Nemesis Challenge:It's OK to Finish Next-To-Last, As Long As I Beat HIM/ Its Here!!!!

I feel like I'm in here just talking to myself. I actually did 10.6 miles last friday on the treadmill. The first 3 were very hard but it got much easier. Haven't run since then, but I'll run after work today for about 45 minutes.

Just checked the weather for race weekend. The 10-day forecast doesn't quite get to the 12th yet, but it looks like we'll have overnight lows in the low to mid-50's. I think that's a little warmer than ideal. Last year we started in the upper 40's and it was perfect.
When you're done with the race, the beer will still be cold, ether way. :drinking1
This is the nicest comment you've made on this thread. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Well that just sucks. I know you want to run the whole thing, but seriously- there's no shame in taking walk breaks. Maybe run through the castle, do the photo with the whole gang, then run/walk to the finish?:confused3
As much as I don't want to walk I can't see any way around it. Now I hope I can make the 6 miles running to the castle. :rolleyes2

Well the weather is not cooperating. High of about 46 and I don't feel like running outside in the cold with a cold. I'll do the treadmill for as long as I can but I just realized I forgot to bring my Clif Shots.
High of 46? That is perfect running weather here. I was running with 25-35 temps in the morning and it wasn't too bad. I wish I could go for a run right now.

Well the holiday season has taken it's toll on me and I've come down with a nasty cold/sinus thing that has knocked me on my butt. Really hoping I can get this all cleared up by next week as this thing started on Friday. I'd really like to be able to get a couple more runs in before the race.:(:furious:
Can I say that I'm happy your sick without getting harassed?

Hopefully none of you guys got runs in over the holiday... might give me a fighting chance of staying with you till MK.

I feel like I'm in here just talking to myself. I actually did 10.6 miles last friday on the treadmill. The first 3 were very hard but it got much easier. Haven't run since then, but I'll run after work today for about 45 minutes.

Sweet! Take a few more days off... :smokin:

Just checked the weather for race weekend. The 10-day forecast doesn't quite get to the 12th yet, but it looks like we'll have overnight lows in the low to mid-50's. I think that's a little warmer than ideal. Last year we started in the upper 40's and it was perfect.
I was hoping for 50 but I guess it is going to be a little warmer than that. Guess I'll have to try to finish before it heats up. popcorn::
Will anybody be doing a play by play of the big race for those of us who can't be there?

I'm working on seeing if Jadaveon Clowney is available to meet Barry that morning, and I want a live report... :rolleyes1
Will anybody be doing a play by play of the big race for those of us who can't be there?
PM me your cell phone # and I think I can add you to receive updates from the race... but you'd have to give it to Barry to see what he is doing. And I'm not sure you'd want to do that.

(also I would suggest putting your phone on vibrate or silent on Friday night) ;)

I'm working on seeing if Jadaveon Clowney is available to meet Barry that morning, and I want a live report... :rolleyes1
I was watching the game when he made that hit. That was the nastiest play I think I ever saw live. I said 'Holy S***' in front of the wife and kids and had to apologize. :scared1:
Can I say that I'm happy your sick without getting harassed?

Hopefully none of you guys got runs in over the holiday... might give me a fighting chance of staying with you till MK.

Ouch! That stings. You having a broken ankle is the only way I've got a chance to beat you. Plus, I'm not really in this to beat anyone. It's a stretch for me to average 11:30 miles. More than likely I'll be at 12 per mile. If this congestion doesn't clear up it could be much worse. I'll try not to launch too many loogies in your path. :lmao:
And I should add that I was looking at my Runkeeper ap last night and it's looking pretty ugly. I did 13.2 miles on 12/8 and have only done one 6 miler since then and a handful of 2 to 3.5 milers. These holidays were just really tough to fit in much time out on the road.
Ouch! That stings. You having a broken ankle is the only way I've got a chance to beat you. Plus, I'm not really in this to beat anyone. It's a stretch for me to average 11:30 miles. More than likely I'll be at 12 per mile. If this congestion doesn't clear up it could be much worse. I'll try not to launch too many loogies in your path. :lmao:
Sorry. :flower3:

There is 1 person I need to beat, but I know it aint gonna happen. I hope adrenaline, biofreeze, and Tylenol will at least get me to the castle. :rotfl:

And I should add that I was looking at my Runkeeper ap last night and it's looking pretty ugly. I did 13.2 miles on 12/8 and have only done one 6 miler since then and a handful of 2 to 3.5 milers. These holidays were just really tough to fit in much time out on the road.
You have 10 days. Fit in 3 runs, you'll be fine. :thumbsup2
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. As of today we are 16 days away from the 1/2. I cringe while I type this. If you haven't been following on Facebook, here is my problem. I went running last Wednesday and my legs hurt for the entire run. I broke down and called for an appointment. I begged, pleaded, told them that I knew Barry, and some how they fit me in on Friday.

X-rays were negative. I have what amounts to deep bone bruises that with continued impact will most likely turn into fractures. I have been advised to stop running for 8 weeks to give time for my legs to heal on their own. Only problem- the 1/2 marathon is in 2 weeks. I told him that I am running the 1/2 regardless.... He smiled at me and said he cannot guarantee that if I run I won't fracture it and have it be so painful that I cannot finish. He suggested in order to keep up my cardio training by riding a stationary bike, swimming, or possibly an elliptical, as long as it isn't painful. He also suggested having me take vitamin D and calcium daily to help with bone rejuvenation. I am going to follow his recommendation and not run, ride the bike to keep my cardio up, and rest.

I went to the gym yesterday and rode the bike for 45 minutes. (11 miles) I barely broke a sweat and feel like my breathing never really elevated. I did raise the resistance to 8 and did intervals. My legs didn't hurt and I did some stretching afterward. My legs are a little sore today. I guess I should just lay low and test it out in a week or so. I wish the 1/2 was a few months away but it is in 2 weeks.

I have no idea how my body is going to react if I don't run for a few weeks then try to run 13 miles- a distance I haven't run before. But I will be standing there at the starting line on the 12 waiting for the start.

Way to stick it out Tim. Finishing this this one gives you a nice goal time to beat on your next race!

It's 90 percent mental anyway! :thumbsup2

10% training?:rolleyes2
No, the other half is physical.

When you're done with the race, the beer will still be cold, ether way. :drinking1
That's the TEAM BARRY spirit! It's not whether you win or lose. It's how drunk you get. :thumbsup2
I feel like I'm in here just talking to myself. I actually did 10.6 miles last friday on the treadmill. The first 3 were very hard but it got much easier. Haven't run since then, but I'll run after work today for about 45 minutes.
The holidays right at the peak of training really throws off a lot of things, including DIS time. 10.6 on a treadmill - that's impressive! I did 6 a few nights ago and was starting to go stir crazy.
Just checked the weather for race weekend. The 10-day forecast doesn't quite get to the 12th yet, but it looks like we'll have overnight lows in the low to mid-50's. I think that's a little warmer than ideal. Last year we started in the upper 40's and it was perfect.
Anything above freezing will feel pretty good at this point. I may have to use the first mile to reteach myself how to run in just a tshirt and shorts.

Hopefully none of you guys got runs in over the holiday... might give me a fighting chance of staying with you till MK.
I ate something a bit funny, but never got the runs. Oh, wait, that's not what you were talking about were you?

Will anybody be doing a play by play of the big race for those of us who can't be there?
I'll probably have some posts/pictures up on Facebook. Toying around with some other ideas. I'll post notification here if I get anything to work.
I'm working on seeing if Jadaveon Clowney is available to meet Barry that morning, and I want a live report... :rolleyes1
Pssssssht. That's nothing. I trained under the extensive tutelage of Terry Tate, Office Linebacker. Bring on the Clowned. (I didn't see the game, but googled it after I read your post. My reaction was quite similar to Tim's. Holy S***!)
PM me your cell phone # and I think I can add you to receive updates from the race... but you'd have to give it to Barry to see what he is doing. And I'm not sure you'd want to do that.

(also I would suggest putting your phone on vibrate or silent on Friday night) ;)
What Tim is talking about is runner tracking. You can actually sign up for it yourself online and it will send you either txt, email for Facebook notifications of our 5k split times throughout the race. Or you can PM me your cell number and I'll text you every time I take a stride with my left foot.:)

Ouch! That stings. You having a broken ankle is the only way I've got a chance to beat you. Plus, I'm not really in this to beat anyone. It's a stretch for me to average 11:30 miles. More than likely I'll be at 12 per mile. If this congestion doesn't clear up it could be much worse. I'll try not to launch too many loogies in your path. :lmao:

And I should add that I was looking at my Runkeeper ap last night and it's looking pretty ugly. I did 13.2 miles on 12/8 and have only done one 6 miler since then and a handful of 2 to 3.5 milers. These holidays were just really tough to fit in much time out on the road.
I've been in pretty much the same boat. I haven't gotten in a really long run since the first weekend of December. I'm going to try for 7 or 8 this weekend, but we'll have to see how things go.

There is 1 person I need to beat, but I know it aint gonna happen. I hope adrenaline, biofreeze, and Tylenol will at least get me to the castle. :rotfl:
Yourself? That's what I keep telling the kids as we train for their Kid's Races. I'd hate to see them start out at the back of the pack only to get discouraged. I keep stressing it's called a "race" because you're racing against the clock and yourself, not any of the other runners. By competing and doing your best you're already a winner.

Take whatever wisdom you want from that.

I would if I could breathe. Just hoping to get one in at this point.
You should get some Breathe Right strips. They don't actually do anything, but you'll look cool by wearing them. And some eye black. Eye black is cool too.
PM me your cell phone # and I think I can add you to receive updates from the race... but you'd have to give it to Barry to see what he is doing. And I'm not sure you'd want to do that.

(also I would suggest putting your phone on vibrate or silent on Friday night) ;)

I was watching the game when he made that hit. That was the nastiest play I think I ever saw live. I said 'Holy S***' in front of the wife and kids and had to apologize. :scared1:
I didn't think that through. Maybe I don't want live updates at that time of morning. :eek: I'll just follow along some other way.

I'll probably have some posts/pictures up on Facebook. Toying around with some other ideas. I'll post notification here if I get anything to work.
And that looks like a good way to find out how things went. :thumbsup2

Pssssssht. That's nothing. I trained under the extensive tutelage of Terry Tate, Office Linebacker. Bring on the Clowned. (I didn't see the game, but googled it after I read your post. My reaction was quite similar to Tim's. Holy S***!)
I think that will be one of those highlight film hits that we'll be seeing for quite a while.
Well, I got something accomplished today that I feared I may have procrastinated too long on. I've been trying to raise some money for 2 charities that are close to my heart to coincide with running the half. I had been planning on customizing a shirt to wear during the run and just realized yesterday that I totally forgot about it. I contacted my local t-shirt shop yesterday to see what they could do for me on short notice. Thankfully they will be printing up a tech shirt for me.

That's good news because every time I look at the forecast, the projected high temp goes up. Accuweather is showing a high of 82 now!

Not sure about the rules here on the DIS so if you're interested in learning about my causes either PM me or I will also be posting a link on the DisDad section on Facebook.
I would if I could breathe. Just hoping to get one in at this point.
That bad huh? :eek:

Way to stick it out Tim. Finishing this this one gives you a nice goal time to beat on your next race!
The next one? I thought this was the grand finale?

That's the TEAM BARRY spirit! It's not whether you win or lose. It's how drunk you get. :thumbsup2
That's one part of Team Barry I can get behind.

Anything above freezing will feel pretty good at this point. I may have to use the first mile to reteach myself how to run in just a tshirt and shorts.

I ate something a bit funny, but never got the runs. Oh, wait, that's not what you were talking about were you?

What Tim is talking about is runner tracking. You can actually sign up for it yourself online and it will send you either txt, email for Facebook notifications of our 5k split times throughout the race. Or you can PM me your cell number and I'll text you every time I take a stride with my left foot.:)
When can we sign up for that? I was on the site last night and it still isn't up. :confused3

I've been in pretty much the same boat. I haven't gotten in a really long run since the first weekend of December. I'm going to try for 7 or 8 this weekend, but we'll have to see how things go.
I'm sure you'll be busy. You should skip it. :3dglasses

Yourself? That's what I keep telling the kids as we train for their Kid's Races. I'd hate to see them start out at the back of the pack only to get discouraged. I keep stressing it's called a "race" because you're racing against the clock and yourself, not any of the other runners. By competing and doing your best you're already a winner.

Take whatever wisdom you want from that.
Ummm.... I still want to run the while thing while finishing before you.

You should get some Breathe Right strips. They don't actually do anything, but you'll look cool by wearing them. And some eye black. Eye black is cool too.
:rotfl2::rotfl2: :rotfl2::rotfl2:
I didn't think that through. Maybe I don't want live updates at that time of morning. :eek: I'll just follow along some other way.
I guess you could always wait for the TR. :confused3 :lmao::lmao:

Well, I got something accomplished today that I feared I may have procrastinated too long on. I've been trying to raise some money for 2 charities that are close to my heart to coincide with running the half. I had been planning on customizing a shirt to wear during the run and just realized yesterday that I totally forgot about it. I contacted my local t-shirt shop yesterday to see what they could do for me on short notice. Thankfully they will be printing up a tech shirt for me.

That's good news because every time I look at the forecast, the projected high temp goes up. Accuweather is showing a high of 82 now!

Not sure about the rules here on the DIS so if you're interested in learning about my causes either PM me or I will also be posting a link on the DisDad section on Facebook.
You ever hear about our shirt debacle? Well it still isn't over yet.

Barry and I were going to do come kind of fundraising for GKTW during our training but it never happened. I guess we just lost track of time. :rolleyes1
I've meet both of you and have seen your training strategies

Barry trains by running to a Meet & greet carrying a baby and gear, making it through a crowd

Tim trians by running through the entire Star Tours Que making hairpin turns in tight quarters

Who's strategy will pay off, only time will tell:confused3
I've meet both of you and have seen your training strategies

Barry trains by running to a Meet & greet carrying a baby and gear, making it through a crowd

Tim trians by running through the entire Star Tours Que making hairpin turns in tight quarters

Who's strategy will pay off, only time will tell:confused3
:rotfl2::rotfl2: :rotfl2::rotfl2:

We will see if trying to fit in one more ride before park closing will pay off. :rotfl::rotfl:
That's the TEAM BARRY spirit! It's not whether you win or lose. It's how drunk you get. :thumbsup2

That's one part of Team Barry I can get behind.

I guess you could always wait for the TR. :confused3 :lmao::lmao:
I'd like to know how the 2013 half went before the 2014 half takes place. :rolleyes1

You ever hear about our shirt debacle? Well it still isn't over yet.
All I know about the shirts is that Barry ordered shirts from a place about 10 minutes from you and Crash is less than impressed with the "Team Crash" shirt. Shirt drama would be a good topic for a PTR...
Well, I got something accomplished today that I feared I may have procrastinated too long on. I've been trying to raise some money for 2 charities that are close to my heart to coincide with running the half. I had been planning on customizing a shirt to wear during the run and just realized yesterday that I totally forgot about it. I contacted my local t-shirt shop yesterday to see what they could do for me on short notice. Thankfully they will be printing up a tech shirt for me.

That's good news because every time I look at the forecast, the projected high temp goes up. Accuweather is showing a high of 82 now!

Not sure about the rules here on the DIS so if you're interested in learning about my causes either PM me or I will also be posting a link on the DisDad section on Facebook.
Its hard to trust a forecast any longer that about 5 days out, but 82 is certainly getting up there. Luckily, lows are still in the 50s and 60s so hopefully race time won't be too bad.

The next one? I thought this was the grand finale?
You're the one that keeps saying we need to do the Tower of Terror 10 miler...

When can we sign up for that? I was on the site last night and it still isn't up. :confused3
No idea. Hopefully soon.

I've meet both of you and have seen your training strategies

Barry trains by running to a Meet & greet carrying a baby and gear, making it through a crowd

Tim trians by running through the entire Star Tours Que making hairpin turns in tight quarters

Who's strategy will pay off, only time will tell:confused3
Carrying a baby is similar to tying a tire or parachute to you when you run. It increases drag and weight, making you faster. :thumbsup2

All I know about the shirts is that Barry ordered shirts from a place about 10 minutes from you and Crash is less than impressed with the "Team Crash" shirt. Shirt drama would be a good topic for a PTR...
I originally ordered shirts for Tim and I. Then I submitted an order for CJ. Got an email that CJ's order was rejected because I used copyrighted images on it. So I redesigned CJ's shirts without the Disney copyrights. While I was at it, I changed the map to the full marathon course for Crash and put a 20th Anniversary logo on it. His shirts were delivered fine. Our shirts arrived and had the same full marathon logo. I contacted the company and they apologized and said they would print new ones for us with new artwork that I designed that had the half marathon course and no copyrighted images. Those "new" shirts arrived yesterday....with the same exact full marathon artwork that the first set of shirts had. I contacted them yesterday to let them know they screwed up again. I'll be following up with a phone call today to make sure they're working on the right shirts and we get them in time.
So I guess the name of the TR would be "Same Shirt, Different Day."
I'd like to know how the 2013 half went before the 2014 half takes place. :rolleyes1
I know I'm slow but I'm not DON slow! :lmao::lmao:

Its hard to trust a forecast any longer that about 5 days out, but 82 is certainly getting up there. Luckily, lows are still in the 50s and 60s so hopefully race time won't be too bad.
Weather temps are trending up... Orlando TV stations are saying low 80's for highs with lows around 60. That is going to make for some hot running. We will be sweating profusely. I'm sure we will be smelling ripe by the end. :lmao::lmao:

You're the one that keeps saying we need to do the Tower of Terror 10 miler...
And you are the one that keep ignoring me. :rolleyes1

I originally ordered shirts for Tim and I. Then I submitted an order for CJ. Got an email that CJ's order was rejected because I used copyrighted images on it. So I redesigned CJ's shirts without the Disney copyrights. While I was at it, I changed the map to the full marathon course for Crash and put a 20th Anniversary logo on it. His shirts were delivered fine. Our shirts arrived and had the same full marathon logo. I contacted the company and they apologized and said they would print new ones for us with new artwork that I designed that had the half marathon course and no copyrighted images. Those "new" shirts arrived yesterday....with the same exact full marathon artwork that the first set of shirts had. I contacted them yesterday to let them know they screwed up again. I'll be following up with a phone call today to make sure they're working on the right shirts and we get them in time.

It is 11 am here. feel free to make that call. popcorn::

So I guess the name of the TR would be "Same Shirt, Different Day."
That's good. I like it!

I hope the TR title can be 'Team Tim finishes in 2 hours flat and whips Team Barry's butt!' pirate:


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