The Bachelorette

Okaaaay, I watched the Hometown episode On demand last night. Bryan's mother is "boiling bunny" crazy. :scared: :duck:And when she said that Rachel needs to understand that if she marries Bryan, she is also marrying the family and if she hurts Bryan, then she will kill her, I felt like I was watching a female version of The Godfather. :duck:

Bryan's mother must have ripped out and thrown away the bible verse that says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”

Dean shouldn't have dragged his father that he hasn't seen or talked to in a couple years, and that the rest of the family hasn't been in contact with for 8 years, on the show. Dean lives in Venice, CA, which is part of the Los Angeles area, So I have to wonder if he isn't an actor, on the show hoping to be spotted for his big break. But, dragging a father out on national TV that one does not get along with or even seen in years, is selling one's soul. :sad2: I kind of lost respect for him. :sad2:
Yes... agreed!!!! I really felt for that situation with Dean and his father.
But, I wonder if Dean, in some misguided way, thought that this would be an opportunity for the two of them.
Ummmm.... NOT!!!

Dean's dad is who he is... Dean needs to process, accept, and move forward!
I'm way behind-haven't seen the fantasy suites yet. Just finished watching the hometown dates. I felt so bad for Dean. To have his family situation, and his and his father's discomfort. It almost made me wish Rachel had let him go earlier just so he wouldn't have to deal with the drama on-air.
OMG, and when Brian's Mother said she'd kill Rachel if she breaks up with Brian, and Rachel actually laughed!!! Doesn't that girl know that that actually has happened? You'd think as a lawyer she might know. We had a case here on the Mexican Border about 25 years ago where a nice teenaged boy broke up with a girl, typical teenage stuff. But the mother flipped out, prayed to some Mexican god, hired a gunman to kill the boy. But come to think of it, Rachel wasn't born yet, so maybe she doesn't know it really can happen here in Texas.
dragging a father out on national TV that one does not get along with or even seen in years, is selling one's soul.

I agree with you. It's clear Dean has no relationship with his father which is fine. So what's the point of Rachel meeting them then, if they are a small or non-existent part of his life? I seem to recall other hometown dates where there were estranged parents and they weren't put on the show. I'm sure the show pushed for it since it created some publicity with his father being "eccentric", as Dean put it. But in reality, I don't really think it was necessary for Rachel to meet them if they are not a regular part of Dean's life. I'm surprised the father even agreed to it, seeing his lifestyle and ways of thinking.
Ohhhhh, am sure the producers were just pushing and encourageing and trying to dupe Dean into doing this with his 'eccentric' father.
They are all about the generated drama and ratings.

I am not sure if Dean had somehow convinced himself that this might actually be an opportunity to amend things with his father, or not.
I am not assuming he is one of the ones who is ready to sell their sould.
Either way... :sad2:

Dean does need to accept the reality and move forward!!!!
Did I miss something with the Fantasy Suite dates? I never saw her with Bryan. Or is that the "to be continued" part that isn't airing until after the Men Tell All?
To be continued. They also haven't shown the end of Peter's date to know whether there will be a fantasy suite or not.
Yes, I hate that they broke... 'to be continued' with the Fantasy Suite dates!
They ended up re-arranging the usual order of events, to accommodate Rachel's family.
I seem to recall other hometown dates where there were estranged parents and they weren't put on the show.

I'm glad you said this, because I could have sworn that I remembered that too. Wasn't that the case years ago with Meredith and Ian, when she was the Bachelorette? As an aside, was that the same one who didn't choose Matthew, who lived on a farm and gave a VERY detailed account of artificially insemination with their cows or horses?
Here we go. . . the THREE hour finale. They got rid of "After the final Rose." So I wonder if this is going to be a three hour snooze fest till the last few moments. :headache:
Anybody else feel like they were setting Eric up to be the next bachelor? It almost sounded like Rachael almost said it, then recovered and said he'd be perfect for...somebody.
Anybody else feel like they were setting Eric up to be the next bachelor? It almost sounded like Rachael almost said it, then recovered and said he'd be perfect for...somebody.

Yes, I thought that too. He's PERFECT. He's not a player. He doesn't even have that much experience with women. So all this time that ABC hasn't had an African American male as a Bachelor - because they fear giving the impression of a black pimp carousing with a stable of women :rolleyes: would be dispelled. Only Rachel has ever broken his heart. . . yet, it also opened him up for love even more and wanting to find the RIGHT one for Him. :rolleyes1

The only thing is, I still have to wonder if ABC would have 2 African American Bachelor(ette)s back to back. I doubt it. I think they will go back to a Caucasian for next season. Maybe put Eric on the back burner for the season after the next one.
I also have been wondering if Peter's not being able to commit is fiction. That the producers told Peter and his mom to say that and play up that aspect for drama & conflict for Rachel. Peter got chosen to stay over Eric, yet Peter looked sooo tortured & sad. :rolleyes: Dude, give me a break. Do better acting. She chose you over the dude that said he definitely would have gotten down on his knee and proposed. She KEPT you. Yet YOU are sad. :rolleyes:

I think Peter will suddenly "grow up" in the next hour and be magically and suddenly ready to get down & propose by the end of this finale. :groom: :rolleyes1

And if Rachel doesn't really want either guy in the end, picking the one that IS non-committal would be the best choice. Then when they break up in several months, everyone will think it's because of HIM and not her. :thumbsup2
I don't understand her, she wants to get married SO bad, I see her letting Peter go because he only wants to propose once...and given the time I bet he would come around to wanting to marry her...
But why go on a show where the end goal is an engagement if you wont commit
Peter is the only sane one on this show. No one in their right mind would get engaged after spending less than 40 hours (that's the total, BTW) with another human being. He's saying "I want to do this once....and I'm not there YET." She should say "phew...then you are SANE." Bryan is insane, and I predict that won't last.
Oh good lord....she really doesn't want him to be the next Bachelor. "This process isn't for you." LOL. She wants Eric. But, she doesn't get to decide. Sorry Rachel. You don't have that much pull.


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