Welcome to the YaYa's: YYotC at Castaway Cay Part 2

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TC...Do the overnights calm down any as they get older? My girls and their friends love to run through the house...drives me crazy. I can take loud talking, music...if they are sitting;)

They were quiet. Almost TOO quiet. I have to admit that I went to bed early. Apparently the girls got up at 3AM and raided the refrigerator. They didn't make enough noise to make this creature stir.
Alan it was no big deal. He just had to wait longer than usual to get me to feed him. It was a bottle too which usually causes more gas for him as well.
So why is your house candy free?

LOL John, I am glad you had such considerate girls there at your house. Too bad they didn't offer to share the food with you that they raided :p

Trying out the car seat in a stroller for him to sleep in tonight. If it works, I think we will buy a bouncy seat and put that in the bottom of the pack n play. The car seat is honestly too much for me to work with size wise. And it would be handy for the bathroom since it would be smaller.
Hi, all. Been reading, but not posting. A lot of the same old, same old on the work front. (However, they're catching on that I am an improved Suzanne ;) ) It's pretty funny when I do something and don't toot my own horn and then its noticed that I did-and others don't.

I just got my holidailies post in, so I'm good for another day. Was watching Tin Man, but I worked last night and have to wait until Sunday to see part three. I could watch Richard Dreyfuss read the phone book. :love: Too bad there wasn't more of him in it!

Elaine, both boys had their sleeping quirks. Kevin and I spent most of his earlier days with him sleeping on my chest while I was in the recliner. To this day, if he's not feeling good, he has to come snuggle the same way as when he was a baby. Whatever gets Dominic sleep and comfortable is good. Our parents put us on our tummies. Besides the bassinet, Kevin adored the bouncy seat. Neil, OTOH, preferred sleeping on his back. I should have sent you some simethicone drops.

Tara, gotta go read that trip report. Ethan may have traits? Ugh-at least you know how to address them. (and seeing my nephew last week, it's my side, too). Congrats on the turkeys- what did you end up with score wise?

Sherry and Pembo, bummer that your district doesn't close! Still late to school even though you left really early sounds like they should have closed to me.

Bethie, I'll bet that mall was open for business on time today! ;) So, are you going to pack a 'stay at home' file every day for the rest of the winter? Did you have a nice birthday?

Rosemary, nice brisk mornings! It actually feels like December now! We've got a local family that does up their farm with lights and they have Santa and a train ride. They take donations for the troops. We went last year, but Ed said we need to skip it unless it's cold-it spoiled the illusion of what December should be like!

Amanda, I'll bet they've already got pretty skirts to go with the new tops. Are you getting professional shots done, or just going to get some pictures of two pretty girls next to the tree?

Alan, candy free house? :scared1: I've still got some Halloween candy I can toss your way. Oh, the cherry cordial kisses freeze up really nice if you do decide to smuggle some candy in!

John, if it was quiet, they were preparing you for life as an empty nester! Has the new car seen the snow?

Paula, I've got to plug the phone into the laptop to get you the pictures. Are you going to stay overnight before or after boarding?

Okay, this page doesn't go back far enough. Mad love to everyone else and I'll check back in tomorrow before work...


Suzanne, Junior watched Tin Man. He saved it so me & the boys could watch it. We'll probably watch it this weekend. That Santa and train ride sounds really cool.

Elaine, hope the little guy slept well last night. All 4 of my boys slept on tummies and sides as babies. They did just fine. :)

The Cherry Cordial kisses are my second fave. kiss. :teeth:
Morning all...

Alan...I have tried the candy free house and it doesn't work at my house. You must not be like Todd who has to have chocolate:rolleyes1

Elaine...my girls loved their bouncy seat, especially on vibrate. It calmed their stomaches.

Suzanne...no professional shots. I have been thinking we need to do a family shot soon, professional, but there is just not enough time right now. Hopefully I will get a picture of the girls this weekend to send with our cards.

TC...I am typically a light sleeper. Cassie can just stand by my bedroom door and I know she is there.

It should be a quiet day and evening. I need to finish knitting 2 scarves and making a beaded Christmas tree. I also want to bake cookies for the youth night on Saturday night. I better get busy....
Just ordered tix for Wicked. :banana: We are taking my Mom to see it. It is her Christmas gift. The show isn't til February, though. We'll do dinner (her choice) and a show. She loves going to shows and I think she'll enjoy Wicked. :)

Amanda, all that doesn't sound like a quiet evening to me. :lmao:

I'm a heavy sleeper. The house could fall down around me and I'd keep right on sleeping. :lmao:
Hi y'all! Slept in this morning. Someone is going through the 7 day growth spurt and ate a ton last night ;)

Suzanne, no worries I already have those drops. I probably ought to try them
Glad to hear that work seems to be going well.

Amanda, I'm with Sherry, that doesn't sound too "quiet" to me ;)

Sherry, woo hoo for Wicked! I hope you really enjoy the show!

Mad love to everyone else!
Suzanne, Junior watched Tin Man. He saved it so me & the boys could watch it. We'll probably watch it this weekend.
I meant to record that this week, but I believe it is supposed to repeat starting this weekend. I've heard a few people who said they liked it but haven't gotten details so I 'spose I'll have to see for myself.

Morning all...

Alan...I have tried the candy free house and it doesn't work at my house. You must not be like Todd who has to have chocolate:rolleyes1

It should be a quiet day and evening. I need to finish knitting 2 scarves and making a beaded Christmas tree. I also want to bake cookies for the youth night on Saturday night. I better get busy....
Good luck with your day.

And the "candy free" wasn't as drastic as it sounded; I should have used another term. :) It's more of a matter of Mrs. AA losing some weight, so I was just thinking that it's lousy timing for me to learn about a new must-have snack when I'm trying to be supportive. ;)

But speaking of candy:

Abigial's school is very small and the newsletter mentioned that they were going to enter a float in this year's Christmas parade and were encouraging participation.

I have never attended a Christmas parade in our city and haven't had a real desire to go downtown on a Friday night. But we grudgingly figured we would go if they wanted the kids to march, etc.

Then when talking to the office, Rebecca discovered that they didn't really want that many after all. I was relieved and didn't feel too guilty because we did all go to the zoo last weekend to watch their handbell choir perform.

I was especially glad not to be involved when I heard that the theme was going to be "The Legend of the Candy Cane"

I've always disliked when people create stories to Christianize things in ways they were not intended. The first two holiday examples that come to mind is The Legend of the Candy Cane (created to pay homage to Jesus by choice of colors, shape, etc) and The 12 Days of Christmas (secret code to teach catechisms, etc)

Sure, they can be uplifting little stories, but once they start getting passed around as fact, these fairy tales only make Christians appear silly, in my opinon. I'm okay if you teach the candy cane as a modern parable as long as you say so up front.

So, as I sit in my smugness of not having to be a part of it, we get a call the next day from the principal. It turns out that she wants our family to be the one to represent the school on the float. :eek:

I have two little girls who have never even gone to a parade, much less gotten to ride on a float. I'm not about to take that away from them.

So now the AlabamaAlan family will be riding on the school float. Mrs. AA seated in a secured rocking chair, the girls on the floor, and yours truly - the candy cane grinch, standing over a pot and stirring it, portraying the candymaker himself.

Oh, sweet irony. ;) :teeth:
Alan, you are a better person about it than I would have been about it. I admit there is no way I'd be on that float. I hope everyone has fun though.

Sorry that Rebecca picked the holidays to try to lose some weight. That's a rough time of year ;) My sister and Luis are both in "The Biggest Loser" at their work places and both have to make it through the holidays. I feel for them.

Of course I joke and can say I took the easiest way out when it came to losing weight :p

You should be the ultra supportive husband and diet with her ::yes:: :duck:
Your recent weight loss is a program that she is not anxious to go through, but thanks anyway. :rotfl:

I eat the suppers she fixes and have been skipping my junk food too; does that count? ;)
Hi gang!

Been lurking today. I wanted to post earlier but I've actually had to do work today! That and I've felt the overwhelming urge to clean off my desk, put grades in, file all the papers sitting on my desk, and generally get myself organized!!

Hugs to all and I'll be back tonight after I get all of my lights up on my house!!

Alan...your post made me look up the origination of the candy cane;) I didn't realized they were all white when first created.

Didn't bring my work computer home and they are calling for snow:scared1: Wish I had heard that earlier. Another day working from home would have been nice.

Elaine...needless to say pregnancy was never a weightloss for me:rolleyes1

Mandy's friends stayed later than I expected. Appears the Mom had a business dinner, which she didn't mention to me. Girls are getting to bed later than I like. I think I would already have been asleep.

Have a nice evening everyone!
Amanda, I got lucky with this. I did only gain about 20 pounds and I think not feeling well at the end helped. I told Luis today as a joke we don't need to try this again anytime soon to see if I could lose again. It's nice to fit back into some of my old clothing for sure!

I do hope you won't get much snow though. I think they are calling for about 3" here. Hopefully it wont' get in your way too much.
Hi gang!

Just a quick check in - wanted to give you an update about me.....had a meeting at work today and after many many hours of careful thought and consideration I have requested to start working more days in the office - continuing to manager the offsite staff but making myself more visible to the in-hosue staff - I've also requested to work with the Network Dept. - this is the dept that deals with our vendor network nationwide. My requests and thoughts were met well by my boss and agreed that I shoudl start the transition next month. I will remain set up at home hopefully transitioning to a support position only. I am happy with my decision and the opportunity - I had always said that when and if the time came for me to no longer work nights and weekends that I would explore opportunities in the office - I'm glad that I took my time thinking about this - going into it with a positive mind set - and should it not be a "good fit" at the very least I will have gained office experience. I'm not so sure that Jeffrey is 100% with my decision - he is of the "grass is always greener" mindset and would rather see me out of there - time will tell - in the meantime at least I'll be abck to 40 horus.

quick ketchup.......

Elaine - I cannot believe that Dom is 7 days old already!! I'm all for finding the sleep pattern that fits for you.
Sherry - woohoo on Wicket tickets - I hope you enjoy it - I loved it.
Suzanne - I don't think we'll be staying over - I will keep you posted....
Alan....or should I call you Candy Man....?.....great now that song is gonna be stuck in my head....

To all of you having or expecting snow.....be safe....

Hi to Amanda, Todd, Kimmar, Rosemary, Beth, Kristy, Pam......and all!!
Elaine, the pictures of Dominic are wonderful.

John I am glad that the party was successful and you made it through the night. Sue was a live saver for Sarah.

We didn't get all the snow that some of you in northern and central Ohio got but it looks like we will get some tonight.

Pam, did you find that recipe for baby food roadkill yet?

Sherry I am seeing Wicked in January. I can't wait. I bet you and your mom will love the show.

Alan, your parade sounds great.

Love to all of you that I haven't mentioned by name...sorry, but it is late and I am tired.

The snow they predicted never came. Woot! :banana:

Will have to do a ketchup later....I'm running behind this morning and need to get the boy's moving.
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