brother out to trick or treat for a bit.

Emile is doing good, he was doing some sun tanning yesterday

He also started on some medication to stabilize his heart rate. I will miss my little peanut when I go home. I have to get back to work next week.

Thanks Tracy for sharing! You are a true blessing to your family!! Enjoy your last few days with your new nephew. :)
What fun the kids had with their costumes! I love the custie pose with Lisa propping her chin on her hands (photo 9 posted). Looks like Rachel needs to use a napkin - such a messy eater! :rotfl2: Thanks for sharing the photos. :)

Wishing you a happy Friday!
Oh I love that, messy eater...that was it, she was eating strawberries! Lisa is a natural born model, has posed for pics for as long as I can remember. She told me she was having problems, because Pete just kept snapping without giving her a minute to change her angles/facial expressions...MODEL in my midst! And I just saw, Thread of the month!!! Not sure what that means, but CONGRATULATIONS!! I love to read your posts, you have such fun and great pics! :goodvibes I need to catch up on threads and will be heading over to learn more later. :thumbsup2
I don't want to leave anyone out and hurt feelings, so to ALL of you who posted your kids in their Halloween costumes--they ALL look terrific. Great jobs. :thumbsup2

We only had 3 kids come to our door the whole day; I guess it shows I'm getting old and all the kids are my kids ages and have moved away. :(

Have a great weekend, Judy.
Ever the diplomat my friend! :goodvibes Thanks for the compliments on the children and halloween photos.

Had a marvelous weekend!
I'm feeling a bit like Cinderella today. I'm at my sister's while she is at the hospital so I could do some cleaning as the house was getting a bit out of control. :laundy:

We had a good Halloween, I took Emile's big brother out to trick or treat for a bit.

Emile is doing good, he was doing some sun tanning yesterday

He also started on some medication to stabilize his heart rate. I will miss my little peanut when I go home. I have to get back to work next week.

You slipped in a pic I haven't seen (NO Internet {I knew that} or phone service apparently at VJC. Praying you had a safe flight back yesterday and the training goes well today. Looking forward to catching up, I feel VERY out of it! I will tell you again, THANK YOU for going to help your sister, I know what it would have meant to me to have mine step up.

I am enjoying the lifes little moments that derail trip planning...thanks for all the great sharing!
Thanks Tammie, we are derailed train-wrecks sometimes. :rotfl2:
Loving the Halloween pictures, Judy and Tracy.
Thank you Michelle, I need to come over and see if you posted pics of JJ, There was a little boy at camp this weekend who looked SO much like JJ when we first met..I kept thinking it was him. This little boy fell in love with David and Christian and always came by our table to talk to them.
I love all the Halloween photos!

Tracy, Emile is so beautiful! His older brother is a doll too.

Today is Friday so that means there are house pictures!!

Thoughts and prayers to all.

Thanks Michele. :goodvibes

YEA for house progress, I need to check it out! :thumbsup2
Love the Halloween pic...looks like a blast.

Just watched your reveal video with Belle- PERFECT!!
:welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome: We are so glad you are here. :goodvibes I see you have a ticker as well, I need to come read.:thumbsup2

Thank you for watching the reveal video, it was so very special! Lisa is now hoping it will reach 20, 000 views by Christmas. (she always has little goals, she loves to be "famous".
I love looking at all of the pictures from Halloween. Halloween was being a little rough again this year until I reminded myself that it marked 34 years of being cancer free. I got through the school party okay although I didn't put much effort into my costume. Usually I go as Mickey but couldn't do it this year. I just dressed in black and put on the pirate hat I got on the Disney cruise I took with my mom a few years ago. With the stress of losing my brother and the weather changes I have had a major flare up of my asthma and bronchitis. I started coughing and wheezing a little around last Thursday so I started nebulizer treatments. They weren't helping much, then Sunday I started a temp and the coughing/breathing got worse. When I got into see the doctor my O2 levels were down to 90 and my BP was up to 168/120:eek:. Ended up with 2 antibiotics and steroids again. I got a double dose of predizone 60mg for 3 days, 40 for 3days, then 20 for 3 days. Usually I get 30,20,10. I am feeling much better now. The nurse was worried about me passing out on the way back to the exam room. She asked if I had my inhaler in my purse. I didn't think I was that bad at the time! Since I wasn't contagious I was able to be at school which helps so much emotionally. My kiddos give me so many hugs and keep me busy I don't have time to think.
Our prayers remain with you, I can't even begin to think how tough it has been. I pray you are getting the answers you need and I am so thankful you have your students to help with thew hole i your heart while you are at school. :grouphug: Praying your health improves, that makes everything worse. I know you are taking life moment by moment, that is all you can do in a situation as heartbreaking as this. :grouphug::grouphug:

I missed this first post, sorry! I clicked it, but must have clicked it twice...

Joining in! I cannot wait to read more, and I loved the pumpkin carvings!:yay:
:welcome::welcome: Megan :welcome: We are so glad you are here. :goodvibes HOPEFULLY we can get back on track!
Thank you! He was just excited for the day to start.

Tomorrow we're going to another local theme park with my brother in law and my niece and nephew. Haven't seen them in a while and the kids are excited to get to spend the day with them. Sunday we are staying home and doing nothing. Well maybe laundry but that's it!!
Did you all have fun? I need to come read!!
That is sooo cute about the little boys!! Are they still around and saying who's going to marry her first? That was my problem going up my grandparent's (who lived in the city next to us) had a boy who lived next door to them that was a year older than me (he ended up being one of my best friends until we both graduated and moved away and I still haven't been able to find him). We were like brother and sister but of course I developed that crush on him. It was never returned because I was like a little sister to him and I'm glad we had that because he helped me deal with what goes through a high school boys mind and kept from a lot of heartbreak. Who knows what would have happened had we dated.

It is good to have boys as friends! :thumbsup2 I always did. No, these little guys haven't been seen in years. I often wonder if one will show up at our door when they are grown. :lmao: We did see the parents of another Mom this past summer who told me we would be in-laws one day if her son had anything to do with it. They were enamored with Rachel (son wasn't there, there daughter was in a camp with Lisa).

Love the Halloween costumes!! Rachel's makeup looked great!! But I agree you have to pick your battles. :rotfl: Already doing that with my 3 year old!! Lisa is the cutest witch there is!!

Thank you! They loved all the attention they got last night and then again today when I took them to finally get their Halloween Pictures taken. I know what everyone means about trying to get their kids to cooperate in taking pictures. I'm going through that right now with James (the other 2 have it figured out if I smile I'm done faster and we can move on. :rotfl2:)

Glad you got to spend some time with your nephew trick or treating. He's adorable!! Emilie is a cutie too of course! So happy they are still moving forward on treatment and continue to pray for him.
Four children in a picture...invariably, at LEAST one of them has a strange look on their faces! :rotfl2: I always say if we could just piece a photo together....
How exciting you get to go back so soon!

Love all the Halloween pics!

Jackie, :welcome::welcome::welcome: So glad to see you here. Praying all is well! We of course, feel very blessed. :goodvibes
Everyone's costumes are too cute! Hope you and DisNorth are having a good weekend!
Thank you Betsy, for me it was a fabulous weekend!. I hope yours was as well, need to get by and say hi. :goodvibes

I need to sign off right now, SO much to do, Lisa has an MD appt in an hour and I need to try and change my colonoscopy appt...wish me luck! My US and CT WAS approved by insurance (did I already say that? Sorry if I did). It will be tomorrow.

Thankful to read Lisa "just" has a quad injury. Praying it will not cause her too much trouble moving forward.
What exciting news you had an unexpected activity to make your weekend special. :goodvibes I hope you post pictures.
Judy, you are just full of good news and surprises. Praise the Lord for the MRI results! And, for ya'll having a getaway to Victory Junction!
Judy, what wonderful news about Lisa, and more good news that you got a weekend away. So happy to hear this.

deleted will reply later
Tonya, this makes me worried. Please let me know you are okay when you can.
We did have a great time today!! My brother in law came also with our niece and nephew and the kids all had a great time riding rides together and just being together!!

Feel better soon!! Have a safe trip home. I'm sure you know Christmas will be here before you know it and you'll be hugging those boys again very soon!!
YEA!!! I need to check for pictures.

Hi guys! So excited you have a new trip planned. Trying to catch up. October was a crazy stressful month so I am so far behind. Is it too late to donate for your walk for wishes? I can't find the link. Sometimes the iPad doesn't show everything.

Debbie, so glad to have you here! It is NOT to late to support our walk for wishes, here is the link and THANK YOU! I pray November will be less stressful for you!

Make A Wish Donation.

I'm probably way far behind, so just popping in to say hi and I'll try to catch up later.
I stay far behind, Thanks for saying hello!

Happy Sunday everyone, I loved all the adorable pics of Halloween costumes, no trick or treaters on our street so the pics were the only costumes I saw, no damage on the street either which is a good thing, I get really tired of buying mailboxes due to damage from mean people! I don't decorate outside any more because I got tired of things being stolen! I live in a safe neighborhood but the thugs come from other areas to ruin things here.

Judy - I am packing for "the trip" soon, I heeded your thoughts for various temps and will put in a sweatshirt :) :) :) Just kidding, but it sure would be awesome to travel with the 7 dwarves, we would never stop laughing!
I am so sorry to read you have to worry about your property outside, I always worry when we put things out. Halloween night before we go to bed, we take everything in once Trick or Treating has concluded.

Maybe one day soon we can meet Deb, I am sure it will be a riot of laughter!

Happy Sunday. :goodvibes Love the Halloween photos. Judy, your children are incredibly photogenic and Tracy your nephews are so cute. I am anxious to hear how Lisa's appointment went when you have time Judy.

Thank you, I think they are gorgeous and I am not one least bit prejudice.
I am sorry I kept you hanging on the results, I didn't have anyway to post until we got home. Thank you for caring.

Good News for Lisa!!! :cool1: Glad to hear that. How great you guys got an unexpected weekend away!! That's awesome!! Can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures!!
I should have known something good was gong to happen when the doctor scared me to death, VJC was such an unexpected and welcome surprise!

That's certainly good news about the MRI.

Woohoo for Victory Junction!
We are so thankful they asked us to come, it was just what we needed to bow off a little stress.

Great news....we need a like button.

Thanks Piper...It WOULD be great if we could show out pleasure on a post by hitting like.

Judy, thrilled to hear that good report from the MRI!! :yay:

Please do share some of your weekend at VJ! :thumbsup2
Thank you for being happy for us Brenda!on ALL counts We really felt the stress leave our bodies this weekend, it was great.
Lisa's Neurology appt. went well, long, but good. We will take it! She is as stable as she is able to be. Therapy went well, now we are getting ready for ballet, theater and woodworking. Praying you are all having quiet days!

Thankful to read Lisa "just" has a quad injury. Praying it will not cause her too much trouble moving forward.
What exciting news you had an unexpected activity to make your weekend special. :goodvibes I hope you post pictures.
We will take a muscle injury over AVN any day of the week! God knew we needed a weekend away He always takes care of us. :goodvibes
Judy, you are just full of good news and surprises. Praise the Lord for the MRI results! And, for ya'll having a getaway to Victory Junction!
Thank you Lisa, we feel incredibly Thankful and blessed.It was wild how it all popped up and I was running around trying to get everything done. I actually thought Wednesday was two days :confused3.
Judy, what wonderful news about Lisa, and more good news that you got a weekend away. So happy to hear this.
Thank you for being happy for us Kathy, we are so thankful and it is amazing how it helps your perspective on things. Plus, I didn't have to cook once! :thumbsup2
Lisa's Neurology appt. went well, long, but good. We will take it! She is as stable as she is able to be. Therapy went well, now we are getting ready for ballet, theater and woodworking. Praying you are all having quiet days!

So happy to read this. :goodvibes

We will take a muscle injury over AVN any day of the week! God knew we needed a weekend away He always takes care of us. :goodvibes

I love your faith, it teaches and inspires me.
Hi Judy, Glad to read about Lisa's MRI result and the good report from the neurologist. So happy that the family had a great time at Victory Junction Camp. God is good and He worked it out so that you could all get a needed break and fun family time. I'll be praying for good results on your tests tomorrow.
We did have a great time today!! My brother in law came also with our niece and nephew and the kids all had a great time riding rides together and just being together!!

Feel better soon!! Have a safe trip home. I'm sure you know Christmas will be here before you know it and you'll be hugging those boys again very soon!!
Glad you and the kids had a great day. It's nice the cousins get to spend time together.
Thanks, I had an uneventful flight, the kind I like :thumbsup2
I know time will fly, I look forward to see how much they grow. :goodvibes

I'm probably way far behind, so just popping in to say hi and I'll try to catch up later.

Happy Sunday everyone, I loved all the adorable pics of Halloween costumes, no trick or treaters on our street so the pics were the only costumes I saw, no damage on the street either which is a good thing, I get really tired of buying mailboxes due to damage from mean people! I don't decorate outside any more because I got tired of things being stolen! I live in a safe neighborhood but the thugs come from other areas to ruin things here.

Judy - I am packing for "the trip" soon, I heeded your thoughts for various temps and will put in a sweatshirt :) :) :) Just kidding, but it sure would be awesome to travel with the 7 dwarves, we would never stop laughing!
Sorry that you have to worry about damage on the street. :mad: Glad there was none this year.
Don't forget your bathing suit for the pool too. popcorn::

Happy Sunday. :goodvibes Love the Halloween photos. Judy, your children are incredibly photogenic and Tracy your nephews are so cute. I am anxious to hear how Lisa's appointment went when you have time Judy.
Thanks, I think they are cute too, hope you had a good weekend!

Love seeing all of our faithful friends and new readers. Thank you all! :goodvibes

Responses will have to wait; however, I wanted you all to know as soon as I could Lisa does NOT show any signs of Avascular Necrosis on her MRI! I am so happy, Praise God!! I tried to call Gail, she was going to update for me; however, when we arrived at our destination I couldn't get a signal. We have begun therapy to rehab her quads and will hope for a complete healing, she has missed her regular activities. She will probably be prone to more problems, d/t to all of the leg issues (femoral occlusion, smaller girth, leg length discrepancy). Just so thankful for legs. :goodvibes

Where were we this weekend?? VICTORY JUNCTION!!! We had a fabulous, unexpected weekend away. I had a call on Wednesday saying a family had canceled, did we want their spot? YES, PLEASE!!!! We left Friday directly from Lisa's appt.

We had a MARVELOUS weekend!! Lots of fun, 750 plus pics and a special request...stay tuned.


Thanks Tracy for sharing! You are a true blessing to your family!! Enjoy your last few days with your new nephew. :)
Thanks. I miss the little guys already, but Christmas will come soon.

You slipped in a pic I haven't seen (NO Internet {I knew that} or phone service apparently at VJC. Praying you had a safe flight back yesterday and the training goes well today. Looking forward to catching up, I feel VERY out of it! I will tell you again, THANK YOU for going to help your sister, I know what it would have meant to me to have mine step up.
I had an uneventful flight and training is :faint:
I was glad to be able to be there. I can't always drop everything but the timing worked this time.

Lisa's Neurology appt. went well, long, but good. We will take it! She is as stable as she is able to be. Therapy went well, now we are getting ready for ballet, theater and woodworking. Praying you are all having quiet days!

Thanks. I miss the little guys already, but Christmas will come soon.

Before we know it! Then you will have more cuddles. :love::love:
I had an uneventful flight and training is :faint:
I was glad to be able to be there. I can't always drop everything but the timing worked this time.


I am so thankful you made it back to work safely. They were so blessed to have you, God's timing is perfect. :goodvibes

I want to share this gorgeous gift David made for me. He has worked many months of Monday night’s to make me a Tambour Mantle Clock and I LOVE it! We have lived in our home for over 15 years and I have wanted a clock like this the entire time. The pictures honestly do not do it justice. These clocks sell for several hundred to several thousand me, it is priceless. It was made with David’s heart, soul and a lot of love.



David with his woodworking mentor, Bruce. He advises David; however, David picks the project, style, wood and does all of the work. Bruce is there to bounce ideas off of and to guide David if he gets stuck. He is a great support.












Judy, the clock is absolutely beautiful. What a great job David did with it. You should be very proud.

On a side note, my TR was finished today.


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