Game of Thrones - Season 8 - NO SPOILERS PLEASE

I saw Ghost at the beginning too & wondered the same thing - "WHY is he out there!?!"

I hope he made it though.

And, yes, I saw Sam too & when Jon made the decision to keep going, but I'm hoping he found a way out. And I saw the girl being dragged in the crypt but didn't realize it was Gilly.
Wait, that was Gilly? Oh man, I thought it was a blonde girl. I have to watch again. How could they kill Gilly and not give her a proper send off? :(

Well snap. :mad: Godspeed little Lady Giantslayer. :littleangel: Coolest. tv. kid. EVER.

I know... I was really rather surprised they killed her off - even if she got a heroic death. I was thinking there'd be more for her.

I have forgotten all the Melissandre myth & lore, so her death felt sudden to me as well.

And, also, Bran & the Night King's face-off seemed anti-climatic - I thought there would have been more between them.

I don’t know. I’ve watched it twice now. It was good. But it wasn’t edge of my seat great like I thought. I didn’t feel emotionally drained at the end of it like some of the episodes. I guess I was expecting more, but I don’t really know what that more could be.

Maybe I just missed Cersei last night. They should have shown her lying in bed eating bon bons with a smirk on her face as everyone went into battle. :P
I love the music too
Was trying to figure out what was Bran doing when he went into his other world.he was not "saving"helping" anyone........I am confused. Why are they protecting him? What is his purpose?
I need to watch from the beginning - Season 1. I watched all 7 episodes within 2 - 2/12 weeks.........

I also thought it was Gilly being dragged in the crypt........that was intentional to make us think that with a good look alike and short scene.
Was trying to figure out what was Bran doing when he went into his other world.he was not "saving"helping" anyone........I am confused. Why are they protecting him? What is his purpose?

I'll try to answer this question about Bran. He has probably the greatest power set of anyone on the show. Here are several examples of things he can do/things he has done:

1) He is an all seeing green seer, which means he can see the past, present, and future.
2) He knows the truth about where Jon Snow came from and was instrumental in the reveal.
3) He has a lot of knowledge which allows him to persuade potential allies to unite in battle.
4) Heir to Winterfell
5) He knew Cersei wouldn't help Jon Snow

Bran has been my pick to sit on the Iron Throne for some time now.
I'll try to answer this question about Bran. He has probably the greatest power set of anyone on the show. Here are several examples of things he can do/things he has done:

1) He is an all seeing green seer, which means he can see the past, present, and future.
2) He knows the truth about where Jon Snow came from and was instrumental in the reveal.
3) He has a lot of knowledge which allows him to persuade potential allies to unite in battle.
4) Heir to Winterfell
5) He knew Cersei wouldn't help Jon Snow

Bran has been my pick to sit on the Iron Throne for some time now.

Yes Thank you. :) - I know they also set him up out there so the night king could come after him and they in turn could kill him - was there another reason? or was it for us to guess what he was seeing when he rolled his eyes back. I think he will be the one to help out in the end like Ayria Stark helped out in last night's scene. (Not sure if I made any sense lol). Everyone is great here, I can barely remember half the characters names :guilty:
if I have learned anything from watching TV/Movies, and especially Bond films.... you dont take time to bask in your enemy's weakness when you have them captured, kill them and THEN bask in the glory of the moment...

Also, just leave the spooky house and don't go in the cellar/attic..

And don't forget Austin Powers movies!
He was basking in his glory. Oops.
Oberyn Martell approves this message...
Wow... for last night...

When Arya and the red woman were talking, and she told Ayra, brown eyes, green eyes ... then said blue eyes... and Ayra takes off... I was like she the one... she's gonna kill the Night King... OMG she going to be the kill him....Go Arya Go!!!! to be honest I thought for a minute we might loose her... one of the best scene of the night for me is when she When she was fighting on the battlement... my DH was like she is a bad-____!

I am really disappointed that Rhaegal did not make it... I was hoping for Jon to ride the dragon named for his father at least one more time... I do think that at some point he will ride Drogon... at least I'm hoping he will... Correction here I thought that Rhaegal did not make it... and I started reading stuff after I posted this... so I watched it again, and I realized that when the Night King started bring the dead back, if Rhaegal had fallen, that he would have been raised during this... then I looked at the trailer, and you can see both Drogon and Rhaegal with the ships... So Yay... really double Yay...

Jorah death was bitter sweet... he gave it everything... to protect her, she even was fighting along side him, it was such a great scene... it was the perfect death, he fulfilled his pledge, and died with such honor defending his queen... RIP Jorah of House Mormount...

Lyanna Mormount got a hero's death, as well... she fought as bravely as any of the knights fighting...

Theon - he completely redeemed himself... he fought until the end, even talking on the night king... When Bran was telling him he was a good man, and this was his home... It was another bitter sweet moment... redemption was what he was looking for, and he got a honorable death... Another great moment last night....

Sansa and Tyrion... when they were in the crypt, that moment when they were hiding together and he takes her hand... I think that they might or could end up together... not love but mutual respect doing the right thing to bond the kingdoms together... love for family and duty....

Jamie and Breinne - something is definitely going to happen between them.... Please Please Please.... they both made it through...Come on... give them a moment...

Grey Worm and Missandi - I was surprised that he made it through... then I thought about it... he has to command the army when they take Kings Landing...

Jon and Dany... Its going to be interesting... I think that he will tell her that she is still his Queen, and he never has wanted to rule.. I also think that she might find out that she is pregnant or start having some signs that she is... which Jon will want to get married... so we might get a wedding....and a baby...

At some point I think the fact of who Jon really is... will come out... and Dany is gonna loose it and go the route of the mad king...

Arya and Gendry.... I think that when Jon finds out, he will not be to happy about it... There's so many ways that this could play out... - They might be who ends up on the iron throne...

Bran is going to help them figure out how to beat Cersi, and give proof to who Jon really is, maybe Howland Reed will come forward and tell what he knows...

I think that next week ( Episode 4) we will see more planning, and more in kings landing... It will be several months after the battle... and they will be planning the sacking of King Landing...

Yara will have taken back the Iron Islands, and been busy building ships for Dany... She is going to want revenge against Cersi and Euron... so we can pretty much see her...

All the other Lords will have gotten behind Dany, and they will be training...

Ayra might be the one to kill Cersi... using some else face..

Harry Strickland might come into play, the fact that the army is built with nobles son that had nothing to inherit, now they could come home... Varys or Tyrion might be able to sway them... another thought... Harry Strickland might take a Fancy to the "Lady of Winterfell"... you know love can make you do strange things... he could kidnap her or something along those lines... a thought that the second sons might play a part and fight for Dany and Jon...

As well the iron bank might call in the debt... so that could play out... with Varys or Tyrion helping that scenario along...

Bronn.... wild card.... he can go either way...

Episode 5 - will be the battle for Kings Landing...

Episode 6 - will be the out come of the battles, and we will get to see hopefully how everything played out... Sam telling the story of Fire and Ice...

Looking forward to next Sunday night...
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I cannot immediately recall the history of whether Ned Stark's body was returned to winterfell, but could it be that Sean Bean died again last night (even though we didn't see it)? lol


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