Something About Nothing............ #14

Aww Real and Schumi, hope you are having a good night sleep.

Hey, DisneyLife. Hope your weekend was good.

Steak was delicious.

Nice, Kyle ordered a new car, Schumi.

Real, hope the radio listening was enjoyable.

Charade, hope you did not spend all afternoon at the mall. My DH would never shop for his clothes. Expects me to buy. And I do, as I know what he likes.

Ah, that Sunday night....
So far behind again! Missed some birthdays so belated :bday: to all!!
Sounds like lots of you have been busy!
So lucky with the weather. Grandchildren even had a play in the sea later on in the day
sounds like a lovely getaway :)

He works in a high stress job and needed to take a break and after some research he and his girlfriend thought Latvia would be a safe place to visit. ( very low COVID cases).
Mental health is just as important and being able to recharge will keep physical health up too.
I have a feeling that every community/state is going to have a surge at different times until herd immunity is achieved.

We are all walking a fine line between living our lives as normally as possible and wearing our PPE to prevent catching Covid.
I think you are right. Unless the community has gone through "curve" doesn't matter if you live in a cave you will still have "spikes" when people get out. period. Our "spikes" currently are still in nursing homes unfortunately. You can be as careful as you can possibly be but those who are super susceptible will get it sooner or later. I've got one NH that >80% of residents test positive, along with most of the staff. I really hope they think about easing some visitor restrictions on those recovered now.
I really miss cruising Lol
Me too.
have tomatoes everywhere! Dog eats green ones he can reach. Made a fresh tomato sauce a few nights ago to toss with some gnocchi and leftover turkey burgers-the burgers were a a spanish style with olives, roasted red pepper, and bunch of other stuff but the recipe didn't call for a binder-and I realized it after I attempted to fry up the first 3-so those crumbled burgers went into the dish.
I’m in a funk, In a normal world, today we’d have been boarding the ship.
Ugh so sorry!! But Book the next cruise! Broke down and booked the Mexican Riviera one I've wanted to take-for 2022. Only 530+ days to go LOL! Allstate rewards has been offering offering CArnival, Royal, Princess gift cards for more than their usual 10% off (12-14%) since they started cancelling cruises this year. Knowing we will eventually get back to it I've been buying slowly the past few months.
Well, this was an ice cream copter
That would have made me raid the fridge for ice cream lol
Party pooper......
I just came back and thought we could play a card game of crazy 8
Or Exploding Kittens!
I made up party bags for all of ‘the virgins, i.e. those whom have not experienced the film in a theater setting”
Here we are in all our finery
How very cool!!
might be an infection from vaping. ??
Oh hope he is OK!! vaping is far from harmless, hope this gives him an incentive to quit and he heals quickly.
Dh finished paining the living area upstairs Friday am. Finally decided on a color WEdnesday.
Middle kid's graduation ceremony Friday. Went well. they were allowed to take mask off for quick picture (alone) holding their diploma case. Looking around the arena most were compliant with masks requirement but a few were obviously daring anyone to challenge them on not wearing it. Soooo wanted to say something but refrained. But I really wanted to point out what poor role models they are for defying the RULE and how dumb it made them look.
Out to dinner after with inlaws (DH's side both sets). My parents decided it was best to stay home-they watched ceremony on live stream. Restaurant had us room by ourselves.
Yesterday was small family and friends party for the girls (both graduates). Weather has been fairly decent so mostly outside-and was definitely outside with those who preferred it. DH's mentor from college and her husband came. She is the one who made our cloth masks for us. She ended up dean at the college. Her husband also taught there-turns out he is a rocket scientist-never met him before-and worked on the Mercury project, knew John Glenn. Middle kid talked with him for a while as that is her interest! May take a trip to Canaveral and look for the Mercury monument-has his name on it along with all the project members.
This am out to brunch with the in laws (and rounds of mimosas)-our favorite place has been able to greatly expand outdoor seating-was fabulous. But after we said goodbye to inlaws who were traveling home we came back and crashed for several hours.

Next week DH and middle leave to drive her car to Florida - I fly down a couple days later, although may go with them instead if there is room in car. Son and oldest are no longer coming with so spent day redoing flights home. Flight credits from both me and DH we forgot we had. Had to call to get it sorted. Will use one of DH's credits for his flight home from Seattle after we drive oldest out (already have my flight-jumped on cheap fares a while ago!). Oldest still has the pnuemothorax, got evaluated by the cardiothoracic surgeon, slowly improving at last check so next xray is the 17th. She had two xrays that showed it getting bigger so we were worried she was going to end up with a chest tube.
And Mother in law invited us to come spend a week with them at their resort in Puerto Vallarta in January. They go for 4 weeks. Thinking we may do it-and jump on cheap fares while flexible changes are still available. We've not been able to go before-but son is starting this fall with 2 day in person, 3 day virtual. and I highly doubt we will start the year in January full in person, and even if they do should be able to do some distance learning.

I think I am done for today. Sleep tight all!!:flower1::flower1:
Ah, MonyK, so much going on in your house. Hope she is feeling better soon. Scary. Sending good thoughts that good results on the 17th. If you do get away in January, you should. All need to relax, and with a low cost get away, why not? Yay, for booking a cruise. We are thinking of booking in 2022, but kinda salty about waiting for over a year and a half, our first chance to try RC as a family, and we just couldn’t see going when all just starting to get back, if they do, and not a full experience being, and risking our lives on a ship. Maybe we will look for holiday one in 2020, but a lot will be what we see if the cruises do start up again. Sad to hear what one of your NH has so many infected. Still risks out there. We have seen masks on most, and will not eat inside any restaurant any time soon. Hand washing much more than we used to do, and carrying hand sanitizer is our normal, now.

Good thing Charade left the lights on, time for bed for me. Warnings issued, that volume turned down voice and screen.

Hope all have a wonderful sleep, as doing so, means a Monday wake up will it be.

Aww Real and Schumi, hope you are having a good night sleep.

Hey, DisneyLife. Hope your weekend was good.

Steak was delicious.

Nice, Kyle ordered a new car, Schumi.

Real, hope the radio listening was enjoyable.

Charade, hope you did not spend all afternoon at the mall. My DH would never shop for his clothes. Expects me to buy. And I do, as I know what he likes.

Ah, that Sunday night....
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We had a fabulous weekend, I hope you did too!!!!!
Aww Real and Schumi, hope you are having a good night sleep.

Hey, DisneyLife. Hope your weekend was good.

Steak was delicious.

Nice, Kyle ordered a new car, Schumi.

Real, hope the radio listening was enjoyable.

Charade, hope you did not spend all afternoon at the mall. My DH would never shop for his clothes. Expects me to buy. And I do, as I know what he likes.

Ah, that Sunday night....
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Thanks Lynne......we love our cars and we`re excited for Kyle`ll be a long wait till November, but will be worth it.

Glad steak was good......always love a good steak!

Popping in to turn on the light.

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Love candles......nice image......

So far behind again! Missed some birthdays so belated :bday: to all!!
Sounds like lots of you have been busy!
sounds like a lovely getaway :)

Mental health is just as important and being able to recharge will keep physical health up too.
I think you are right. Unless the community has gone through "curve" doesn't matter if you live in a cave you will still have "spikes" when people get out. period. Our "spikes" currently are still in nursing homes unfortunately. You can be as careful as you can possibly be but those who are super susceptible will get it sooner or later. I've got one NH that >80% of residents test positive, along with most of the staff. I really hope they think about easing some visitor restrictions on those recovered now.
Me too.

have tomatoes everywhere! Dog eats green ones he can reach. Made a fresh tomato sauce a few nights ago to toss with some gnocchi and leftover turkey burgers-the burgers were a a spanish style with olives, roasted red pepper, and bunch of other stuff but the recipe didn't call for a binder-and I realized it after I attempted to fry up the first 3-so those crumbled burgers went into the dish.
Ugh so sorry!! But Book the next cruise! Broke down and booked the Mexican Riviera one I've wanted to take-for 2022. Only 530+ days to go LOL! Allstate rewards has been offering offering CArnival, Royal, Princess gift cards for more than their usual 10% off (12-14%) since they started cancelling cruises this year. Knowing we will eventually get back to it I've been buying slowly the past few months.
That would have made me raid the fridge for ice cream lol
Or Exploding Kittens!

How very cool!!
Oh hope he is OK!! vaping is far from harmless, hope this gives him an incentive to quit and he heals quickly.
Dh finished paining the living area upstairs Friday am. Finally decided on a color WEdnesday.
Middle kid's graduation ceremony Friday. Went well. they were allowed to take mask off for quick picture (alone) holding their diploma case. Looking around the arena most were compliant with masks requirement but a few were obviously daring anyone to challenge them on not wearing it. Soooo wanted to say something but refrained. But I really wanted to point out what poor role models they are for defying the RULE and how dumb it made them look.
Out to dinner after with inlaws (DH's side both sets). My parents decided it was best to stay home-they watched ceremony on live stream. Restaurant had us room by ourselves.
Yesterday was small family and friends party for the girls (both graduates). Weather has been fairly decent so mostly outside-and was definitely outside with those who preferred it. DH's mentor from college and her husband came. She is the one who made our cloth masks for us. She ended up dean at the college. Her husband also taught there-turns out he is a rocket scientist-never met him before-and worked on the Mercury project, knew John Glenn. Middle kid talked with him for a while as that is her interest! May take a trip to Canaveral and look for the Mercury monument-has his name on it along with all the project members.
This am out to brunch with the in laws (and rounds of mimosas)-our favorite place has been able to greatly expand outdoor seating-was fabulous. But after we said goodbye to inlaws who were traveling home we came back and crashed for several hours.

Next week DH and middle leave to drive her car to Florida - I fly down a couple days later, although may go with them instead if there is room in car. Son and oldest are no longer coming with so spent day redoing flights home. Flight credits from both me and DH we forgot we had. Had to call to get it sorted. Will use one of DH's credits for his flight home from Seattle after we drive oldest out (already have my flight-jumped on cheap fares a while ago!). Oldest still has the pnuemothorax, got evaluated by the cardiothoracic surgeon, slowly improving at last check so next xray is the 17th. She had two xrays that showed it getting bigger so we were worried she was going to end up with a chest tube.
And Mother in law invited us to come spend a week with them at their resort in Puerto Vallarta in January. They go for 4 weeks. Thinking we may do it-and jump on cheap fares while flexible changes are still available. We've not been able to go before-but son is starting this fall with 2 day in person, 3 day virtual. and I highly doubt we will start the year in January full in person, and even if they do should be able to do some distance learning.

I think I am done for today. Sleep tight all!!:flower1::flower1:

Good to see you do have a lot going on! I hope your eldest improves soon.....

Glad the celebration went well, and yes, folks who do dumb things like that don`t realise how dumb it makes them look!!! It`s not really hard to follow rules and wear the masks. None of us like it, but it`s how it is right now.

Hope you have a lovely trip to Florida soon.......

Beautiful sunny day here again, although weather warnings for the next few days including thunder storms........well, it`ll be good for the plants!!!

Heading down to replace our barbecue gas today.......and we`ll grill out tonight as the rest of the week looks a wash out.........I`ve been asked for teriyaki chicken kebabs same as the last time and spicy pork ones......nice and easy, although I do need some more of the metal skewers, will look for them today......

So far all looking good for Scotland visit in two weeks......although of course anything can change in that time. I just wish we could see everyone we want to see, but of course we can`t have a huge gathering which is what would be we have to pick certain friends over others to see.......eeek!!!

But, will think about that later........

Heading out soon...need to get a few cards as we have some family and some of my godchildren`s birthdays this month coming up.....and one aunt I forgot last week!!!

I need to make a list!






Have a wonderful Monday.........:)

@Monykalyn you are keeping very busy! Glad your daughter is stable and they are monitoring her.

Nice morning here and enjoyed our first coffee outside watching Louie do his morning checkof the perimeter fence.

There are three areas he could escape which are behind trees and a distance from the house - we haven’t sorted thinking more costs if we aren’t staying here - but as the solicitor has advised court (which should have been in March) could now be next Spring we have decided to spend the money before the dark days arrive.

Waiting now for Em to bring the children home and see J’s reaction to his room and promised L (6) she could bake today.

I have to make another trip into town at some point today to the conveyancing solicitor with documentation I’ve found that Dad’s purchaser has requested but that won’t take long.

Hope Monday starts well for everyone.

Good Morning Schumi and Real. Sounds like nice weather for both you ladies.

Ah, tea for me, and most likely Schumi too, and coffee for Real. Ah, hope we all are enjoying a cup or more.

Sweet, the kids are coming. How exciting for J, and younger one to bake with grand-mum. I bet house will be more noisy, and more petting Louie. Yeah, we built a stockade type fence, to keep our dogs in. Had to replace some panels over the years, as it is wooden. Hehe, so cute when dogs do their perimeter patrols.

Schumi having grill cooking, you know it has been a nice day so far. Hope you were all sorted out with purchases for the grilling, and got what you were looking for.

Ah yes,

Back to the Monday routine. Screen viewing here or there, does not matter. But will say, quite nice to be in very casual clothes.

And so, as an early bird homie watched the not quite bright sunrise, I too will have that perfect Simmer day. Hot and humid, with 92 the high, with feeling like 97, and as the weather guy said, a pesky rain some will maybe see today. Placing my odds, hoping not to be that rain winner.

Have that ever marvelous Monday, homies. August is marching along, already in the double digits. Before ya know it, we will be welcoming September. But for now, ah, loving this Summer heat.

Tea time, well, refill time. Later, homies. And a hello to all the homies.

I've got one NH that >80% of residents test positive, along with most of the staff. I really hope they think about easing some visitor restrictions on those recovered now.
We had a big scare with resident across the hall from my Mom in nursing home testing positive for CV thrice before they said a false alarm. Nobody ‘officially’ has it in that large community of thousands thus far.

Would like to see it stay that way, even though no visitation with patients other than end of life. Well, other than the resident in plexiglass box thing. It freaked my Mom out, as so many other with memory/dementia issues as I’m told. she refused to enter it, so no happy 90th birthday with her this week.

She Can’t see well enough to do IPad visit & they ‘lost’ her hearing aid after declaring it non-functional :sad: Will file it under the needs of the many outweigh those of the few & try to suck it up like a big girl but it sucks.

have tomatoes everywhere!
Got our first ones, size of an egg lol end of last week. Have some monster large ones of another type, but still green.
Ugh so sorry!! But Book the next cruise
Umm, i’ll Pass lol. I’m still waiting for refund on 2nd cruise thus far this year. Not about to set foot such a big Petri dish for some time.

Middle kid's graduation ceremony Friday.
Aw, how nice :)
Oldest still has the pnuemothorax, got evaluated by the cardiothoracic surgeon, slowly improving at last check so next xray is the 17th. She had two xrays that showed it getting bigger so we were worried she was going to end up with a chest tube.
Wow, had To be horrible worry for you, glad she’s on the mend
And Mother in law invited us to come spend a week with them at their resort in Puerto Vallarta in January
No idea US citizens could enter Mexico but sounds fun
Thanks Lynne......we love our cars and we`re excited for Kyle`ll be a long wait till November, but will be worth it.
Sweeeeeet for Kyle! Congrats
@keishashadow it must be very difficult for you with your Mum. I hope they keep you updated well on how she is doing. I missed visiting Dad so much and even at end of life the NH still wouldn’t allow visitors even though I offered to wear full PPE. Miss him - and Mum - so much and have guilt I wasn’t there. Apologies if I’m repeating myself on this.

Littlest grandchild is in the pool but J is attached to the new X box with Grandpa watching on. Very warm again here today but thunderstorm warnings from 4pm. Not as accurate as yours though - could be yes or could be no!
Hugs Real. You did everything you could helping mum and dad, even though could not be there in person. It was very hard, not being there, but I know my mom was happy and that’s how I will remember her. Be kind to yourself. Wonderful the weather is so nice, a swim was had, and J having so much fun with his grandpa, playing with his new Xbox. Hope the rain does not come. We have a very sunny morning.

Hey Keisha, hope you are feeling good. Yeah, we are not eager to cruise any time either. Little one is still annoyed I want to go this September. Yeah, I know there was virus infections at my mom’s NH, but thankfully, she did not get infected, and passed as not being a virus death. And we know, it was not. Hugs to you too, with mom in a NH. Hehe, we both like that sad looking cat. Yeah, it is a Monday. Sigh.

MonyK, Safe travels going to Florida, to deposit kid.

Ooh, I need more tea. Told little one, the coffee pods I ordered are ready for pickup. Maybe switch to coffee later today.
Ordered us all a pair of the new Simpson’s Vans, Slip-On shoes, we like to bring a few pairs to change up, we typically start our days (especially park days) with our adidas ultraboost, some of the best sneakers ever, so thought these would be a cool change up and fun theme!
Good Morning Schumi and Real. Sounds like nice weather for both you ladies.

Ah, tea for me, and most likely Schumi too, and coffee for Real. Ah, hope we all are enjoying a cup or more.

Sweet, the kids are coming. How exciting for J, and younger one to bake with grand-mum. I bet house will be more noisy, and more petting Louie. Yeah, we built a stockade type fence, to keep our dogs in. Had to replace some panels over the years, as it is wooden. Hehe, so cute when dogs do their perimeter patrols.

Schumi having grill cooking, you know it has been a nice day so far. Hope you were all sorted out with purchases for the grilling, and got what you were looking for.

Ah yes,
View attachment 517070

Back to the Monday routine. Screen viewing here or there, does not matter. But will say, quite nice to be in very casual clothes.

And so, as an early bird homie watched the not quite bright sunrise, I too will have that perfect Simmer day. Hot and humid, with 92 the high, with feeling like 97, and as the weather guy said, a pesky rain some will maybe see today. Placing my odds, hoping not to be that rain winner.

Have that ever marvelous Monday, homies. August is marching along, already in the double digits. Before ya know it, we will be welcoming September. But for now, ah, loving this Summer heat.

Tea time, well, refill time. Later, homies. And a hello to all the homies.

Yep, tea for me.......had several cups this morning as I woke up feeling as if I hadn't slept a wink last night.......been yawning my head off all day!

Yep, August is passing by like a tornado!

View attachment 517126

We had a big scare with resident across the hall from my Mom in nursing home testing positive for CV thrice before they said a false alarm. Nobody ‘officially’ has it in that large community of thousands thus far.

Would like to see it stay that way, even though no visitation with patients other than end of life. Well, other than the resident in plexiglass box thing. It freaked my Mom out, as so many other with memory/dementia issues as I’m told. she refused to enter it, so no happy 90th birthday with her this week.

She Can’t see well enough to do IPad visit & they ‘lost’ her hearing aid after declaring it non-functional :sad: Will file it under the needs of the many outweigh those of the few & try to suck it up like a big girl but it sucks.

Got our first ones, size of an egg lol end of last week. Have some monster large ones of another type, but still green.

Umm, i’ll Pass lol. I’m still waiting for refund on 2nd cruise thus far this year. Not about to set foot such a big Petri dish for some time.

Aw, how nice :)

Wow, had To be horrible worry for you, glad she’s on the mend

No idea US citizens could enter Mexico but sounds fun

Sweeeeeet for Kyle! Congrats

Thanks Janet.....I’ll send you a picture of it.....well, I’ll send you the picture of the one he has now, I think I sent it to you when he bought it, well, this new car is the same but a far more powerful engine (I think this one is more than he needs) and a few more upgrades.....but, it is a lovely car.......

I think although Tom loves this car we have, he has Mercedes Driver stamped across his forehead....Lol......

Still can’t believe they lost your mums hearing excuses for that. I know how much you want to see her.....:hug:

After planning a day of not much......our Wednesday lunch group decided to meet today instead.

Went to a Tapas place about half an hour inland from us......they’ve all been before and it was nice enough......little too much garlic for me.....I’d go back though although it was a little busier than I’d have liked right now, but it was ok. Plenty of adherence to masks and so on.

We didn’t eat an awful lot will still grill out for Kyle and we’ll have one of the chicken kebabs......

And still so lovely out......might go for a wander along the beach tonight after we eat if it’s still as calm, not looking forward to the week ahead.......thunderstorms and rain.

We’ll see.......might just get comfy and change our minds......::yes::
I get Vans emails as member, DisneyLife, and those Simpsons ones looked so great. My kids are ultra boost fans, I cannot wear most adidas, as they tend to be a wide shoe. I am a Nike shoe wearing homie, most of the time.

Good to hear you had a nice lunch, Schumi. I am with you, I do not enjoy a strong garlic taste. I would be not so comfortable with many in the restaurant. But I am sure it was nice to be with friends. Yeah, if I eat out did lunch, I usually snack later in the evening, as not hungry for dinner. But if not fond of what for lunch, yeah I would eat dinner, though maybe not as big a meal.

There was steak leftover, so cheese and steak sandwich, I think for lunch. I will walk, as still so sunny out.
hot here. Getting ready to plop in pool. Well all but my head. ENT said I need to avoid ‘amoebas’ up me nose lol. Rarely dunk my head anyway unless a large, worthy pool. The not-so-real blondes know one has to baby those tresses. the word gave me inappropriate giggles at his office

some of the Van prints so cool. They just kill my feet, absolutely zero arch or support. Youngest kid has no issue with them. Need to google the Simpson’s ones

He jokingly asked me to take sharpie to a white pair of converse hi tops, may finally attempt this fall when bored. Maybe Pokémon or magic card characters, but harder to pull off as to detail.

There’s a whole market where artists embellish/personalize game mats etc some are really beautiful
g. I missed visiting Dad so much and even at end of life the NH still wouldn’t allow visitors even though I offered to wear full PPE. Miss him - and Mum - so much and have guilt I wasn’t there. Apologies if I’m repeating myself on this.
Aw hugs it’s a heart wrenching situation. Frustrating and all the other emotions but No guilt when your hands are tied. Going to venture he’d tell you exactly the same thing.
I think although Tom loves this car we have, he has Mercedes Driver stamped across his forehead....Lol...
Hmm maybe some ink aka Post Malone?

insert more giggles here Hell would freeze over first me thinks.
Good to hear you had a nice lunch, Schumi. I am with you, I do not enjoy a strong garlic taste. I would be not so comfortable with many in the restaurant. But I am sure it was nice to be with friends. Yeah, if I eat out did lunch, I usually snack later in the evening, as not hungry for dinner. But if not fond of what for lunch, yeah I would eat dinner, though maybe not as big a meal.

There was steak leftover, so cheese and steak sandwich, I think for lunch. I will walk, as still so sunny out.

I actually love garlic, but can only eat it pounded into mush, I asked for no garlic in one dish and it had some chunks which don`t agree with me.....but, I picked round about it as I hate to make a fuss.....but it was nice, we just didn`t eat a lot....too busy talking I think.....

Enjoy that sandwich......

hot here. Getting ready to plop in pool. Well all but my head. ENT said I need to avoid ‘amoebas’ up me nose lol. Rarely dunk my head anyway unless a large, worthy pool. The not-so-real blondes know one has to baby those tresses. the word gave me inappropriate giggles at his office

Hmm maybe some ink aka Post Malone?

insert more giggles here Hell would freeze over first me thinks.

lol....absolutely!!!!! I can`t see Tom with a tattoo of any kind......not quite his thing!! He`d be out on his ear if he did get a tattoo, I hate them.....but then so does I don`t need to worry there.....

I am loving the "not so real blondes" comment......:rotfl:there are a fair few of us ladies around for sure!!

Enjoy that pool and yes.....look out for those little amoebas......:laughing:

Well, we didn`t go a walk after all. Tom is on Zoom with a friend of his......they both have the loudest laugh when they get together!! He`s all the way at the back of the house and I can still hear him.....although most doors are open to be fair!!

Forecast seems to have changed a little....still an advisory for lightning over the next few days, but seems tomorrow has to be 80F and then mid 80`s Wednesday......sounds good to me for sitting out and enjoying the sunshine.....

Will maybe sit out for a while when he`s off his zoom chat.....
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@keishashadow thank you for your lovely kind words. Dad and I were very close and just before he was moved to the nursing home when he was in respite we had a very loving and heartfelt conversation at how lucky we were to be such a close and loving family, though painful we discussed everything and I know he knew what wonderful parents they were.

Very close and “muggy” here - no sign of the rain or storms forecast. Think I’m the only one who’d like some rain to freshen everything up.

We had naked chicken Kiev’s tonight - J loves chicken but little one had her favourite fish fingers! She would eat them every day. Ice cream & fruit after.

Just wondering what meat to defrost for tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good evening.
Hi all,
Thanks for the well wishes for my nephew. He is doing well. Third covid test came back negative, so they are thinking it's myocarditis from a viral infection from vaping, not covid. More testing and treatments to come.
My other nephew is 26 and has special needs, so we were extra nervous about the family getting covid and how to help them. It's just my BIL and the two boys and major issues take some extra figuring out.


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