Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

Just did 6 miles in 55:56, a 9:19 pace, my best yet for any distance I think.It is pushing 60 out there right now- I ran in SHORTS! Yahoooo it is coming!

Time for weights- wish I could bring the bench outside!

Awesome job Linda!! I wish I could have gotten out today, but alas, I have to work. We are expecting rain this whole weekend, so I don't know that I will get out then either.
Should have gone spinning today but we had a bit of a rough night last night.My DD 18 had a friend die from a stab wound last night.Evidently the kids were at a party of high school kids and a fight broke out and this kid tried to break it up.He was slashed in the neck and shortly after midnight passed away.

These are good kids, great school and families- why do they need to have a knife on them? I just don't get it.Of course she is so upset.She was awake all night.I feel for her.

These are not the kids you would expect this from.I pray for their families.

Ran today on the TM and did weights but that is about it.Wt the same.

Sorry to be a bummer.My DD went to work, I hope she's doing OK- can't call,

Have a good one all

Sorry to hear about your daughter's friend.
Thanks for your comments on my training plan! You motivated me to get out and run today.
Sorry to hear about your daughter's friend.
Thank you for your comments in my journal! You motivated me to get out and run today.

Sorry for the duplicate. It didn't post the first time, then suddenly it was there.
Linda- sorry to hear about your daughters friend. Sending hugs and prayers your way for her and the families of those involved.

Weather should be great this coming week to get out and run. We did 5 today, overcast and raining, but better than 12 degrees and snowing!
Thank you Veronica and Michelle,
Of course as time goes on the story has changed- seems they weren't at a house but a under 18 bar in the low life city nearby frequented by some shady charactors.These kids do not look at potential consequences just the immediate fun.

Well the shady char. is still on the loose.This is one more instance were life has proven our point to our DD about a situation.Kids just don't learn though.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers,

Well they caught the loser who killed my DD friend- gang member of course- 20 yrs old and a massive rap sheet.

These poor parents- it has been a rough week here I can't imagine what they are going through.

Weight 14 lbs down probably because of the week around here.

Glad they caught the guy-hopefully justice will be fully served.

Great job on the weight loss!
Did 3.1 miles in 29:18, a 9:27 pace.I was in my new sneakers and I have to say they are supposed to be from the same line- Ride 2 vs.the Ride I had last year and I just don't feel the same about them- :(

Oh my goodness, Linda!:eek: I'm so sorry to hear about your DD's friend. :sad1: How is your DD doing? Our thoughts and prayers go out to her friend's family and friends.:grouphug:

Great job on your workouts!:cheer2: I hope the new sneakers work out for you. :goodvibes
Still plugging along here.Ran 6 miles today in 58:04, a 9:40 pace- I blame it on the music I had on. Listened to the radio on my ipod at first and the songs were way too slow- switched it to playlist and boy could I feel a difference.

Then after that did another 6 miles out on my bike- it feels great to be out there- unfortunately this is the calm before the storm- lousy tomorrow maybe SNOW, say it isn't so!

DD doing better thanks everyone.2 teenage deaths in 16 months just should not happen.Prayers for their families.

Have a good one everyone,


I hope your DD is doing OK for now; it will hit her again later and again. The end of my freshman year in high school we lost 6 students on graduation night--five in the same stupid drunk driving accident and one who drank an entire bottle of whiskey and curled up in a ball and fell asleep dying from alcohol poisoning. We lost two students two years ago from partying incidents; despite convictions of the people responsible for given the girls the drugs and alcohol, the pain is still very real and impacts teachers and students. The rash of cop killings in our area hasn't helped of our students lost her father when four were shot in a coffee shop. All I can say that when she wants to talk, encourage her to do so. If she and friends want to start an organization or a drive to put on a safe after prom or graduation party for others, do what you can to support her in it. The kids who are empowered to take some kind of action seem to deal best with the bad situation. While prayers, I believe, do help in the short term, I've always been a bigger believer that the good Lord helps those who take action helping themselves and others. In the long run, knowing you are doing something to make a change is the best way to heal.

Still, I'm proud of you for managing the stress and still taking off the weight! You're very inspiring. I sure wish I could manage my life and build in that time to exercise like you do...I'm trying--I know if you can do it, I should be able to also. So, please, keep up the fantastic work.

Did the elliptical this am x 30 then ran on the treadmill x 30 then did weights.What a sweat fest- it was great- no bloat here! HA!HA!

Wt at 159.6 this am.Holding about 160 pretty much- need to change things up a bit.Need to get outside and ride the bike too but we are in a flooding situation these days, where's the sun- oh ya 72 on Thursday!!!!

Happy Easter everyone! Wow this weather is awesome!

6 miles yesterday in 55:15, a 9:12 pace. After that did about 6 hrs yard work and we only finished the back yard.Not so sore today so going spinning this am.

Happy Easter, to you and your family Linda!

I'm so glad the weather cooperated for a good run! and the yard work--there is no exercise plan to avoid the yard work soreness...only more yard work will get you in shape for it, I'm afraid.

You are doing so well on your weight too--don't let the bunny's basket derail you.

Thanks Laurie!

Ran 6 miles today in 59:00 ouch! I have to say I was very dehydrated and it was very warm- not complaining.Pace was 9:50.

Then went out on my bike for 6.28 miles.Had 2 full h2o bottles when I got home .Felt much better.

Enjoy the day!



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