Updates on AVERY. (good news update pg 33 post 489!)

Happy to hear he is doing well. Prayers continue from my home.
Today Avery spent the day at the hospital. He had his pic line removed, anda port installed for chemo delivery. HE also had his first dose of this next intensive phase of chemo. This will be a critical 60-90 days...to get the chemo and remain infection free. If it goes without any complications he will then in a maintenance/monitoring phase for a couple of years before being considred "cured" . He is home tonight and doing well :thumbsup2
Just checking in. I'm glad to hear Avery is home and doing well. Prayers continue.
The Easter picture made me cry - tears of joy this time! I called my boys in to see it and they cheered and danced around. We are so thankful that he is doing better. We are still praying for you all! :grouphug:
I am glad that they put the port in.. it does make it easier on the patient to receive the chemo. We will pray him through this, I know we will.

Hugs to you Ann, know we are there for you.
Avery's first 2 weeks of the "delayed intensification" phase have gone well.
He did have a migraine headache side effect, but controlled with tylenol/codiene and ibuprofen. HIs spirits are great as are his parents and sisters :thumbsup2 The next several weeks as his white blood counts drop will be critical...we will keep supporting his amazing spirit with our prayers and positive thoughts!

Tomorrow night we are attending a big "Bald is Beautiful" party. It started as a fundraiser idea for the family ...but will really be a celebration of the journey so far. The kids will not be there, it'll be an adult evening....family, friends, coworkers of DS and DIL and extended family. There will be a DJ but the real entertainment will be head shaving! It started as a joke when a friend of DIL's, who is coordinating some fundraiseres for them, suggested a fundraising-head-shaving party to honor and support Avery. DH snorted and said "well I wouldn't shave my head for less than two grand. " SOme of his old college frat buddies heard about it and lo and behold...more than $2K has been pledged for DH to shave his head. So tomorrow is the big night. :rotfl2:
Glad to hear that it is going well with Avery so far..

What a splendid evening that sounds like. For a fantastic cause indeed..Isn't it wonderful what they have raised.

Hugs to your family:grouphug:
Bald is beautiful!

DH and youngest son (Avery's uncle) are 4th and third from left, standing. Two on left are friends of DS, on right the 5th is SIL, my stepdaughters's DH, nd a family friend. Kneeling is one of DH's college frat brothers who aprticipated too!

A close up of DH ..."after":

This was an adult only evening but Avery was there in a video clip shown as part of slide show...singing a recent original song composition:
"Wheeeeere...oooh wheeere...is my haaaaair?!?!" :cloud9:
Thanks for the photos and the update. I have been reading the daily entries in Avery's journal and have continued to keep him and your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. And please make sure to tell all those newly bald guys to make sure to wear a hat when they are outside. Trust me. I speak from experience.
Yes I agree, we need an update.. Love the pictures of the guys shaving their head.. too funny Ann..

You have to keep your sense of humor when battling this disease.. Hugs to you and yours..
Ann - I am going to hope that no news is good news. Hope to hear from you soon. you're and your family are still in our thoughts and prayers
I subscribe to Avery's CaringBridge page. His journal entry for today says that his blood count is too low even after the platelets he got last week. So he's going to need a blood transfusion. But overall he seems to be doing well and they continue to "keep moving upward". Avery said the trip to the hospital was boring. ;) Recent entries seem to show that overall he's been acting more like himself, but the chemo treatments sort of take it out of him.

I keep praying for his continued good spirits and excellent responses to the treatment.
I'm also subscribed to Avery's CaringBridge page and the daily emails help remind me to keep praying for the little guy and for the family. Keep the faith, Ann.
Hi all....thank you for all your continued thoughts and wishes.
I have been busy this last month or two, at work and also with issues surrounding my parents in Massachusetts, so have been neglecting keeping you up on Avery's progress.

Avery's been having to have transfusions, his red blood and platelet counts are not coming up as fast as they'd like, but the neutrofils and WBC are OK...
he is in good spirits and the family is hanging in there, keeping an eye ont eh light at the end of the tunnel, hoping to get into maintenance phase in not too many more weeks!!
Hugs Ann... we will keep him in our prayers and are looking forward with you all to the light at the end of the tunnel..

Hope your parents are doing ok..
Does anyone have a link for Avery's caringbridge site? I'm not sure what happened to my link.



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