October Exercise Challenge --FINAL TOTALS ADDED SEE POST#1!

Add 60 minutes for me please. Did an hour on the exercise bike today.

Please update me to 1070/1200. Did 4 miles on treadmill after work.
I'm up to 1710/2000 min! :banana:

I know I haven't been around here much lately but I am out there exercising. It's great to see so many challengers doing so well with their goals!
Hi Cam-

I worked out everyday this week. My new total is 450/550. :cool1:

Thanks for keeping track of all this. :)
Add 100 minutes for me please!

WooHoo! I hit the halfway to my goal mark! :cool1: :cool1:

I got 55 minutes of cardio in today. I've set my thanksgiving workout goal starting today and that's to get in 50 hours. :D If it weren't for yall that wouldn't have been a consideration.

I did 35 mins of tae-bo cardio work out, 10 mins of Paula Abdul Abs, then with my mom 45 mins of Richard Simmons Sweating to the oldies. For a total of 90 mins which brings me to a grand total of 200 mins.
well this is a C R A Z Y week - i have been saying that for a while I know! my to-do list is long and every sunday night i think, this was supposed to be a lighter week and now i have tons going on! anyhow -- i did get 25 mins of toning/yoga in this morning but i need to move on. i hope to get more in later today!

Friday I did 40 minutes of walking, 20 minutes of weights and 25 minutes run/jog on the treadmill. Sunday I did Pilates Sculpt DVD for 55 minutes.

That brings me to 1140/1200! I am going to the gym today and I should reach my goal tonight! :cheer2:
Sorry I was MIA for a while! Hopefully I have everyone's numbers up to date through this post. If I missed you, please post here! Thanks, guys! :Pinkbounc
Ok.... lessee if I averaged 20 minutes each day of the cruise (between walking front to back, and up/down stairs & the airport) I'll say that last week I did 140 minutes total... so my total is now 260/500

Good morning everyone!! This morning's workout completed my minutes for October!!!!!!!!!!! 70 minutes in this morning!

60 min for me at the gym, treadmill/weights

Total 595, almost there! :flower:
I might make it. Right now I'm at 740/840 and I didn't think I'd get this far. Whoohoooo!!!!

Keep up the good work everyone.


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